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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. I can guarantee I am a much happier person than you are and don't have a fraction of the hate you clearly have.
  2. Ok buddy...whatever you say...
  3. What?? Seriously...you must be an unstable individual...get some help.
  4. As I thought...you clearly have a lot of growing up to do. And I am sure your wife or husband would be so impressed with what you post on here.
  5. I implicitly threatened violence??? Wow You are a POS and a scared little kid. Leave other peoples kids, significant others, and family off these boards...it's pretty simple. 522 in 1991...why?
  6. As I thought.
  7. Just curious...how old are you?
  8. Man...you are a POS Just curious...how old are you?
  9. The irony of those two calling anyone "dumb"...LOL
  10. Man...you don't get it...talking about people's kids or family is off the table here so I would advise you to stop immediately.
  11. You mean you??
  12. He asked a question...he didn't opine on the contents without reading as he clearly pointed out he tried to read it, and it is behind a paywall. And merely made a comment, which is fact, that it is an opinion piece. Better get back to sitting in your parent's basement, rocking back and forth in a room full of trump pictures and articles taped all over the walls, and mumbling anti-trump gibberish until mommy and daddy let you have internet time to post your craziness on here again.
  13. Hey dumb dumb did you even understand what this is all about?? The attorney general was claiming the ad and the information being spewed to the public were lies about the current abortion laws in FL.
  14. Damn...my icon game is weak. *Edit: proof being I called it an "icon" and not an emoji
  15. Again...where is the drooling icon?? Sounds amazing!
  16. There wasn't a drooling icon otherwise I would have clicked that! I have put smoked brisket in my cowboy beans once...it was amazing. I also one time smoked my cowboy beans on the bottom rack under an unwrapped pork butt towards the end of the smoke to let all the drippings go in them...that was next level as well.
  17. You do know that TikTok is much like YouTube where YouTube itself isn't producing the content...right??!! If someone posts a clip from a different site/news source it has nothing to do with TikTok. Nor does it being posted on TikTok negate what content was in the clip nor has anything to do with it being true/factual or not...right??!! Sounds like you are just afraid of actually opening your mind to new information that may change the narrative in your head...but I guess we all already knew that about you. I'll wait for the next partisan talking point quip from you that you probably put no independent thought into.
  18. I have yet to ever hear her answer a question
  19. 15lb brisket went on this morning. Should be amazing along with the jalapeno cheesy potatoes.
  20. I think the hoax part was that an armed militia threatened FEMA (which was the headline for several major news outlets), which obviously didn't happen. Just a stupid idiot acting on his own but quickly realized he was the one being an a-hole and not FEMA.
  21. Finally figured it out...you are just a troll. You make completely baseless statements and act if they are fact...when they are nothing but lazy overgeneralizations partisan talking points with zero merit.
  22. Do the research yourself. Again, why do you rely on others to do the work for you. If you truly wanted to know you could find it...but you don't...so keep making the lazy tiresome partisan attacks. Man I can't wait for this to be over to hopefully stop hearing the nonsense. But I am sure it won't stop with some of you.
  23. So you agree...the current administration is horrible??
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