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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. We’ve gone from a court of law, to geometry class….and now language arts. Come on yall, let’s see those MLA skills!!
  2. I’m still trying to figure out how I became retired.
  3. Just because he didn’t do what you were told to want him to do, doesn’t mean he was wrong in what he did. “81 million votes my ass”. Truly explains the butthurt.
  4. Bush and Biden names were on those tickets. (VP)
  5. The top ticket on the ballot will not have the name Bush, Clinton, or Biden.
  6. More mental gymnastics. I never said anything about disrespecting me. I’m inferring that saying someone is lying because you disagree with them Is disrespectful. And yes, I have zero tolerance for lying. I have a little more, but not much, for people who like to claim “lying” as a self defense mechanism. Had to cover that point. Have a good day.
  7. I’ve developed this theory that this was not an event planned by anyone other than Crooks. However….local law enforcement first caught wind of crooks and reported his activities, which went up the chain. It finally got to a high enough point up the chain where someone said, hmmmmm, this is an opportunity, and big boss Mayorkos probability wouldn’t be too upset. Let’s just see what happens….
  8. A lot to unpack here. First, the mental gymnastics. Your standard started with “would indicate to me”. Then it moved to “one slice of evidence”, and then when made aware of many pieces of evidence (the testimony of 50 or more staffers who were very close to him, hold the same perspective as WKN, and refuse to support Trump for president for that very specific reason), it then changed to concrete evidence. All the while, anyone who agrees with those staffers is a liar or a whackadoodle or both. Which leads me to second point, I never said you called WKN a whackadoodle, I said you claimed he was lying. Please keep up and stop with the mental gymnastics. Having no reason to care about Jan 6 one way or the other is pretty….wow. I mean you can think whatever about who holds some responsibility, but to claim to care about the country so much, but not care at all about that event…..just doesn’t seem to square with each other. Being a Trump fan or not has nothing to do with choosing to take the word of Trumps people who were very proud of their policy accomplishments but would never support him again specifically because of, in their opinion, his role in what happened that day, over the word of media pundits. When you choose to believe the media pundits, and call WKN or anyone else a liar because they believe the people closest to the situation on his staff….you are saying much more about yourself than about WKN. If you go to the beginning, I didn’t even opine on whether or not Trump held responsibility, my take was on your comment saying WKN is lying, then doubling down on it, just because you don’t agree with him, particularly when you are, or at least pretend to be, so bothered by hypocrisy. This will be my last post on this, I don’t there is much more for me to add, I’ll look forward to your next talk about how we should be able to get along and respect while we disagree…
  9. The interviews of the people I spoke of are out there if you care to As for the rest of your post….you are simply stating an opinion, even stating “indicate to me”. You are stating your opinion as fact, and his opinion as lying. There is in fact ‘evidence’, including the words from some of the people who committed those acts. Your decision not to read them, or believe them, in no way makes someone else a liar and you the authority, just because you disagree with him. Isn’t that exactly the kind of thing you write to people on here quite often….when talking about “hypocrisy”? so in other words, no matter the connection to the event, anyone who disagrees with your stance is a whackadoodle or liar. What about his staff, those that were close to him leading up to and the day of the event, those who tried to get him to tell them to stop while he watched on TV? How about their perspective of the event, that happens to agree with WKN’s, and is the reason why the majority of them will not support him for the White House again? Do you consider their perspective to hold any weight, or are they just lying whackadoodles too??
  10. I would ask, have you heard/read the comments from SEVERAL people who were there that day, but the fever has broke while they sat in jail, and completely admit to the fact that they went and did what they did because they fully believed in the election lies they were told, and believed they were part of Trump's 'proud boys', doing his good work. And that they left when and only when he finally came out with that message......over three hours later....saying it was time to go home. This is from a large number of people that were there, and committed these acts. Do their opinions hold any weight?
  11. Aren't you kinda doing the same? Determining for yourself what the thoughts were in those people's heads after observing the words and actions of Trump leading up to the event. I mean if WKN cannot tell what they are thinking, why is it that you can and he is lying? You both watched the same event, heard the same speeches....right?
  12. Where did the “retired” thing come from?
  13. What’s even more interesting, is I have never heard of people stereotype Asians in such a manner. I’ve been to a couple countries on opposite sides of Asia and I’ve never really experienced that. Old people were honored, respected. Just an all around really really bad take. And by the looks of his emotional responses to everyone last night, I think maybe ole RedLobster should do a little self reflection before his next lecture. Just a thought.
  14. How about you say you have a difference of opinion on how much of an impact trumps words and actions leading up had on that day, instead of telling him he’s lying??
  15. I’m assuming you are talking to me since I mentioned the press. If so, I would suggest going back and reviewing the thread. Where I did not, in any way shape or form, say pointing out Joe’s condition was misinformation. In fact, I didn’t even use the word misinformation. What I did was point out a couple of instances where the media did in fact edit videos to give a false context. And I said that was stupid, because Joe provides plenty of context without the editing, and the editing just makes you lose credibility. In fact I stated there are plenty of examples of him showing how incompetent he is, that editing anything is just stupid. Just to clarify…
  16. The founding fathers saw the importance of a free press. Like many -o- other things we goofed up, press is definitely one of them. You’re spot on.
  17. Has there ever been a deeper four years of election drama than the past four. Can’t possibly think so.
  18. He must have not asked around about me, or he would have learned the only cult I follow is that of the crows, for it is they who sit on the fences. (At least that’s what I’ve been told)
  19. He’s really up in his feelings last night folks, upset over one topic so he has to follow me around, including to come back here and dig up old shit. Kinda sounds familiar.
  20. We should know? Are you part of the investigation team? you’re really bad at this.
  21. Did he say “show your work”. So sometimes this is a court of law with the “you need to show proof”, and now sometimes its geometry class with “you need to show your work”???
  22. There is a conspiracy theory about someone on the water tower. I’m just playing along.
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