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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. Have you ever actually accomplished anything or convinced anyone to do anything acting that way. Because while I know it probably makes you feel superior. I have a feeling it hasn’t ever accomplished anything
  2. Yes. If you don’t think there will be people trying to do everything in their power to use the legal system or the threat of lawsuits to get around this rule if it’s implemented.. you haven’t spent much time around education or parents these days. I think people aren’t getting the point. I’m saying IF this rule is implemented. Or to even get the rule implemented. Parents/athletes appealing will be one of the biggest obstacles. Especially given how they’ll be able to point out how “other kids got the same opportunity, why can’t Johnny” maybe I’m cynical but I’m looking at the obstacles that need to be overcome. I don’t hate the rule.
  3. I’m pointing out what the obstacles will be.. not trying to make myself sound super duper smart
  4. Equity laws, especially concerning education and athletics could be exploited. Especially “lack of access to opportunity”. Do I think these are valid reasons? No. Do I think it’ll happen anyway. Yes
  5. And I’m saying the biggest obstacle will be people sueing over not getting the same opportunity
  6. Hence why I said parents/athletes will use those exemptions to sue if they aren’t getting the same treatment. Which in no way diminishes my point. Also, the end result is that the rules/requirements have loosened. Being pedantic about exactly why the rules are looser seems.. superfluous
  7. I remember. I wrestled when the rule’s became looser and decided not to go for a 6th year. That doesn’t stop people from using that tactic now that there’s been half a decade of the looser rules
  8. “Other people have gotten extra years because of injuries. Why is this new arbitrary rule preventing Jonnny from getting the same chances”
  9. Shrug, only if you want lawsuits for inequitable treatment
  10. I take it back. The injury exemptions will be the hardest to overcome
  11. It’s a sound idea. I think not accepting Olympic redshirts will actually be the hardest pill to get coaches and the NCAA to agree to Then the next question is.. how are medical redshirts handled? Because getting that accepted will be almost as hard. I really think people’s view of this is super warped because of the Covid years.. And this is where I might offend some people.. but a lot of the.. vitriol seems to come from either not getting the same chances or because it doesn’t work that way in hs
  12. I was more referring to the injury guys
  13. It’s looks like O’Connor is going to be on one. Spencer will be for sure. Who else?
  14. Are they Big12?
  15. I’m very sure Mr. Dole hit it on the head. The decision to let states “choose” their number of weights was to mask forfeits. ironically, lol I think the relaxation on petty rules like hair and beards long term do more than going with 12/13 weights. The only good argument I see for 13 weights is dual meets. To help with tie breakers but that’s a band aid
  16. Damn, I knew Litigious Jersey Danny man ticked you off Willie. But damn
  17. This goes without saying but if you can make sure you separate 5-8 year olds from 9-12 year olds. If you can
  18. Are they out for the season?
  19. Thoughts based on a very cursory view of results. 1. Cal Poly under Sioredas continues to build 2. Mizzou as a team seems stuck in that 10th-5th purgatory 3. Clemson is doing work at Maryland and is finally getting his recruits in and while might struggle in duals. Will have solid tournament results 4. Illinois is going to be very dangerous the next 2-3 years
  20. Laces shirttails (one on one or free for all) knee sumo free for all Sharks and minnows but you have to put person on their back to be out, have them stay on knees patty cake step game push up position hand tag dodge ball
  21. I agree. I think people really don’t want to address the fact a lot of coaches think building an effective program means making them run till they puke. I think the numbers issue would be still a thing but nowhere near as bad if coaches stopped trying to be what they “think” Gable was.
  22. I agree about 12/13 weight classes masking the problem. And I feel that 110 vs 100 in my soul already this season lol.
  23. I don’t disagree
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