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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. Don’t monetize the channel
  2. That completely changes the tone and look of this.
  3. They lived in Lockport. I’m sure they were fine
  4. Given the school he went to. I’m sure his family had the income to do it. So irregardless of my opinion. There’s nothing stopping them
  5. No need to apologize.. I just know how this could devolve. Especially with the other dude.
  6. Same. Then I get the “well it depends on the bottom guy.. no he’s riding parallel
  7. I have a kid who is a hammer with a half with the guy on his knees and would kill with the stack but he for some reason can’t get it down
  8. Can you guys not use your kids when talking about this. It seems rather gauche. Both of you have used them. But I feel like that’ll just spiral the situation..
  9. Pretty much everyone acknowledges PA is number 1 for hs wrestling. The arguments are always about the order of 2-5
  10. It’s on YouTube posted by Big Ten Network. He didn’t slap Brands hand and head butted the pole
  11. A chippy Spencer is pretty interesting. Especially with the interaction with his coach’s.
  12. Ruth needs more offense but nice start
  13. Someone I’m close to reffed a girls dual and there was 4 matches. They probably need to do 1 division for everyone at first excluding NAIA
  14. Few things. No it shouldn’t be made legal in high school. College is adults wrestling do it’s hard for me to see the need to make it illegal. Same way handfighting till fist fights in high school practices would be stupid, problematic and create problems.. but doing it in college has a purpose and it’s grown men training. Not every athlete is the same. Most wrestle best calm. Some wrestle best ticked off. Same with techniques and who they work for. So bringing up one that youve coached as your example of why you’re right seems… eh. And I’d prefer refs make the judgement calls to make sure newer athletes aren’t ran out of the sport by guys trying to showboat. Most athletes that depend on the move tend to be bully style guys anyway. Which means they’ll eventually hit a wall on that working consistently anyway
  15. I’m not perfect. But I’ve definitely trended towards the latter way of doing it.
  16. It’s always a conundrum, using examples of elite athletes but trying to find examples you’re relatively sure aren’t juicing. Edit: grammar
  17. I feel that. I can barely eat during tournaments
  18. It added an extra hour on the tournament I hostess today
  19. Flo, if you could get Trackwrestling back up today that’d be nice
  20. The real problem is that, a significant chunk of the community does really seem to understand that Wrestling could compete with bigger sports eventually.. but the year round club wrestling approach. Which only focuses on a couple tournaments and what’s only convenient for the athlete has taken over. They insist it’s just a “niche” sport run in “niche” ways “so why even bother” doing things to make it more appealing or more professional a product. Im at the point where it is what it is. I just want people to start being more honest and transparent about what’s going on. It’s hard for me to get in an uproar about it when many of the people complaining the most(not saying you, but other people) are directly involved in creating the culture to make this stuff happen
  21. My issue is that fixing it, and making sure sure the “boring” but important stuff that needs to work reliably.. actually does work reliably, does not seem in any way a priority for them. Im well aware that many will find it boring or not a big deal that Track is glitching more often running tournaments and not going to school emails. But it’s the sort of thing that actually causes a lot of issues and makes doing routine stuff a time wasting hassle. What makes it even more stupid is that they now charge for teams “just” to put in their athlete records and team results. So they are getting even more money to do a bad job.
  22. Damn that sucks.
  23. Well it needs to get addressed. Sports emails usually don’t have issues in my district. I’ve heard nothing but consistent reports, and also seen that Track has steadily gotten worse over the last year. Given how awkward FloArena is. And given that entire states depend on track for keeping track of(no pun intended), official records and eligibility. And FloArena doesn’t have those functions. I really hope Flo addresses the issues
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