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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. I have not read a single thing asserted by anyone writing in this thread which implies that he/she thinks a person of any race is less entitled to respect and human dignity than anyone else. I have read quite a few posters on this thread who think that if your understanding of history is not 100% aligned with theirs you are a racist, a crackpot, a cunt, a pig, pro-rape, evil, and vile things. The black guy having to let another know that he is a great American therefore great American does not equal racist is very interesting in the underlying implications. The first implication being that racism is only against blacks. Rashida certainly thinks great Americans – and one in particular - are racist against her and those who worship like she does. The second implication being that no one who is black thinks any less of any one of any other race whatsoever. While it might be true in the case of this particular great American I do not suppose he can speak for his whole race. In fact, we are often told that it is very racist to think that an individual of a particular race can give us "the perspective of ______s (fill in the race of your choice here)”? When the thread veered into discussing relative man-size and Ban's wife's enjoyment in finding out the rankings then I knew there is still hope for all of us to maintain perspective on this board.
  2. I really like that the moderator can split a thread when it wanders and then leave the wrestling portion over there and pull the craziness over here. Nice touch. This way nothing is banned or censored just . . . curated. So much for my constructive comment. The incendiary one comes in . . . 3. . . 2 . . . 1
  3. Nothing warped about my perspective. Straight and true. Just different from yours. Punishing the whole for the transgressions of one or few is collective punishment and generally considered immoral. Punishing individuals who were born into a situation and have no ability to affect it by running or not running a 1500 meter race is also generally considered immoral. Nothing warped about that perspective. Yours may be different but, if so, please be consistent and insist that China be banned from all international forums (sporting and otherwise) and refuse to use anything made there in your daily life. Live your perspective.
  4. I disagree. Parents guide the school about when and how children are exposed to sensitive topics. Not the other way around.
  5. I have a gentle request, WKN. Is it possible to set your spreadsheet setting for percentages to whole numbers. My high school physics teacher, Mr. Valentine, is rolling in his grave over the significant digits implication of 1/100 of a percent being reported. He would insist that means we have/need 10,000 data points to be accurate to & report a .0001 level of precision. P.S. I love the tables and charts and data and analysis and am quite conflicted about writing this respectful request.
  6. Punishing individual athletes does not make a nation a pariah. Nor does competing with those athletes imply any approval of his/her home country's internal or international actions. It is a huge price for an individual to pay when your options are to rescind your citizenship and place of birth or not compete.
  7. I object (nearly unconditionally) to national politics playing any role whatsoever in international sporting events. Boycotts in 1980 and 1984 changed no national policies anywhere but hurt the athletes tremendously. South Africa's athletes paid a huge price for virtue signalling of no useful consequence. The (illogical) next step will be to disallow a country's athletes to participate over pronouns and bathroom privileges and carbon credits. Because, you know, the earth is at stake. While there may be no good answer to the "international community" signalling disapproval of a specific country's actions and policies banning athlete participation in competitions is definitely THE bad answer.
  8. Since when are we constrained by reality on this forum? Don't be a hater.
  9. My kid came back from college one summer with an Intramural Dodgeball Champions shirt. Proudest moment of his collegiate career for me. Dodgeball is a much better olympic fit than flag football. We would only have to send our wrestling team to compete in the gym next door to the wrestling venue between their individual matches. Now, about wrestling in the olympics. More weights. And, for goodness' sake make them the same weights that the world championships use in the non-divisible by 4 years. A single style. The Greco appendage probably needs to be sacrificed to save the wrestling body. Move to Winter Olympics is really a good idea also. Expanding wrestling more within countries with a culture of individual combat sports is interesting: Brazil (Jiu Jitsu), Thailand (kickboxing), Korea (tae kwon do), China (kung fu), Japan (karate- I know the Japanese ladies are already kicking butt in the wrestling room) Is there anything in the Arab world/culture to bring in North Africa and Asia south of Turkey and west of Iran? How do we get Europe off of counting cow farts and back in the wrestling room where real men (and women) belong? Maybe we don't let them use their hands - wrestle with only their feet and heads and limit scores to nil - nil until overtime. Nothing new or creative here but my combining of good ideas I've culled from those brighter than I.
  10. Rats. My re-vote effort was thwarted. This election is more secure than a presidential polling location in Atlanta, Detroit, MIlwaukee, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. Tying my vote to my ID is racist!!! Can we get a ballot harvester on this?
  11. Can I go all Dem and vote 18 times to make it go away? I have dead relatives in Chicago who are willing to vote if necessary.
  12. The race within the race: Who is number 2? AND, can that team break the 50% of the PSU score? Both will be nail biters in March.
  13. One of the best quotes ever. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/605ce1bb-8a49-418d-b4b2-ede8268a2653
  14. Is there a way for me to make this thread invisible to me? Or get it out of the top spot on my "College Wrestling" board? Or can we (by we I mean the Moderator) move it to Non-Wrestling Topics or somewhere else in the universe? PLEASE KILL THIS THING!!!
  15. I hear Steele has a supplemental pee dossier with a cut and paste option on the named taker of the golden shower. Maybe the Trumpies can buy that on discount and get the FBI to lie and get FISA judges to authorize spying on Americans for purely political reasons. Nah. The FBI, FISA court, and all of our federal Justice Department personnel have too much integrity to do anything like that.
  16. When asked in 2016 by friends from overseas about my voting intentions I had to confess: "I would sooner vote for a steaming pile of dog feces than for Hillary Clinton. And it appears like I am going to be able to prove it."
  17. But he hates most of America and a substantial number of Americans so he can't be all bad, right? At least he is not racist enough for Jim Clyburn to turn against him.
  18. Do you think they would take the pay cut without protest? 5 of the 7 richest counties as tabulated by median household income in America are FULL of government workers. 1 Loudoun County Virginia $147,111 2 Falls Church Virginia $146,922 3 Santa Clara County California $130,890 4 San Mateo County California $128,091 5 Fairfax County Virginia $127,866 6 Howard County Maryland $124,042 7 Arlington County Virginia $122,604 I suspect if you did a more detailed statistical study you would also find the standard deviation to be much tighter in those DC area counties indicating that it is not the super rich and their servants living in the same county like you might get in California. It is just a bunch of extremely well compensated bureaucrats running around talking to each other on our dime. On our millions of dimes per household.
  19. That kid probably had it coming.
  20. You are right. Stating "92% peaceful" is just stupid. I had to show just how stupid that statement is by also twisting facts and numbers to support a stupid statistic. Not tantamounts between BLM and Nazis was made. My point was not about the politics of the violent people, it was about the counting method used to support a "peaceful" narrative. The tantamount was inferred, stupidly.
  21. I am going to be flying home from Hawaii on November 1st. Imagine me going through security proudly sporting my singlet - from high school. No body scan needed, it's all here, baby. Frisk me! Illini made my day. Thanks, dude.
  22. Same logic when applied to the axis powers in WW2: Of 87 million Germans fewer than 7 million (8%) ever picked up much less fired/operated a weapon. For the Italians the percentage was even lower. So, actually, WW2 at 94%+ was EVEN MORE PEACEFUL than our peaceful summer of love.
  23. Your understanding of "under the jurisdiction of" is inaccurate. Let's try your logic: So when Germany invaded France and had female nurses supporting their troops in Paris if said nurse happened to birth a baby then that baby is French? Furthermore, those other Germans, being not French, were not subject to laws of France so by YOUR logic the French had no legal ability to deport them? Wait for it . . . here it comes . . . "But that's different!!" The 14th Amendment was written to cover people who had no other country who claimed them as citizens. Remember, the Africans who enslaved others and then sold them certainly did not recognize them as citizens or subjects or give them any status whatsoever. The point of "under the jurisdiction" is a way of saying you have legal status in some country. It certainly does not mean if I go to Canada I can rage about with immunity and no where do I imply that. It is obtuse to infer it. If you are already a citizen of a country and have a baby somewhere else then the baby is a citizen of the original country and the citizens of the location in which you happen to be when labor occurs incur no obligation just because the mother is wandering about at that time.
  24. Birthright citizenship is not applicable to illegal aliens. The children of diplomats who are born when their parents are assigned to duty in the USA are not American citizens. Location of birth is only one of the criteria for birthright citizenship. Lawful legal citizenship of the parent(s) is another. It is stated thusly, "The 14th Amendment . . . says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” are citizens." Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction thereof and, hence, neither are their children thus they are not citizens. "Amend the constitution? With this political climate? " stated above in a post. No need to amend it. Just read it.
  25. I think his point was that there is no way for HIM to tell until the skeleton's sex or is it gender (oh my, they are waaaayyyyy different, donchaknow) until the skeleton tells us his/her/hir/zir/their/dems/dis/thou pronouns. And he would also need a biologist just like a Supreme Court justice to weigh in on the matter. Of course, everyone else who applies science can tell very quickly but anthropology is probably no longer a science but a social-justice studies "art" so PhD or not he is not a scientist.
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