When I wrestled in the App State open as a freshman. We were car pooling and we were driving through the windy mountain road and were all kinda wondering if we were going the right way. Then it opened up to the gorgeous campus and town.. and we started wondering if we should have gone there instead lol
As far as the original topic. I also think certain programs make a point in recruiting kids who they’ve done their homework on.
They look into whether or not the kid is self motivated and taking care of his business. Or is mommy and daddy doing everything for them and making sure little Johnny has everything “just right”
A coach I was talking to made a good point about the Rokfin model. A lot of parents/families will pay to watch Johnny wrestle at an event but asking them to pay a yearly fee is probably a non starter.
Allowances need to be made for the differences between the two sports. Though expecting common sense when you went for condescending then after a grammar thing. Might be a stretch
Especially because you’re doubling down because the idea two good coaches actually wanting a competitive match instead of just letting Brooks truck over a backup is crazy to you
Passive aggressively implying saying it was a “JV match” to try and irritate me doesn’t change my my point. Don’t be be childish.
Your attempt at a condescending tone about “a major college dual” doesn’t really work either considering I wrestled DI. And your are sounding like the tough guy youth coach who quit wrestling in hs and overcompensates now.
The exact same logic applied. Especially when the coaches know the reality of the matchups. Wanting to give your guys who shown up every day a home match doesn’t change hs to college either. Additionally, part of why penn state is so good is because they have a captain/stud in brooks willing to wrestle one of the couple guys that can beat him in a meaningless match… then let a teammate get a go when the elite kid for him to wrestle wasn’t there…
Holy hell man. Coaches match up athletes with similar abilities all the time. Especially if they trust the other coach to be honest about how good the kid is…
I did it the other week. A coach I respect asked me to match up guys with similar experience and I had the Dual already when won on forfeits. He’s having a down year and almost every team in our area is devastated by kids getting sick. Throwing out my best guys to run over first year wrestlers in their first competition would have served no one…
it seems pretty clear brooks isn’t hurt. Are you being deliberately obtuse
I was going to say that you probably see it in the beginner stuff.. but then I realized.. most beginners usually DQ themselves/penalty themselves on locked hands or full Nelson’s. Long before they get to 4 cautions.
yeah 4 cautions is on the coach
Honestly, given everything I’ve seen and been told about Texas athletics. It’ll be easier to add just a DI women’s program.
and that sucks, UT is like Ohio State, the money is there
I understand and agree
The way to approach/go after Title IX is actually pushing for “more” support for the women’s teams. Meaning. What often happens is the girls teams get the “scholarship” counts. But then no real support or funding. At UTC several girls teams had ratty or old gear and other issues but admin was covered by the fact that the girls were on scholarship
So the thing to actually push for is changing the emphasis from “scholarship counts” to actually supporting women’s teams even if that means there’s less total teams
Edit: so that it makes it easier to argue for men’s teams and it’s not “just” about scholarship counts