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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. No. I would still keep the U.S. Congress, President and judges. Just fire the entire U.S. Senate. Electoral college has just been voting for whoever wins their state. So votes in less populated states count several times more than those in more populated ones. Let's count them equally. But those big rich landowner cattle ranchers in WY are too important, huh? Gotta give them more power?
  2. Huh? Please provide context
  3. Don't care. He isn't running anymore. His presidency is almost done too. U r not only a hypocrite but now also deflecting. WOW!!
  4. Lol. The wingers suddenly don't care about fitness now that biden is out of the picture. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
  5. Per her medical report at https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/VP-Harris-Health-Summary.pdf The fitness of a president matters. I'd like to see trumps report but that's secretive, just like his tax returns and his conversations w his daddy Putin.
  6. Electoral college is garbage. Constitituon should be amended to throw it in a hazardous waste landfill. Get rid of U.S. Senate too. Another area were founding fathers were idiots. People in WY have orders of magnitude more voting power than those in CA or NY. Are those people better or more important? I guess so, per our Constitution
  7. She's a complete idiot. An embarrassment to her state and to the human race. An idiot like that can ONLY get elected in the corrupt, dirty and dumb/redneck South.
  8. "God told us that that land was ours." This type of thinking is ALWAYS going to be a disaster. Zionism IS a disaster. Always was and always will be and we shouldn't have anything to do with that garbage.
  9. So you think we need a "Christian nation?"
  11. Calling yourself Israel would be much better. Get $ forever, indefinitely, whether you are in a,war or not. Attack your neighbors and you'll get even more federal government assistance including troops.
  12. Walz served his country honorably for over 20 yrs and was eligible for retirement. He had every right to retire. Trumpy dodged the draft so served zero time Huge difference.
  13. Funny that the wingers attack the Walz military record when Trumpy dodged the draft several times so served no time whatsoever. The hypocrisy of the right...
  14. They've killed orders of magnitude more Arabs than they've suffered on their own, and continued to take more land away from Arabs. They have whatever comes to their way now.
  15. Lots of violence all over the world. Israel is more violent than any country in world history, so either way, the overall violence would be a lot less if it weren't for them.
  16. Our mistakes in Middle East/Israel policy are way more likely to get us into WW3 than Ukraine/Russia.
  17. Israel got off very light with all the new land that they decided to take themselves since 1948 and ongoing brutality against the Palestinians. In both Gaza and West Bank.
  18. what's wrong with that? I don't even live in Philadelphia. I'm embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen with us taking the side of that genocidal maniac.
  19. Yawn. Somebody always has to play that card. If you oppose the country of Israel whatsoever, you're a bigoted Nazi. Pathetic and dumb.
  20. We'll do whatever he wants. He's our daddy.
  21. Israel's attack on Gaza was nothing remotely close Israel's counterattack on Gaza was nothing even close to proportiional to what was done to them. Thousands of Gazans dead; mostly civilians. This is what happens to you when you commit genocide for decades.
  22. Middle East would be pretty peaceful if Israel was out of the pic.
  23. They're Gods chosen people. They can do whatever they want. and we send them blank checks. We need to bless them. Bible says so. Bible also says they are entitled to that land so that means they are.
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