You are pissing and moaning about Flo to a crowd who will generally pile on.
You don't find it odd that nobody is?
If not, I will help you out: Flo has nothing to do with streaming nor is track/flo hosting their brackets.
Wrestling(Flo) doesn't have the limitless funds and the Flo name doesn't carry the level of clout ESPN does. Meaning coaches and event organizers or more likely to either not answer requests or simply tell them to pound sand when asking about probables and such.
Also it is required in most professional leagues, including the EPL, to report on injuries and such.
At the end of the day, if you are going to hold Flo's coverage of a random (and new) NCAA invite tournament to the ssme standard of ESPN's coverage of the most popular professional league on the planet, in the EPL, then you will always be disappointed.