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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. Jimmy "Nostradamus" Cinnabon.
  2. I'm pretty sure you won't mind me interrupting your single-sided peeing contest. I'm fascinated by your name. I suspect there's a cool story behind it. What were you interviewed about at Weehawken??? If you don't mind me asking. Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts!
  3. You weren't too far off, except 197 and 157. But 197 was a surprise and 157... well, what can I say...
  4. FYI... I'm sure there was more action in the Andonian/Scott match tonight than there was in this entire dual. Also more action than Bravo Young in 4 years total.
  5. 16-14 VT final.
  6. This ref uses the old half of 2 equals 1 call when a reversal is close when the wrestlers go out of bounds. Haven't seen that in a while.
  7. I see so much La Bamba dancing anymore, I almost forgot what a rasslin' match looked like.
  8. 24-10 Andonian final. Holy #*&#!
  9. He sure looks good. Up 19-6 after 2.
  10. Andonian Scott buckle up.
  11. You mean he looks big?
  12. It was the same as "The party's over". Anytime something ended, someone would say "Goodnight Irene". Maybe it was a Southern Tier of NY thing. One of many.
  13. When I was in HS, everybody said that about everything.
  14. I didn't see anyone mention Jordan Titus of WVa. He's got some good coaches, Flynn, Port.
  15. I tried to find this quote again but couldn't. I think it was Royce Alger, not sure... In my hometown there are ten tough guys. Nine of them call me sir. Does anyone remember this better than me?
  16. I agree completely with everything you said. I'd like to add a qualifier though. Except for the top x%, nearly all of the increase in the standard of living was up till the 70s or 80s. Since then, the standard of living for much of the middle and lower classes has leveled off or even lowered, while the wealth of that x% has skyrocketed. Now when the school (the taxpayer) buys a pizza for the school class, the fat kid eats half and the other 15 kids split the other half. I guess that makes sense to some people. (I trust the fat kid reference wasn't too oblique.)
  17. 1) Of course nearly all politicians are liars, and the crem de la crem rises to the top, Washington. trump was just in a class by himself. Always has been. Sort of the Babe Ruth of Bullshit. No politician has ever rallied the middle and lower class behind him with false promises like trump. Amazingly, he's still a hero to many. 2) If you say so. I have heard his supporters say this. I have zero idea if these things happened, or if trump was responsible for any of it. Admittedly, my head spends a lot of time in the sand. My blood pressure is better that way. 3) I've been riding that horse for a long time. I even voted for a third party candidate, Ralph Nader, 4 times for President. However, to deny that one party is ever vigilant in protecting the rich is simply naive. I don't even think it's beyond possible that many in Washington and their cronies, regardless of party, were rooting for trump in order to keep the vast majority of people divided. No better man for that job. He is the most divisive human being I've ever seen. I can tell you what ALL of their policies are. To protect and serve those that put them where they are and who fill their pockets with money. Simple really, until we do something besides keep electing the same clowns over and over. I call 'em like I see 'em.
  18. Of course we aren't Tsarist Russia. Thankfully, almost the entire world has progressed a lot since 1904. I'm astounded you didn't realize that what I said was about wealth disparity, empowered by a corrupt government, nothing more, nothing less. But, If the Orange Imbicile gets a couple more terms, anything's possible.
  19. I despise the man both as a person and for his "Trickle Down" BS policies. His Rich Guy and Corporate tax cuts were no surprise to me. Very predictable. He campaigns like he has the best interests of Joe the Plumber in mind, but I have no doubt he's never known anybody but the rich and jet-setters he grew up around and has surrounded himself with his entire life. Exactly what the middle class thinks this man would do (has done) for them is beyond me. Ok, I came clean, now it's your turn. Specifically which of trump's policies were/are you in favor of? If it's his "Made in America" initiative, please realize that was much more lip service than substance. The off-shoring of American manufacturing has been 100% a result of Rich Corporate America's insatiable desire for more money, more profit. If trump's dad had been involved in some sort of manufacturing enterprise for him to nurse off of, trump would have been at the forefront of moving manufacturing out of the US. Until corporate tax and accounting laws are changed to no longer incentivize US companies from moving their manufacturing to other countries, the loss of decent paying middle class jobs will continue. trump flapping his lips about it will change nothing. Any other of his policies that you are/were in favor of?
  20. Guilty as charged... And damn proud of it.
  21. Oh, I think this is exactly what this is about. Much of the writings of the great Russian writers describe a Tsarist Russia with the vast majority of the population in extreme poverty and a very, very few ultra-wealthy empowered by the government/military. Sound familiar? This eventually led to the Revolution of 1905. The amazing thing is that according to many academic studies, the wealth gap in the present day US, China, and Russia is even greater than Russia pre-Revolution. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-economic-history/article/russian-inequality-on-the-eve-of-revolution/A5CED37A899914A15F9CFB1777A441DF
  22. "I agree with Plato... Life's a gas, Man." -Francine Lawrence
  23. Was that when you sang Alvin and the Chipmunks for your high school talent contest?
  24. There were FDR, JFK, LBJ, RFK, MLK and others. RBY? I don't think so. You mean you don't like to watch Bravo-Young ride his phantom unicycle around the outside of the mat? GWB called that strategery. I call it stalling. We need more refs that aren't afraid of Cael that would call it too.
  25. "Louden... Kick his ass." -Carla
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