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Everything posted by mspart

  1. That is both hilarious and sad all at the same time. mspart
  2. I can say that we have two new hires here in my engineering group. Both women. Both are competent. One is a little more motivated than the other. One whines about how hard the job is, the other doesn't. I don't know if the hires were DEI related or not. You get the same dynamic with guy hires. mspart
  3. I'm ok with reggae. I don't go out of my way to listen. But I'm not offended like I am with disco or rap. mspart
  4. I am sad DeSantis is no longer in the race. He was the guy I was interested in. I understand his reasoning. mspart
  5. So now we have it. Resorted to name calling. But before that, you resorted to acting like a 3 year old asking why about everything. Why is 2+2 = 4. Because that is life. But why? Because two fingers plus two fingers is 4 fingers. But why? Because Isaac Newton said so. But why? Because he invented the idea of gravity. But why? Because he wanted to do it before the German guy did it. But why? Because you'll be in time out if you ask why again. But why? Ok, time out. But why? Door slams. Yes this is a ridiculous example to type out. But you are the little 3 year old and it is impossible to have a conversation with you when you demand answers but provide none. We've had that here before many times. Always irritating to say the least. Nobody argues with your right to ask a question. But when you refuse to answer questions, it is not a conversation anymore, just an attempt at misdirection. You are the example the title of this thread is talking about. mspart
  6. You are conflating two very different issues. Voting and votes should be without question reliable and secure. If not, then that should be investigated. This is different from my house being investigated which would be a violation of my constitutional rights. Looking into voting malfeasance is not against any constitutional right. Your example is an example of refusing to see what is right in front of you and making up argument to try to divert attention from what is right in front of you. Can't see the forest for the trees is apt. mspart
  7. Bob Marley? Funny story, my brother in law was a dentist, now retired. He is a classical music enthusiast and always had that playing in his office from the local Classical music station. He was our dentist so we saw him every 6 months or so. One day I hear reggae playing which I thought was nice. After awhile I couldn't stand it any longer and asked him why he was playing reggae rather than classical. His answer surprised me. He said for a change of pace, he chose reggae. Because how can you be anything but happy or content listening to reggae. My jaw dropped. I guess it was easier for him to look in there after that!! Useless story but thought I'd share. mspart
  8. I think the answer is that the individual common man needs to start running for the positions rather than the idiots currently running. But that won't happen because the common man has to feed his and his family's face. Using man here as generic, could be man and/or woman. mspart
  9. This is borne out in the Pilgrims experience. They were a commune where everything was held in the community. The results of that were similar to your example. Then individual enterprise was tried by allowing the folks to do with their land whatever they wanted. Soon food was more plentiful and general welfare increased dramatically. Equality of outcome leads to lower results, it is human nature. Individual accountability generally leads to greater results and better conditions for the community. That also is human nature. mspart
  10. Perhaps there is no evidence. Perhaps there is. Has an exhaustive investigation taken place? This guy demonstrated how easily it could be done and that it could affect all machines in the county. So how long did it take for the media and democrats to stop with the Russian Collusion hoax? It was years until the Mueller investigation showed there was no such thing. And even then, the media and Ds still did not let go of that lifeline. So there is no evidence right now, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have happened. Isn't it time, based on the ease with this this guy subverted the machines, to mount some kind of investigation of this? mspart
  11. 3 Like Russian hoax taken as truth? Like the lie that border patrol agents were whipping Haitians? Like the lie that a woman and two children were drowning in the Rio Grande and that TX officials prevented Border Patrol from saving them? Like Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation? Each of these were accepted as truth until proven as lies, conspiracy theories. So the government is not in such a position to determine if something is a conspiracy theory or not as they promulgate them. So who then is that benevolent person? mspart
  12. Maybe talks about it here. https://www.flowrestling.org/people/5936337-nick-simmons/video?playing=6744998 mspart
  13. Deshazer's chances at OTTs? mspart
  14. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/expert-report-fuels-election-doubts-georgia-waits-update-voting-softwa-rcna89566 Just in case the gatewaypundit is not reliable enough for some on here. This report is on multiple platforms in the interwebs. mspart
  15. I like that his coach threw him off the mat. mspart
  16. You don't know nothin'!!! mspart
  17. So if RBY is all as good as everyone thought and if Deshazer gave him a real run for his money, what is Deshazer's chances at OTTs? Now maybe the reason RBY went somewhere else was a slam dunk getting to compete at the highest level. So maybe RBYs chances of winning OTTs was not that great in the USA. But Deshazer made a statement I think, kudos to him. mspart
  18. That may actually be the case if they limited the study to Seattle. Most of us do not have AC. However, I would think elites would. AC is becoming more common here but I'd say the vast majority of households do not have it in the PNW. mspart
  19. WNK, please don't say you did research on this and are not just taking the report's analysis at face value. mspart
  20. So it appears we have a mix on here that think you should research and those that do not think it is necessary. I think the examples I have provided are ample proof that it is necessary to find independent sources. The fact that a story is patently not true, and the "journalist" that reported it wrong doubles down on his reporting and the WAPO says the reporting is 100% accurate and that this "journalist" tells me I don't need to research anything, he will tell me what I need to know, seems to lead a rational human being to say Perhaps, Just Perhaps, I should look to another source and verify. mspart
  21. 2nd place used to win you the vice presidency. John Adams I think was happy with that, knowing that George Washington was going to win. After he got the VP-ship, he thought it was the most useless job in the history of jobs. He was a doer and there was really nothing for him to do. mspart
  22. Dake lost 2 matches his sophomore year. That would be equivalent to Cael's Freshman year after redshirt. Cael did not lose that year or in the next 3. So I see Cael as still the GOAT. Like I said, Dake makes a very good argument. mspart
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