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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. - One on one works better than posters. Telling a kid you think they could do well because of what you see in them works better than passive recruiting. - Get two pieces. Make them look look good. Roberto Duran joined boxing because he wanted a pair of shorts like his buddy. Much like the rest of the things you’ll deal with. It’s a day to day process
  2. The point about the Dan Gable posters is especially relevant. People talk all the time about “growing wrestling”. Then act utterly bewildered when people who have no familiarity with the sport don’t automatically just accept singlets or tournaments going till 6pm. I’ll restrain my rant about it though. Everything else I agree completely. Though I can’t churn off tshirts the same way lol
  3. I was told colleges will avoid him like the plague until charges are settled or the universities won’t let them in
  4. *also, if your in a big city district, you’ll have extra administrative crap to deal with. Do t spend all your time whining about it. Yes it sucks. Deal with it, you aren’t in the suburbs
  5. 1. While this applies to all coaches, especially where you are make a point be friendly with and work with the other coaches. Especially Basketball. If you become the “angry wrestling guy” you won’t get any support or anything done. 2. Actually follow through on benching kids for discipline issues. Even or especially if it costs you a couple wins. Otherwise culture won’t change. 3. Buy 2pieces. Don’t be the stubborn youth coach that thinks people who nothing about the sport won’t make because singlets seem weird at first. They do t know anything about wrestling culture or have only heard seen the crazy stories or negative stereotypes about things like weight cutting. 4. In general, but especially if coaching by yourself. Find good managers. They’ll be the difference between you making it through sane and with something done or overworked and burnt out. 5. Make starting on time and attendance the most important part of your culture. 6. If you have the numbers, don’t do wrestle offs as the way to determine starters unless both are dedicated. The first way you should decide starters is who’s not skipping practice and not in trouble at school. Otherwise culture and work ethic will not change. 7. find a way to keep track of your kids grades. Be okay with the fact they may have to come to practice late because they need to go to after school tutoring. 8. You will have one of your better kids miss an important match because they’re getting a “haircut” or a family members birthday party. Don’t lose you crap over it. 9. End practice by or before dark if possible or some parents won’t let their kids participate 10. Right when you think they’re turning a corner and about to break out you’ll have a practice or match they flake and don’t show up to. And they won’t understand why you’re upset. Keep building and working they’ll do a little better next time. 11. if you can’t get admin to provide practice clothes. Go to Ross and buy a few pairs of cheap sweatpants and shorts/shirts for kids who forget workout clothes. Managers will do laundry during practice. 12. Don't let them leave competitions without turning in their competition gear. Not because they’ll steal it. But because they’ll often ruin them in the dryer at home when “washing it for you”. If you can afford it have them put numbers(as part of the sublimination)on the gear for inventory purposes. 13. have a parent text or email group. 14. Attendance/waking up for Saturday meets will suck at first. Only schedule tournaments you know for a fact will be out by 2 or so.. or parents will pull their kids. Remember, they know nothing about wrestling culture. It just looks unnecessary and badly run when they go all day. Your kids probably wo t be ready for the bigger tournaments until year 2-4 anyway. 15. really work on and coach top wrestling
  6. I don’t think people always totally get how much of this stuff has not been uncommon but is now widely available public knowledge because of social media. Im sure Smith and them tried to handle in house. The way many college coaches have handled issues in the past.. But there’s only so much you can do. Especially when the athletes.. “support system” seems to not discourage the behaviors he was exhibiting. I actually think if he hadn’t gotten in trouble he’d have still left Oklahoma State. Again, there’s only so much the coach can do now a days
  7. Considering half the administration difficulties wrestling faces would be solved if more of our people became ADs and other sports admin.. I think Spencer is looking big picture
  8. Damn that sucks.
  9. Do you mean the hokie/southeast open?
  10. The two programs are “level-changer” and “Mattboss”. both require iPads to use. Both seem great. i was looking into getting iPads for it this year but my managers/stat girls overwhelmingly voted to keep doing pencil and paper and it saved me money to get new competition uniforms.
  11. Injury or no one at the weight and they aren’t in trouble or didn’t get benched lol
  12. Oh I definitely agree. It’s more so the bottom issues that concern me. I root for Karchla. I started a whole argument accidentally the other day because I said wrestle offs are the next to last way I decide starters now
  13. I know they’re wrestling every day but Karchla getting ridden by his teammate is concerning
  14. Football mma wasteland (politics and legal issues). A designated cesspool)
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