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Everything posted by mspart

  1. You lost the battle here with the fact that that you are justifying Hamas who are a bunch of barbarians that did not take the fight to the government and soldiers, but to mostly unarmed civilians in a surprise attack, burning alive, raping women, killing 260 youth at a dance event, decapitating women and babies. COWARDLY BEHAVIOR! There is no excuse for this and your arguments and justifications are getting real old and tiresome. Even President Biden has said, "Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to who pays the price,” Biden said. “The loss of innocent life is heartbreaking. Like every nation in the world, Israel has the right to respond, indeed the duty to respond, to these vicious attacks.” Head of ADL is condemning everyone not condemning these attacks. You are left alone crying, but but but..... There is no justification for this. They are getting what they deserve. Gazans are not innocent in this as theY heartily support Hamas. Hell is coming for the Gaza Strip in a way they have not experienced before. Did they think that would not be the result? What were they thinking? They were not thinking immediate future that's for sure. What have Hamas been doing all this time? Oh, they have been taking all the money and doing nothing but buy munitions and dig tunnels. Have they put together a water supply so they don't have to rely on Israel? Have they put together a power system so they don't have to rely on Israel? No, they haven't. All they want to do is kill Israelis. Read their charter. In 1988, Hamas published its charter, calling for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic society in historic Palestine. And that was apparent this weekend when they cowardly went after the most vulnerable. I suppose you justify ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Al-Qaeda, they did similar. As the Japanese admiral said of the attack on Honolulu, he feared they had just awakened a sleeping giant. Well, Israel has been awakened and I think they will accept nothing but total surrender this time out, and if they push for that, they should be supported by everyone. mspart
  2. I'm fairly confident in saying not on the scale that has been witnessed this weekend. If the Gazans hoped to bring hell and war to their enclave, then they went about it the right way. I'm sure the IDF has done things that were not right. I don't condone those actions. But we have rarely seen atrocities of this magnitude in recent modern times, only ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and perhaps Russia come to mind. War is not pretty and the middle east and Palestinians have been waging war with Israel for over 70 years. Yet Israel is the only one that has to temper any response. Palestinian action - Well, it has been bubbling over for a long time. Israel reaction - Better not go too hard Bibi. mspart
  3. You may be correct. I may handwave it. The top section is recounting a series of incidents regarding Israeli settler clashes. Not all, but some of those actors were arrested. Has that happened to anyone in Gaza? No. The second set is regarding soldiers, the first by CAIR is an allegation by a Palestinian woman and nothing more. The second is about a soldier boasting of raping a Palestinian woman and is now dead. He got what was coming. The third is story about some rapes by IDF folks. It does not say they were against Palestinian women, only that there were 32 cases of rapes. I take this meaning this was all inside the IDF. So this does not help your case. The third link is supposed to be equivalent to 260 mowed down in one go by Gazans a few days ago. This link says, "Israeli forces had killed at least 34 Palestinian children in the West Bank as of August 22." First this is not the same thing. Second you have to ask what was going on that the soldiers would fire on kids. Third, if for no reason, this is not a good thing and should be condemned and is inexcusable and those soldiers incarcerated. The circumstances are not discussed which may mean this would not sound as innocent on the part of the youth as you want it to. How does this compare to mowing down 260 kids in a matter of minutes who were at a dance party? It doesn't. You would be surprised that I am not convinced by these links. The dailysabah link is the only one that has some semblence of germaneness to the question here and that guy is now dead. You are taking individual actions over the course of a year or more and trying to equate them to a point in time where 260 youth were mowed down, where women were systematically raped and some decapitated, and others killed, where babies were killed with some decapitated by a concerted effort on the part of Hamas and this is somehow excusable. I have no issue with Israel retaliating after what happened last weekend. mspart
  4. There was also Wrestling and Track and Field events in 1896, just like ancient times to which I was referring. The modern Olympics were inspired by the ancient Olympics. Hence my reference to wrestling being an original sport in the Olympics. When they get rid of original sports that were competed in the ancient Olympics, then the modern Olympics is no longer worthy of the name, in my opinion. mspart
  5. Israel decapitates, rapes, mows down youth? I'm not a believer, please show documentation of this. mspart
  6. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-palestine-hamas-attack-hostages-gaza-strip-b2426936.html Decapitating people is 1st degree murder. They raped and murdered women. They killed children in front of their parents. They indiscriminately mowed down youth at a dance party. They paraded bodies around Gaza to cheers. Again, what did they expect as a response? This was a monstrous attack by cold blooded killers. They should expect a somewhat similar response. The billions (and possibly trillion) of dollars of aid to the Palestinians has gone where? To make the people's lives better? To improve infrastructure? Apparently not. mspart
  7. Getting rid of wrestling (even though it was considered) is like getting rid of the decathlon and other track events. These are original events in the original Olympics. Move those to the side in favor of flag football or some other stupid sport? Don't misunderstand, I love flag football because I can play it with much bigger people. Of course I'm too old for it now but I used to play all the time. My team won our college intramurals. But an Olympic sport? Come on man! mspart
  8. Funny that he is even a topic of conversation still. mspart
  9. Lewis did it to show that Freestyle had become a sport that didn't need conditioning as I remember it. He did well his first match. His second match he did not do as well from a conditioning standpoint but still won. One of those two opponents was really mad they lost to the old man. Then he ran into Moza Fay and lost pretty badly. I think his conditioning was not up to the level he needed. So although he did well, he did not do well enough and this dissuaded him from entering OTTs as a past Olympian. But it was really fun to watch those matches. I think he underestimated the amount of effort in FS matches at that time. mspart
  10. But not answer the question that was asked. It is still out there for you. mspart
  11. I disagree, but what is your answer to resolve this? You claim to understand all of this, but what is your answer to it? mspart
  12. The thing Plasi is not saying is that these higher education level textbooks are not appropriate. Is Playboy, Penthouse, or general explicit sexual material allowed in school libraries? Especially elementary libraries? These books that have explicit sexual content is no different. They are not appropriate for the age group that the library is for. Not a word against "banning" Playboy etc. But taking a book that has explicit sexual material out of an elementary library or not letting it in at all is reason for crying banning of books. It is a situation that doesn't make any sense at all on the part of those advocating for these books. mspart
  13. There you go justifying it again. It doesn't matter. Murder is murder and is inexcusable. You agree. So there is no "how did we get here". There is only they did this cowardly act. There is no justification for it. mspart
  14. I understand 1st degree murder and call it out as such. Killing 260 youth does nothing to advance their so called claims. And they are so called as long as they do this kind of cowardly murdering. mspart
  15. Perhaps you did not say it was a good thing, but you did everything else to justify it. Their action killed 260 youth in cold blooded murder. But doing that is justified after what they have been through. UB - This kind of action is NEVER justified. mspart
  16. So now you are using the correct usage of "ban" with regards to books as you special ordered those. Not too complicated to do. Now explain why they are not found in elementary school libraries which is used by the heathens as an indication that these books are banned. mspart
  17. So Plasi, you did not respond about why Calculus, Organic Chemistry, and Thermodynamics books are banned from elementary school libraries. I think your input on that would be very instructive. mspart
  18. Uncle, Nothing you have said changes anything regarding these brave Palestinians targeting and killing 260 youth that were at a dance party. You can't make that sound like something noble. It was cowardice and 1st degree murder to do that. We will be agreeing to disagree here I'm sure. mspart
  19. Not banned. https://www.amazon.com/Kite-Runner-Khaled-Hosseini/dp/159463193X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JZAUJWJN5EGB&keywords=kite+runner&qid=1696872712&sprefix=kite+runner%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1 mspart
  20. These was an act of barbarism and cowardice in gunning down 260 students at a party and the other actions they took against civilians. This action should be condemned in the harshest way. Question: What did Hamas think was going to happen when they did this? That Israel would go, "oops my bad"? In 2005, Israel handed the Gaza Strip over to the Palestinians and rockets have poured over from there ever since. Shortly after getting sole possession of the Gaza land, they voted for Hamas to run things. And Hamas has always been about peace right? Gaza should not be surprised at the Israeli reaction and current siege. They essentially requested it, probably hoping it would bring in the rest of the middle east into the fight. mspart
  21. What!!! Calculus, Organic Chemistry, and Thermodynamics books are banned for 3rd graders? This can't be. We must fight this tooth and nail!! They must have access to these books. mspart
  22. Yes Rulon has "tried" to make the WTT the last few years. But he has not been able to get down to weight. Perhaps it works this year, but it is another year gone by and he is that much older. He might be successful and that would really be something. And if he was succesful, that would be huge news and might bring more interest in international wrestling. He last wrestled in 2004 Olympics and won bronze on less than 10 toes. I would give him a slight chance to make the US team. I would not give him much of a chance on the international scene. But it would be a good story that I have applauded in the past and been disappointed each time. But then I remember standout Andre Metzger's "comeback" in Greco and he was not very successful losing quickly. Randy Lewis had a similar result in a OTT qualifer. I think Rulon can win a match, maybe two, in OTTs but that might be it. He has an automatic pass to the OTTs I think as a former Olympian. mspart
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