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Everything posted by mspart

  1. That's a lot of research there. mspart
  2. You didn't say it but you essentially said it. We should import more immigrants and export our own people. You can read that how you like but it is pretty plain. mspart
  3. You are right, no confusion, except on your part. You said it. I didn't. I just reported the facts. mspart
  4. I'm guessing you are confused. You excused bad behavior on the part of illegal immigrants based on their crime rate is not as high as ours. In fact you stated that we should import more people and get rid of our people. My post was accurate. mspart
  5. What Husker said, It sounds like you excuse the illegal entrants to this country from any crimes they perpetrate because it is not a sufficient level. That is an incoherent position. All crime should be prosecuted. Immigration system needs to be fixed, it is not doing what it is meant to do, which is to stem the flow of non US citizens from pouring over the border and from across the seas and allow those that do some good and are seen as law abiding people by their countries. The immigration system has been bastardized to let all in. Currently, anyone that hops across the border can claim asylum and they are given the royal treatment. That is not the way our immigration laws read. Asylum is defined very narrowly to pertain to very few. It is now being used as an excuse to let everyone in. mspart
  6. There are a lot of names there. Big names past and present. Should be a good tourney. mspart
  7. I see the same and assume the same. mspart
  8. Exactly. Hence my "don't force the cluelessness" comment. mspart
  9. Plasi, please don't force the cluelessness. mspart
  10. Kind of spooky, you know! mspart
  11. I knew a kid named Denver. Never heard of anyone with the last name Riggleman. What about him? mspart
  12. If Trump had said he wasn't involved in Jan 6 in a similar arena, you of course would take that at face value right? mspart
  13. Make Lee #4 and Suriano #1, that should get it done. Perfect semi!! That would penalize Lee for last time and still make a pretty good semi. mspart
  14. And the D's were so sure they had Trump dead to rights. But they didn't. It was a show and they knew it. They figured an impeachment would weaken him. It didn't. And then they tried to impeach after the 2020 election which is ridiculous. The R's seem to be playing something similar. However, if they can show JB benefited from his own name via HB, then they might have some kind of corruption that could be legally prosecuted after he leaves office. But nothing will come of this impeachment effort in the short term. And I don't think anything will happen in the long term to JB. And perhaps to HB. We will see. mspart
  15. Apparently the previous folks running the place weren't doing so well either. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-twitter-x-one-year-after-acquisition/ ... Twitter was already struggling financially when Musk purchased it for $44 billion in a deal that closed Oct. 27, 2022, So the demise continues. mspart
  16. Yes WR, you eat very well. I hope you live long and prosper. mspart
  17. It is insulated pretty well, and it heats up with one of those infrared heaters see below: So I guess it is pretty warm in there. My son is living there right now and has not complained that he is cold. We had hoped to get a renter in there but our kids have confiscated it since it was built. He is talking about leaving now. Incidentally, we turned our detached garage into a preschool and it uses a similar heat source. When it gets really cold we have to supplement. Really cold is 32 or less. My wife fought a composting toilet for years and little people just don't understand about it. This year we got water and a drain in there and she now has a flushable toilet. Her life is a lot better now because of it. Also we just finished putting a hot water heater in. That was a job let me tell you. mspart
  18. And the law says that they are to stop illegal entry into the US. They are being prohibited from following the law by executive authority. Pure and simple. It is a political decision by the executive to allow untold immigrants entering our country illegally and then trying to make it look legal by using asylum laws to process everyone, not just the few actual asylum cases. mspart
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