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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. So should the government be run like a business or not? I get confused...people who often bring up some of the companies Trump owns that have gone bankrupt as a way to say he wasn't or won't be a good President also seem to think government shouldn't be run like a business? I personally think the government finances should be run like a business. This comment isn't meant as me throwing all this support towards Trump, but rather just a general statement...have always thought it should. Just like schools should be run like a business in terms of expenses, efficiencies and the budget.
  2. Ahhh...I wish my brain worked so simplistically
  3. I'm not a salt guy...I just over season with pepper to make up for it
  4. In other words no matter the meaning, context and his exact words you are still going to go with the rhetoric that he supports neo nazi's...got it.
  5. Aren't you glad that I can have an opinion on what people post, like you just did? Piss poor attempt at a gotcha Rasta...keep it up...I am sure you will keep trying again and again when I post something.
  6. That is the problem today...you idiots that normalize ass$^# behavior. Yep,...act like a freaking jerk and bad things happen...so weird...and some of your morons think that is okay...SMH
  7. No one should be defending this or rationalizing it...if it is Trump or Harris...it is appalling!! No one should be shot at or tried to be killed because of their political affiliation!!
  8. It's absolutely amazing how people think you can act like an A-hole to a cop and not follow directions and not have it result in what happened! How hard is it to just comply respectfully, do what is asked, and 99.9% of the time you will be on your way?? It really isn't that hard of a thing to do. Also, for those that say the cops had no reason to ask Hill to get out of his car after being non-compliant clearly have never been a cop and had to deal with what they deal with day in and day out. You are the people that I wish could do a cop's job for even a day...you all would be p'ing down your leg. SMH Again, very simple concept, do as asked in a respectful manner and nothing will happen to you.
  9. Maybe you should lecture someone else Rasta...you have no idea where I go for my information so stop with that weak ass BS. Again, you have yet to provide any actual evidence that Trump is part of the project, fully supports what it says. Got it. Funny part is, it was an honest question in hopes of learning as I have found nothing that says Trump fully endorses what the whole thing suggests, was part of authoring and providing input into any of what it says...yes I saw the anecdotal stuff that people infer...which is all you are doing...versus clear indication of any sort of connection.
  10. So what are everyone's thoughts on this? Now that the body cam footage is coming out, I can see why he was pulled out of the car. Not sure how people think if you give the cops attitude for no reason and don't listen to their instructions these things won't happen??
  11. Curious...because I couldn't find anything...how is Trump connected to Project 25?
  12. It's called different topics with different biases
  13. Man you two @WrestlingRasta and @VakAttack are unbelievable...yep I am the one showing biases (which truly I don't have any) here and you two are clearly not...you convinced me now keep trying to convince yourselves...have a great weekend you two.
  14. He uses the "a bad thing might happen" argument when he says a biological man should be able to use the same restroom/lockeroom as biological women...if we don't let them something bad will happen to them...somehow it MAY cause violence and endanger the lives of the trans person...works for his point of view but not others??
  15. 1. Okay you take your biased Trump hate point of view. I'll take what the FAMILY'S THEMSELVES said. 2. I agree...and have said so multiple times...the video should and needs to come out. Then you won't have to keep making overly emotion biased statements like "losing their **** minds" and we can all go about our business. 3. Or it makes sense because it is probably why it happened. 4. Again, did you miss the part of agreeing it should be taken down if it was put up as a political ad?? Why and how is what I wrote something you need to argue....are you arguing with yourself, because it surely can't be me. I do get a kick out of your circular argument (with whom I am not sure) about how they shouldn't charge Trump with anything so close to the election because of perception, but yet think Trump should be charged with everything (financial fraud, hush money, election interference, etc)...which is it?? Is it so no matter what happens you can say "See, I told you"?? Is this a lawyer technique??
  16. Again showing your lack of reading comprehension. Why is it so hard for people to understand that arguments can be made about a situation without it meaning they have undying support for the people or peoples involved??? You, rasta, and @VakAttack keep saying, "see you only see it that way because you love Trump"...using your logic, did you ever once think that maybe you all see it your way solely because you hate Trump??
  17. Oh no @ionel is a Chiefs fan...all of a sudden you aren't as funny anymore... I kid! I kid!
  18. My aunt said this to me when talking politics and thought it was a great point...a lot of the friends and family I know who are self-prescribed liberals and hate Trump say it is because he is an A-hole...which I agree with...however, they can't articulate policies they hate other than liberal talking points like he is a racist, rapist, and will destroy the environment (but can't explain how)...they just can't vote for him because they just don't like him. Which my aunt says, "Who cares, are you planning on hanging out with Trump? Sitting down having dinner with him? Didn't think so, so why does that matter?" Brilliant response! Now I will do the friends and family that are extreme conservatives who scream that there is going to be a civil war, that the LGBTQ+ community is going to take over (take over what I ask...no response), Harris is going to take our guns away, etc...I always ask them, didn't you say that about Obama and then Biden?? And what happened...none of that. They just put their head down and say "Yeah...but"....and repeat the same extreme right talking points. LOL At this point in my life I put my family first and am trying to get things buckled down financially especially for my son that will go off to college in a couple years, then make sure I am good and ready for retirement hopefully in a little over 8 years, and that my son is taken care of after I am gone...under Trump I was a lot closer to all of that reality; however, under Biden, some of that reality has gone away. I am not saying that to get in a debate about who should take credit for that and who caused what, it is the reality of my life and the reality of pretty much everyone that I know in my life. Thus, it is those things I mentioned above that are going to drive my voting decisions. (caveat for those sensitive posters on here as I can just hear what they are going to say...yes I care about others and that is factored in the things that I mentioned in terms of what is important...I always have been and always will be about helping out my neighbor and those in need )
  19. Wow @ThreePointTakedown you sure like to hear yourself talk don't you? In between your nonsensical ramblings I couldn't help pick up on a common theme you use in your "debate"...comparing slavery and what black people went through with trans people is...well...sick and unbelievable. HOW in your little brain does that even become a thing that you think about yet even put out in internet land to use as some kind of point? There literally is NO comparison to the two situations. One is a mental disorder (not calling it bad so don't get your panties in a bunch) and the other was stuff that was DONE TO them. Very noticeable and funny you couldn't point to any federal or state laws that are oppressive to Trans by the way. But rather say a trans person's life is in danger for using a bathroom of their biological sex. To me that is, well, a form a mental illness...on your part.
  20. 1. Never said they did...I said I agree with the law and they made a mistake. My point was it wasn't Trump walking in there saying he was going to take pictures and videos for political reasons...period. You can choose not to believe that but that is just your bias showing through. 2. Again, your definition of losing their ducking minds and mine are different. I would, and apparently you would have too, handled the situation differently but to me it is just a case of he said she said and Trump and his team have every right to defend their position and story just as the woman does (again, I am not saying I agree with how they did it as again I wouldn't have done it that way, but it doesn't change the fact that maybe, just maybe their side of the story may be true. And again, is why I wish they would release the video of the incident. 3. The same context I explained to Rasta...ex POTUS who just weeks early had an assassination attempt on his life...gee...maybe...just maybe his detail was a little more on edge, and rightfully so! If you think that that doesn't matter than once again, like him, it is pure bias and irrational mental gymnastics. Again...I wish they would release the video!! 4. If that so called post on tikTok is in fact an ad (I don't have tikTok) than the Army should file an injunction to have it taken down as it violates federal law...and/or charge him and his campaign with a crime.
  21. You know who is a coward...YOU...you are someone who can't stand when someone else has a different opinion than yours and you turn around and accuse them of being afraid of their own shadows. That is such a weak and terrible take. Who is the afraid one here?? I am not afraid of people that think they are different sex then their genetic make up...I am also not afraid of someone who thinks someone of a certain genetic sex shouldn't use the same bathroom as someone of the opposite genetic sex...however, you are. People with that opinion you attack them, call them names, try and lecture and belittle them. One of the best defenses for this whole trans debate is me asking you...why do feel it is okay to push YOUR views on other people and insist they conform to your stance and the language you choose to use, but it isn't okay for others to turn around and do the same to you just the opposite opinion?? Funny part is...99% of the people on here that hold a completely different opinion on this DON'T do that. Believing the science/genetics/biology of sex DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared! Having an opinion on what are appropriate bathrooms to use DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared! These opinions in no way shape or form, oppress anyone, they don't hurt anyone, they don't take anyone's rights away, they don't mean you don't support a family member if they wanted to be trans, etc. Quit playing the victim and quit playing it for others. Not sure why you brought up civil rights or equal rights here, but can you name one thing that heterosexual people have "rights" to that trans men/women do not? My definition of "rights' for this question are federal or state laws that only apply to heterosexual people and not trans men/women
  22. LOL Have a great weekend Rasta!!
  23. Where are those meth labs located?? Asking for a friend....
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