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Everything posted by gimpeltf

  1. Mizzou- Conor Brown 133 transferred twice (SDSU, Wisc)
  2. Please! NO MORE SHOTS!
  3. And in Mint condition!
  4. That's The Answer!
  5. @SetonHallPirate
  6. I'm not positive here but I believe the PIAA started thinking about changing the weights prior to the NFHS settling on their new sets. So they just came up with a reasonable set and then once the NFHS settled they went with it.
  7. Gambling that's not licit? What part don't you understand?
  8. Not sure what some of you are thinking here PIAA-wise. That 1 pound add to the first several weights was done so that it DID comply with the NFHS 13 weight set for boys.
  9. Yup- perfect weight classes are ... perfect!
  10. But they do have non-even weight distribution- especially in the smaller events. Granted the Beast or Iron Man probably won't be affected because of size. But the smaller Christmas type tournies might invite 8 schools and have enough byes to cause problems. And the point is that with a 30 minute rest this becomes less of a problem.
  11. It definitely does make a difference early. I'm likely talking more about about events (opens) where the pigtail rounds (ch and co) are at oddball numbers due to uneven weight-size distributions. Often invites try for some round numbers of teams but even something like the EIWA in college has 17 teams and we have to schedule pigtails such as to minimize the wait time worries.
  12. At least Star Date 2269
  13. But he can rule him to death.
  14. Might just be how he defines committed. He might mean Letter of Intent.
  15. Commits or signed? I don't see how they could stop verbals.
  16. Was that maybe 665 total? I see someone beat me to it.
  17. 1904 (I know) Games Gold Silver Bronze Light flyweight details Robert Curry United States John Hein United States Gustav Thiefenthaler Switzerland Flyweight details George Mehnert United States Gustave Bauer United States William Nelson United States Bantamweight details Isidor Niflot United States August Wester United States Louis Strebler United States Featherweight details Benjamin Bradshaw United States Theodore McLear United States Charles Clapper United States Lightweight details Otto Roehm United States Rudolph Tesing United States Albert Zirkel United States Welterweight details Charles Ericksen Norway William Beckmann United States Jerry Winholtz United States Heavyweight details Bernhoff Hansen Norway Frank Kugler Germany Fred Warmbold United States
  18. 30 minutes will make tournies run faster. 6 per day will make it easier, in conjunction with 6 per day, to run tournies in one day.
  19. But those same non-elite HS wrestlers you allude to would likely never be in a place to win 6 matches in a day.
  20. And I've heard that he's very different alone- he has a sense of humor, etc. If elite people don't need leaders, why do some super teams fail and some work (think Phil Jackson)? Again, it's quite evident that he attracts kids- that in and of itself is charisma- whether or not you think he's a fun guy or not.
  21. Venue don't come...
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