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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. The NFHS is changing the weight classes above 138 next year. And some states are going with 12/13 weights for their seasons. Interested in peoples thoughts on 1. 12-13 weight classes instead of 14 2. the new weights for the 2023-2024 season out of 14. 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 157, 165, 175, 190, 215, 285. 3. should forfeits be worth more than 6 team points(I like the point scored/earned Bryant and Schalles have suggested. But I don’t see them happening) interested in y’all’s thoughts
  2. Lol. You think it will be?
  3. There’s not any simple solutions. As far as the thread. Some of the views seem either naive or bitter due to not getting the same chances
  4. I think people need to really confront whether or not they want to grow the sport. Which can is being done.. or decide if they want it to only become a primarily upper middle and upper class club sport. But I don’t think people are willing to confront the reality. What I’ve also noticed is that there is a certain subset of people that seem to be against anything that’s makes it more possible for a kid who started later, to catch up to the kid that was dragged around the country and had a bunch of money spent on them from a young age. It will be interesting to see how it goes the next few years
  5. People pointed out that gray shirting is much more likely to be done and doable for upper middle and high income families.. than to lower middle and low income families. especially because access to sport in general and especially sports like wrestling is getting expensive The TS started a specious argument that redshirting as an active student on campus is comparable.. when it is not. For me at least, it isn’t about “begrudging” anything. It’s stating facts on the ground.
  6. Sigh, you do really not process the difference of actually being in school taking classes.. with financial aid, Pell grants and athletic money.. vs. and not actually in school.. relying on “maybe” some RTC support and “maybe” getting a part time job.. You do understand we are talking about DI athletes right.. 90-95% are going DI because they want to win nationals or AA. And go to school.. it is not “something they just do during college” like most DII and below. When you talk to anyone that actually knows what they are talking about.. the actual difference between DI and below is not the coaching, not how hard they work, not the talent levels because high risk kids are going DI less and less.. and not even really resources.. it’s that DI athletics are a full time job. Period. Hell. One of the main pitches to below DI to athletes is that they get to be a “student-athlete” not an “athlete-student” A lower income family will be much more okay with.. and able to support.. maybe” 5 years on campus where they are on the team and could potentially start.. than figuring out a way to pay for a gap year. I don’t really know if you were a college athlete.. but many athletes still do need redshirts to adjust on life on campus. Taking 12-15 credit hours. Plus 6am workouts, plus individual sessions, plus practice. Plus being away from home. And it isn’t high school.. after week 1. It’s go time, no couple months to adjust If you want to argue for not giving the extra years.. okay. The rest of what you are saying makes you look ignorant
  7. I understand why people would argue against redshirts and/or excessive extra years.. Saying that exclusively having gray shirts would not almost exclusively favor well off families is ludicrous.
  8. If you’re in Illinois, pm me for details
  9. Yes. We need more refs. And pay rates have gone up. I’m my area refs are getting 200 for a tri and 300 for a day tournament. Also the head of sports in our city flat out told us that he will suspend any coach who abuses refs for 5 matches so that should help
  10. I was saying Byrd doesn’t really stall on his knees. And his “low wrestling” is usually literally bear crawling into his offense Mendez did great.
  11. He bearcraws into opponents but uses it to set up offense. He actually doesn’t stay on his knees that much and he doesn’t sit on one knee and wait
  12. Apparently he’s switched again. Oklahoma state now
  13. Spencer Lee, - more obvious. Gases, and if you can create space he struggles Fix - someone mentioned it on themat before it closed, hes a better fit style wise for Iowa than OSU. Leaving aside the.. chemical thing. His offense is.. predictable Sasso - his offense was always lack luster and he doesn’t use his underhook that much to actually score. hamati - agree, but think he’ll fix it. He’s going to rely on just trying to keep scoring. Which makes me worry less than a marinelli. He wrestles to score the next points not just to get guys tired. carr - his offense never has impressed me and he leaves matches too close when he doesn’t have to but it might have been his cut last year Starroci - if refs get aggressive on his ankle pinch he’ll be a lot closer to the field (yes I know he had a broke hand) Parris - has always been the best athlete since middle school, doesn’t know how to deal with guys who can match his athleticism the way he should, great kid though
  14. More so things that’ll trigger people and derail the thread. Like the way you suddenly will start seeing and hearing a lot of casual racism when you start. The way black males get treated differently, even by those who like to show off how liberal they are. The way reffing mysteriously always goes, and all you can do is try to build good relationships with the refs so it doesn’t happen too often unless it’s a school like St Ed’s. and im not saying those things to look good on twitter or anything. They are simply things every coach who’s coach inner city for more than a couple years has dealt with. Whether they are the young super liberal hipster living in the gentrified neighborhood or the grizzled mostly conservative 20+ year coach who’s lives in the.. not gentrified area. Im genuinely worried stating crap that simply does happen will derail the thread so I want I stated clearly that if people want to discuss the reason why what I talked about happen.. do it elsewhere.. As far as advice. People should think real hard about whether or not they can handle kids they put a lot into letting you down or even screwing you over. If you know you can’t deal with it and help the next kid… you might as well coach elsewhere
  15. I’m debating whether I want to give the controversial advice or say some quiet parts out loud
  16. I’ve been in school districts where Flo was not allowed through the normal school firewalls. Track, no matter where I’ve been in the country, the south, out east, Midwest, rich preppy suburban district, poor rural one with crap wifi and old ass systems.. it works. Id rather have the old UI that works everywhere. And honestly with Flo, things like that nationwide crash that happened to Track around Christmas is 2016 or 2017 might increase. oh wait, insert my prayer of benediction to Flo
  17. Sioredas doing work
  18. I wouldn’t stress about 97. Braunagaul (I know I misspelled it) is healthy and I think a legit contender at 197
  19. Hamati seems to be on the upward trajectory. I’m curious to see if it was the weight cut that contributed to Carrs lack of offense at times last year or if he’s stagnated. how’d the match go? I only saw 7-5
  20. Kids and families are spending thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to train year round. To be elite, to wrestle in college, occasionally because dad is living through them. A lot of these kids are training year round and are not given normal chores or responsibilities because the focus is wrestling. Some do it because they love it. Others do it to make sure dad mostly shuts the hell up on the way home. The prominent style is folkstyle. Of course they’re going to maximize their chances to compete and keep wrestling. I could keep going. But guys redshirting and maximizing their competitive career is a natural result of the way things are going
  21. Putting in results has been paywalled
  22. Dear lord Flo, hallowed be thy not awkward UI. I apologize for any potential offense I may have caused. Please do not make any decisions based upon what I have posted upon here. We humbly beseech you. Holy Flo, do not worry about the coach I talked to today that paid his own money so his team could be in a tournament. Such coaches are not those type who you make your money from. Please accept our humble benedictions. And keep track wrestling as it is. Yay, we know thee shall seem to only care about the type of customer that can spend for the Flo account and every fancy pair of wrestling socks. Amen
  23. Because it works in every school systems network and isn’t blocked
  24. I understand that, still extremely petty by Flo
  25. Apparently track wrestling discontinued the free accounts for coaches to put in their teams stats… everything is apparently behind a $50 pay wall now.. Is it true that Flo bought trackwrestling? Because this actually puts a lot of hs coaches in a bad spot. Especially if their state requires results to be put in on track. And no, this doesn’t hurt me or my team but I still think if Flo did that.. it’s super petty
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