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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. If he doesn' like the rules, lobby to change them. Quit the "holier than thou" act.
  2. Next Cinnablow will ask if All Utah wrestlers are descendants of Polygamous families.
  3. Lee over Yianni. Burroughs is getting OLD - though still able to beat most at his weight no matter the age.
  4. Watching a number of matches where the 30 second passivity point is awarded. Then see a few where the wrestler on the clock scores - but they only get the points for their scoring move. Why don't they get ONE extra point for scoring during passivity penalty time? Seems only fair since if they are blocked out from scoring and the opponent gets one point that they should get that one added on to anything they score while on the clock.
  5. Capitalization is important in writing. It is the difference in helping your Uncle Jack off a horse..., or Helping your uncle jack off a horse.
  6. Cornell Recruiting Slogan: Home of the 4 timers! No other school has two 4x NCAA champions.
  7. Any weight where he doesn't have to face Vito, his Nightmare.
  8. Big question is WHY isn't Stanford wrestling on this level?
  9. Why would he want to be like Spencer Lee?
  10. Because it is un-natural and dumber than Chia Pets. Nothing below the waist? Almost as stupid as Soccer - where they don't use hands. Both are un-American..., the term taking in the entirety of Both Hemispheres! We have hands and feet so should be able to use them.
  11. We need video and your great & insightful analysis of the throw. Was it overhand? A simple toss? Maybe like a girl? Please start a few threads of analysis for us.
  12. Collegiate wrestling gets a lot more support from fans then Freestyle does. NIL support is there.
  13. Does prison time count against Collegiate eligibility? TommieBoy has so much to consider in planning his lineup. Will Tom start looking like John Smith if AJ does show up on the roster? John aged 20 years in one season.
  14. Lee Lost & wussed out. Then ran away and hid from Suriano in Freestyle.
  15. Iowa City has plenty of space in the trailer parks so the whole Clan will fit right in. Goetz will be hawking "AJ Flex" T-shirts at the dual meets. Iowa has Safeguards - flood and fire and hail insurance - why worry about wrestlers? SkinnyGirl popcorn. Helps keep the girlish figure.
  16. Ed Ruth at Penn State. Somehow he seems to be overlooked by way too many.
  17. You want a great actor? Watch two movies. Silence of the Lambs The World's fastest Indian Anthony Hopkins is the lead in both. Look for mannerisms. He is a completely different character - not the same guy with a different name like so many other actors. Now we need to get him to play a Wrestling coach near the end of his career pushing a new guy to excellence...
  18. Ferrari's are coming because they know getting an Iowa degree assures success in life. Downey has at least 14 PhD's from Iowa and look how successful he is.
  19. Writers Strike. We are stuck with Cinnabutts.
  20. O'come on. It isn't as if the wrestlers are selling drugs while Tom refuses to cooperate with law enforcement.
  21. BAC wrote "AJ's still out there but I can't see Iowa's AD allowing Tom to touch him until his charges are resolved, and that outlook looks bleak." All of the clan will get into Iowa because Donald Trump, fellow sexual predator and rapist will go to bat for the older one. He will donate a million $ or so to endow a chair for "those prosecuted by haters who rely on total lies" with AJ as his poster boy.
  22. Video of the Jesus the Ferrari clan follows.
  23. What got the wrestlers caught was the big betting that they would only be 5 points behind Penn State at the NCAA tournament and Spencer Lee would win 6 NCAA titles. Iowa State... who really cares?
  24. How does his topic relate to Spencer Lee?
  25. The Sanderson video says Penn State has the most successful run in College wrestling history. Iowa and Oklahoma State, anyone?
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