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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. When Israel tells us to bend over, U.S. taxpayers respond with "how far?' We'll literally do whatever they want and continue to provide blank checks. They OWN us.
  2. Where do you get your news from? Or are you one of those wingers that is so smart that he fully investigates everything. Of course, they do their investigations by exclusively turning to "non-bias" sources like Breitbart, The Blaze and Ben Shapiro, but never mind that.
  3. I saw this in the news and knew that the wingers would start a thread about it. ANYTIME a Democrat gets charged with anything, they are all over it like a pitbull on the pant leg of opportunity. Meanwhile, look the other way if a Republican gets in trouble. Ahhhhh....the hypocrisy.
  4. This isn't rocket science. NONE of us have time to investigate the legitimacy of every conspiracy theory and claim out there. Best thing to do is find a reputable news source that is widely recognized as not being on the fringe, like MSNBC or Fox News. Personally, I go with Reuters and BBC for most of my news. A good sign that they are reputable, without actually looking it up? The stories are a lot more boring, in general, than the distortions that the fringe media provides. Real news typically isn't very exciting or scary. If you're one of those people getting riled up by the news every day, you're probably listening to Fox, MSNBC, or something even worse.
  5. Horrible politician. The modern-day father of runaway deficit spending and wasteful defense spending. His trickle-down theory has failed miserably. Much better than Trump though.
  6. Unreal ignorance. Take an Econ 101 course.
  7. Unreal. The same people that complain about the debt also complain about taxes being too high. They actually think that lowering taxes will decrease the debt & deficit. People need to take econ 101.
  8. You should look at the decisions that you've made that have caused a downward trajectory in your life instead of blaming politicians.
  9. His crowds aren't nearly as large as he claims. Those who buy into his lies are idiots.
  10. OMG. Do the 100% unfounded right-wing whack job conspiracy theories EVER END?
  11. What's the deal with this? It's obviously the most important thing to him. CONSTANTLY talking up his crowd sizes and talking down his opponents crowd sizes. Every time he talks. How petty and pathetic. Even last night, Kamala made a comment last night about people leaving his speeches early due to boredom and he was visibly angry and spent a ridiculous amount of time responding to it. As if that was a low blow. Hit him where it hurts the most. What does this obsession tell you about his psychology, that we don't already know from his constant lying and insults? Truly a "small man" as Adam Kinzinger accurately indicated.
  12. Another right-wing 100% unfounded whack job conspiracy theory. They're a dime a dozen.
  13. I didn't watch it (never do) but I heard she completely punked him and made him look like the idiot and unhinged liar that he is.
  14. The wingers will almost ALWAYS defend the actions of overly-aggressive and corrupt cops, particularly when it involves a black person.
  15. I trust that Trump will propose to do the wrong thing almost always and then follow-up by actually doing the wrong thing. Yah; that's great.
  16. Conspiracy whack job. What is the "deep state" and what evidence do you have that the election was rigged? BTW, every judge pretty much disagrees w/ you.
  17. It's bad by definition. You can easily look up the definition of it.
  18. Kinzinger really ripped Trump apart, didn't he? What a great speech.
  19. Your chart shows nothing related to the topic. All it does is show generally increasing revenue. Yah, that happens when you have inflation. It doesn't even compare revenue to tax rates. Horrible. if that's the best you can do. That wasn't even what your article was about. Seriously, go look up something specific to this topic actually written by an economist.
  20. See the Laffer Curve. This is VERY basic economics. We once had a 90% tax rate so you'd have a point several decades ago. We're not there anymore. Not even close. You should really take a basic economics class.
  21. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/do-tax-cuts-pay-themselves
  22. When I say other factors, I mean things like normal fluctuations in the economy. Any economics professor will agree that cutting taxes almost always decreases revenue. See the link I posted. That organization is full of tax revenue and economics scholars. Do you just disregard anything that comes from an economics scholar? The less educated the more trustworthy? Something like that?
  23. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/do-tax-cuts-pay-themselves A. At current tax rates, the direct revenue loss from cutting tax rates almost always exceeds the indirect gain from increased activity or reduced tax avoidance. Cutting tax rates can, however, partly pay for itself. How much depends on how people respond to tax changes
  24. ...now I see even more why we continue to have bigger and bigger deficits. The wingers actually believe that, under normal circumstances, cutting taxes will increase revenue. That DOES NOT HAPPEN all other factors being equal. It's complete pie in the sky wishful thinking. I can have my cake and eat it too. Sure, it can happen once in a while when other factors lead to revenue increases (and the tax cuts aren't drastic), or if the taxes are already incredibly high like they were several decades ago (e.g. 90%). Most recently, Trump slashed taxes and the deficit skyrocketed while revenue bottomed. Any reputable economist will agree that the tax cuts were a big part of this. But just filter that out and listen to Fox News.
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