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Everything posted by mspart

  1. The grid needs to be modernized I will agree. But to store the amount of energy for future use that will be needed is not something that can be done currently. The best way to do that is to pump water to an upper reservoir with surplus energy. That would be the battery for when the energy is needed later. There is a loss with this operation due to physics and thermodynamics (which arguably the latter is a subset of the former). Developing battery storage devices are not feasible at this time. What would help is a plentiful supply of fossil fuel (thinking natural gas) that the admin seems to be not in favor of. mspart
  2. Oh I guess you gave it to me. Ouch, I'm hurting now. You got me where I live. Ha! What does that have to do with illegal immigration that is the topic of this discussion and is causing havoc in NT, MA, and IL, TX, FL, NM, AZ, CA and other states? Nobody has an issue with legal immigration per the law of the land. It is illegal immigration against the laws of the land that have become a major issue. And Biden does not appear to be moving committedly on it, he will close the border if it gets overwhelmed after a new bill passes. The super secret triple dog dare meaning of that is he will not close the border. I don't care what Vak says, Biden could close the border now with the authority he has via present immigration law. If that is too hard, he could allow Border Patrol to do their jobs and slow down the flow. Neither of which he seems eager to even try. He won't do anything without a proper immigration bill and once that passes will not do anything other than point to it and say See, we did something. mspart
  3. Point taken. I guess I was speaking about the real universe like we talk about the real world. But you are right. mspart
  4. A better response I could not have given. It's not that he couldn't understand, it's that he won't. mspart
  5. Perhaps that is correct. What you have heard is that it has never gotten to the level to affect an election. And who is the judge of that when there are no investigations into it. And with no investigations, it is easy to say there is no evidence for widespread vote fraud. See how that works? mspart
  6. 1. Biden caused the inflation. Biden could have stopped the inflation. But he chose not to stop the vast amounts of money to keep on being spent. Stimulus 2, Green new deal etc. 2. Inflation is not a cash grab by anyone but the government. Inflation is the economic response to too much money in the supply which makes everything more expensive. Everything. It makes producing something more expensive, it makes packaging something more expensive, it makes transporting something more expensive. Federal price controls without accounting for inflation is certain to put businesses out of business. 3. See item 2 above. mspart
  7. Where I work, we have a company 401K where you can invest in various generic funds, retirement funds which are more or less conservative the close you get to the retirement date. For instance, Retirement 2025 is more conservative than Retirement 2030 and so on. There are S&P funds, Russell 500 funds, small companies, large companies, international funds. We even have a stable fund which is like a savings account with about 2% interest per year. We can move funds around but have to pay a penalty (1.5%) if we do more than one move in a 15 calendar day time span. It has done well for me. I am above the average of the original post thankfully. mspart
  8. But remember it is all ok. Hamas is not a government of a country and can do what they want. Israel is and must abide by Geneva Conventions. Granted this is a paraphrase from UB but essentially his position. mspart
  9. Some data: https://cis.org/Report/Estimating-Illegal-Immigrant-Population-Using-Current-Population-Survey Notice the time line; From 2016 to Feb 2022 (almost 2 years ago). Notice that the numbers declined per DHS figures. And notice the massive drop that occurred just before Biden came into office Jan 2021. Now notice the rise since Biden came into office. Make your own conclusions. mspart
  10. From https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Interesting going back and forth. mspart
  11. So you think current immigration law is too complicated? Why wasn't it too complicated 4 years ago? Biden did issue EOs to fix the issue. He removed Trumps policies. Now worse border control. You just can't see the forest for the forest. mspart
  12. 1. I understand them. Why do you think Dem cities and states are screaming about illegal immigration right now? Correlation does not equal causation unless you can show what changed. Biden changed the policies and we have an out of control border. That is causation. Bad before, worse now. What changed? The policy. ipso facto. 2. So your argument here is that Trump had worse legal immigration so we should compensate that for worse illegal immigration? Makes no sense. mspart
  13. Explain why Biden cannot enforce current immigration law. mspart
  14. Inflation causes things to cost more to make. So to keep the prices the same, you get to purchase less of a product for the same money. Or you get to pay more for the same amount of product. Inflation 101. mspart
  15. Only in your mind. Trump had the border under control. By any measure Biden has the border completely out of control. So anyone with logic can put 2 and 2 together and figure this out unless they don't want to. mspart
  16. Biden is also on record saying he will close the border if the new bill passes IF the border gets overwhelmed. So why pass a new bill? Apparently the border is not overwhelmed now. He could close the border at any time by enforcing current law. He is being disingenuous. mspart
  17. Nope: https://www.npr.org/2020/09/14/912060869/biden-pledges-to-dismantle-trumps-sweeping-immigration-changes-but-can-he-do-tha Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is pledging to dismantle the sweeping changes President Trump has made to the American immigration system, if he wins the White House in November. mspart
  18. I'll bet that smoked up real nice!! mspart
  19. ^ This. I can't stomach them much anymore, but every once in a while.... mspart
  20. Yah, I find it very interesting too. That's why I have been asking for more info on Trumble. Thanks for posting. mspart
  21. https://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-cold-truth-about-renewable-energy.html Cliff Mass of University of WA explains that for the local area (pacific northwest), wind turbines and solar are not good solutions during cold snaps and heat snaps when energy demand is the greatest and wind and solar are at their lowest. At very cold and very hot moments, there is little wind as the baro conditions don't allow for wind which he shows in various graphs. In the winter we get no sun so solar is not really a good option around here. Summer, we do get more sun but again it is not a reliable resource. This is not to say there aren't benefits of both wind and solar. But this is to say we cannot get rid of the current power grid of hydro, natural gas, and nuclear and concentrate on wind and solar. They cannot provide the energy needed at peak demand times. An interesting data driven observation. mspart
  22. Toyota has been on that path for some time. Hybrids make a heck of a lot more sense really. Until something changes and EVs can "gas" up in 10 minutes and give another 300-400 miles before repeating, EVs will be an in town only solution weather permitting. mspart
  23. I am torn a little on this issue. Ohio Elite brings up a good point. Biden swore up and down that he would drop Trump's immigration policies. Now that that has become a real problem, Biden wants R help to help him fix it. Problem: 1. The situation needs to be fixed, needed it before the problem started. 2. To give Biden a win on this would not be in the Rs self interest, but would be in the country's best interest. 3. Biden says he will close the border after the bill passes IF the border gets overwhelmed. In straight talk that means he ain't gonna do nuttin'. He will just be able to say he got immigration bill passed. No actual change. What to do? I can tell you that the bill as it currently states 5000 illegals a day will be allowed is a no go item. 0 illegals. Period. 5000 is more than Trump allowed in by a long shot. No way. So that legislation is dead unless it is changed dramatically. Something needs to be done, but it needs to be done in such a way that Biden must administer the law as it is written and with 0 illegals allowed in. No more asylum claims. If we could guarantee that Biden would abide by a 0 illegal law, then I am for it. If not, then no. Do it when Rs have a majority and the White House. Current bill is just bad politics, bad business, and bad national security. mspart
  24. Thanks for that MP. Until today/yesterday I had not heard of him. Indeed it sounds like he is an up and comer. I'm not as well informed as some around here. That's why I stick around. Learn some stuff. mspart
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