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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. "I train every day of my life as they have never trained a day in theirs." -Aleksandr Karelin
  2. Very well said. Nice, uplifting story. What I was, and am, most concerned about is the government reaching in my wallet and taking whatever they want. Since they have done that for 45 years, I expect to get the services I have already paid for.
  3. I think we're agreeing too much. This is getting scary. Now, for the serious part... This is exactly the way it should be. We should not let the politicians, media, rich and powerful, whoever, divide us constantly. We need to be pragmatic and look at what is best for the country and ALL of its citizens. OK. I'm down off the soap box.
  4. I had to dig deep after your "Price check".
  5. Now, this is rasslin' weather. Just got home. Entertaining match. Other than 125 (see below), the ref did a great job. Nice quick tribute to the retiring Cornell AD. No Vito. Yianni with TF. I know this will sound stupid, but the Lehigh kid put up the best fight I ever saw in a TF. Ramirez overpowered Lehigh. Foca's match was tighter than 9-5 score would indicate, I thought. Cornella was not agressive enough IMO. Beard with a non impressive decision over Cardenas. I would have called Beard numerous times for stalling on top. Seems like there's a thread on here about that parallel ride thing... The Big Boys was one of the most entertaining matches I've seen in a while. Both guys left it all out there. Gas tanks were on E after that match. Not the 7 minute waltz you often get with the 285s. Lots of good action. The Lehigh kid must have had to take off his warmups to make weight. He was a biiiig feller. The 125s made up for the 285 match with the biggest double snoozefest I can remember watching in a while. I would have called double stalling in the standing position so many times, it would have been a double DQ. I forget who even won. Cornell 133 kept from getting stuck for the win for the team. One thing that's often overlooked, the ref did a great job of starting the action in the ref's position. I think only 2 cautions in the whole match. He blew the whistle immediately when the top man came set. I hate when refs wait and you have umpteen cautions. I had forgotten how cold that hill can be in the winter. I'm not so sure about global warming, it didn't seem that cold 50+ years ago...
  6. If I ever get lucky enough to meet him, I'm gonna buy him a Sarsaparilla.
  7. “I was tougher than I was good.” Doug Blubaugh
  8. When you started here did they tell you this was a full-time job? Lol.
  9. I sure like watching that Hamiti kid wrestle. He constantly works for the turn.
  10. Over the years, I gave the "Craw" to 3 kids and 2 grandkids. It was the old tickle the belly move. Also known as "giving them the business". Good memories. Maybe I'll get to give it to some great grandkids if I'm lucky.
  11. Board Rule 1.2.4: Penalties for grammar and/or spelling errors will be assesed as follows: The first error is a warning with the second error resulting in a one day stay in The Zoo for said violator. A third error also results in a one day stay in The Zoo. A fourth error is a two day stay in The Zoo, and a fifth violation results in a one week status as NJ Dan's best friend and the opportunity to join him, wherever he is. All grammar and spelling decisions will be the sole judgement of the late Senator "Honest" @BobDole.
  12. I've often wondered if the best way to offer wrestling would be to just show the dual with the match and team scores in the corner with the wrestlers names. Only sound would be the crowd, ref, etc. As close as possible to you simply being there. It's not like the typical amateur wrestling fan wants the hoopla of the WWE. I dont need or want all the "backstory", to be told the wrestlers favorite "finishing move", etc. Heck, I'm not even a fan of the current NCAA finals broadcast with the smoke machines, immediate post-match interview, and such drama. Give me 1963 with color and high def.
  13. You mean spending like a drunken sailor and still cutting taxes? Reagan, Bush1, Bush2, trump?
  14. Hey, wait a minute! Are you my best old ex-friend, Ray? ♪
  15. As always, the economics is muddled by throwing in one of the Big Three. Abortion, Gay Marriage, and Gun Control, although the Gay Marriage issue seems to have been relegated to the back burner. As always, while we dicker about the Big Three, the rich keep filling their pockets unabated. Good "work" if you can get it. 1. Bill to remove a majority of the IRS funding of $80 Billion that was in the Inflation Bill/Law. Biden is against this. I'm confused by this. I can't really imagine why the rich guys are worried about the IRS. They've already paid (the politicians) to get the tax laws changed many, many times over the last 40+ years, such that they and their corporations pay little taxes now. Must be just another distraction. Of course, if nobody worked at the IRS, trump would have nothing to worry about. 2. House passes Born Alive Act. This bill says that if a baby is brought out of the uterus alive, it must be kept alive by all means available to medical staff. In other words, this is a bill to prevent a botched abortion that produces a live baby, from then after birth, killing the baby. This seems rather straightforward. Yet Ds are reacting hysterically and making zero sense. This one's above my pay grade, and I mean that seriously. Honestly, I'm not even able to process the information that's here. It's simply too hideous. If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal. - Emma Goldman
  16. Way back when, for Christmas we bought our older daughter one of those blow-up clown punching bags with the weighted bottom. She not only punched it, she tackled it, kicked it, and sat on it and bounced up and down. My wife and I laughed and laughed. I think she was 2. She outgrew it in about a week.
  17. Sometimes these come in handy: ♪
  18. I'm not sure we're giving enough respect to Pat Smith. First 4x. That was a very big accomplishment.
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