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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. That’s certainly an opinion based on individual values. Not saying yours is ‘wrong’, but personally I can think of a number of things that in the terms of legacy would be more than ‘just’ below family, but well above reduce govt spending.
  2. Calm down Sparky, not every single thing, or comment, or opinion, is about right vs left, nor do you need to try and make everything to be. It’s simply not good for your soul. My point is very simple, and not at all political, let me try to explain: There is a lot of infidelity, divorce, and suicide in those demographics.
  3. A lot of infidelity, divorce, and suicide in those demographics.
  4. Unfortunately there are a whooooole lot of people that think that way these days.
  5. Tim Milton has an excellent monologue on the Joe Rogan Experience that talks about where we’re headed. And he’s not talking Rep vs Dem, he’s just simply talking about our society. Worth a listen.
  6. He did promise to ‘drain the swamp’….right?
  7. “According to BuzzFeed”
  8. Yes because when Trump guarantees transparency, it’s guaranteed.
  9. I had to stop when you said transparency is guaranteed. This is a Trump move we’re talking about. And don’t even start with TDS nonsense. His track record speaks for itself.
  10. So in this case, we’re just going to trust the government, where normally we would not; we should question everything. But this time, it’s ridiculous to question this governmental move, we should just trust them. and furthermore, it’s really going to be okay because there will be more government checking on them. It makes sense now.
  11. I was referring to the stance of “well if there’s a conflict of interest wont the government officials responsible for that call it out” So in this instance people, who usually are all about questioning everything and not trusting the government, are taking a completely distance stance here. I wonder why?
  12. So I have a serious question. What is the determining factor that switches us from , “question everything never trust the government” to “ well it’s okay…it’s the government. They will handle it appropriately”??
  13. Does extremely heavily influence, rather than ‘control’ change the argument about 1) being heavily conflict of interest and 2) trumps heavy track record of lying and lack of transparency. I’m happy to concede and make that change in language.
  14. There haven’t been any Congress women claiming to have him showed them the videos.
  15. Well, there was an ongoing process, related to just that, that by law automatically ceases once he resigned from congress. But I’m sure if we were talking about Hunter and democrat congressmen…you’d have the exact same feeling
  16. Would republican comgressmen (notice that’s plural) stating how he was showing them video of sex with younger girls and talking about how he would crush ED meds and energy drinks so he could…..last…..be considered credible?
  17. I may be reading incorrectly, as my RINO, TDS, heavily biased brain takes over my eyes……but I don’t see Vak, Wrestlknownothing saying at all there is not too much govt waste spending, or that an office for accountability to clean it up is a bad idea. What I see is them questioning the selections, 1) because there is very much a conflict of interest when a person with billions of dollars in government contracts gets put in charge of controlling government spending. (And I don’t dislike Elon. I listen to him regularly). And 2) Trumps proven track record….very very heavy track record, of lying and lack of transparency. Then I see other people saying, no no no you just want govt spending. And even when they repeat multiple times their issue is not the idea but the people picked to do it, they are met with replies to the effect of “NO—-YOURE SAYING WHAT I SAY YOURE SAYING”. The interesting thing in this is that those very people are very much in favor of questioning everything, particularly what the government is telling us. Maybe that doesn’t count when it’s coming from the nut swing (kinda like you don’t hate the media enough, well, except when….)
  18. Confirmation should be interesting. Senate vote showed there are Republicans not afraid to go against Trumps wishes.
  19. So was it FEMA doing this, or was it a person doing this. I know I know, a person who after being caught says she was as told to and everyone is…blah blah blah. But what we actually know is that it is a person, correct?
  20. No I meant the big fraternity/football guy who can’t follow a conversation.
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