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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. The 3Rs would be a good start. Your science suggestion would also provide much needed logic and critical thinking skills. I know it sounds negative, but this would require a 179 degree turn for our current school administrations and curriculum. (Notice I am giving the some slight credit.)
  2. I don't know if you've ever heard of the long since gone Endicott Johnson shoes. There is an awful lot more to the story than this, but here's a little: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_F._Johnson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endicott_Johnson_Corporation An amazing story about an amazing man and company.
  3. Economics is far from an exact science. Much of what I see from Economics is an explanation of what happened after it has happened. Have you seen the movie Wall-E? A great commentary on planned obsolescence and out of control consumerism. It looks like a kids movie, but is a great comment on our modern society.
  4. You are not only very, very good with the data, you are also a funny guy. Thanks for the insight and thanks for the laughs.
  5. You forgot one thing. 64ecec9d-ad22-427b-874e-1fcc5f334a0b.mp4
  6. This is the famous "Kolat Flip" from the PIAA HS championships in '92. But, this is not what we're here for. The other kid didn't back down from Kolat at all even with Kolat's reputation and the way Kolat was working on his arm. Go to 3:50 and notice the stall call. I don't know if that ref is still alive, but wouldn't it be great if we could get him to do a clinic on calling stalling for the current crop of NCAA refs. Also note the announcers agreed with the call. Full disclosure: Even I think this stalling call was hardly warranted here. Maybe even I have become too used to today's reffing.
  7. Just to clarify... Is the 26 both Brands? If so, I'll take the over.
  8. Randy Lewis v Spencer Lee. Or Randy Lewis v Bravo-Young
  9. That would be a good one. I would spend 2.718 RAE to watch that.
  10. I don't think this one would be a snoozefest.
  11. I've wanted to do this with numerous all-timers VS current top wrestlers. Bravo-Young VS TJ Jaworsky Many others.
  12. Absolutely. While "we" are arguing over what I'd call a bunch of chicken crap things (which seem incredibly important to others), the rich guys are more than happy to fill their pockets with money. As I've said before... "They" don't want your guns, your bibles, your freedoms, your liberties, etc. They only want your money. And "we" have been giving them signed blank checks.
  13. I have beaten that drum on here, and elsewhere, numerous times. Unfortunately, what you have said will somehow be construed as a "bunch of Leftist talking points". I'd say Bernie Sanders is somewhat the Ralph Nader of this generation, though more of a politician and less honest and direct. (Ralph Nader lite?) Someone who tries to get the American electorate to wake up to the con job being perpetrated on them by pretty much all the scumballs in Washington. As a second career, my wife got her actuarial license and worked for a couple of insurance companies. She said the name Ralph Nader was similar to the name Satan at those insurance companies. The insurance and financial companies convinced everyone that Ralph Nader was the devil simply because he tried to get the American public to educate themselves in the matters of government, finances, insurance, and investments. This of course was not in the best interests of said powerful companies and politicians. They do better when the masses are ignorant. FWIW, I voted for Ralph Nader for president 4 times and have read most of his books. It never occurred to me that he was a hypocrite because he was selling books. Ralph Nader was not opposed to capitalism, he was opposed to what he referred to as "cronie capitalism". In 5, 10, 100 years I believe this period in American history will be seen as one of the greatest con jobs in history. "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -Thomas Jefferson
  14. I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to, but I'll hazzard a guess that's always correct: Follow the money. In this case for the financial gain of the companies that manufactured the weapons, and that continue to manufacture weapons and sell them to whoever will pay. Our "defense" contractors. ("defense" in quotes, because I don't see what this has to do with our defense.)
  15. As long as you're not playing poker with @JimmyCinnabon. I suspect he's a sandbagger extraordinaire. If you guys ever make it to the Southern Tier of NY / NC PA, I'll make it a threesome. Just for coffee I mean.
  16. Pitt also looked good last night vs UNC.
  17. Honestly, I was surprised at how easily Hamiti had his way with Ramirez at Cornell. Maybe it was a style/matchup thing or maybe Ramirez wasn't 100%. At 165 we may have the old A beats B, B beats C, C beats A thing with a dozen kids. Coaching may be as important or more important than the wrestlers.
  18. 165 is going to be a meat grinder in Tulsa.
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