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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Good timing….tonights dinner:
  2. The fact that many many republicans who worked in his administration, are refusing to support him, and voting and in some cases even campaigning for the democrat whom they don’t agree with on policy, has significant value toward the results on Tuesday.
  3. If the nut swinging gets any higher, we’re going to go 360 degrees over the top pole.
  4. I was referring to the post (what I wrote), not the article (what you quoted).
  5. Excellent contribution. Did you even read the post?
  6. Every word my thoughts exactly. Sincerely interested in anyone’s arguments (honest, fact based arguments) over anything he says you disagree with. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bill-maher-message-undecided-voters-035629132.html
  7. Way too many. It takes effort, challenging yourself, and a willingness to intently get uncomfortable.
  8. Everyone on here ignores facts, it’s just a matter of which facts folks want to ignore, and what facts people want to zero in on is if they are the only thing that matter.
  9. What exactly are they using to color his face?
  10. Imagine licking so much of his nuts that you are standing with Russia over the United States. Wow.
  11. I mean, to be fair, you kinda help contribute to the amazement.
  12. How does MAGA feel about the 100 hours of recorded conversations Micheal Wolff has, that are conversations with Jefferey Epstein talking about the inner workings of the Trump White House, and his long, deep personal friendship with Trump?
      • 1
      • Haha
  13. This thread became amazing this evening during trick or treat time.
  14. I kind feel bad for the maga minion, and how they’ve been delusioned by this man to believe life is so terrible here. It really is sad to see good people living their life this way. I see a lot of similarities with the MAGA minions and the stages of addiction. There’s still some denial going on but it’s becoming less and less, and moving more into the stage of reasoning and justifying. I can’t wait to see how things go when the fever fully breaks.
  15. The current situation at the gas pump. I just filled up at 2.94.
  16. Scourge coming in heavy and with some fire. Kudos, well said.
  17. Woops. Scratch ‘omitting’, enter ‘to sitting’. That damn 15 minutes.
  18. We’ve reached the point of licking Trumps balls so much, that we’re willing to lower the cognitive standard for president of the United States….omitting in a chair talking to Joe Rogan. Oh my.
  19. I’ve seen plenty of it, just kinda sitting tight waiting on another lecture about hypocrisy. You know, all that stuff about how we should call it out no matter which side, ‘you don’t hate the media enough’……all that good fun stuff.
  20. What is the "tolerant" right calling people who support Harris?
  21. They sure are setting up the “RIGGED”. “STOLEN ELECTION” again. And of course the minions are slobbering….again.
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