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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Interesting Trip, but this doesn't answer my question. In fact it doesn't answer anything. Which makes me think you have no idea what Trump did to sell out the country. And that is good, because he did nothing to sell out the country. You responded correctly in a round about way. mspart
  2. She will but I don't think she will be there in case of emergency. Let me see if I can do a preview; Kamala - Oh look there he is, my President. Did you know that he has called me President a few times he he he he. I have to tell you it felt good to be called President. What's he saying? Oh. Wait. Of course. Trans people are the backbone of our country. Why are they called Trans people? Because they are transforming the way we do business in this country. Before the trans people came we did business one way. Now we are beginning to do it another way. It's really quite wonderful to see this happening in the here and now. Not in the past, but in the today of our history. And it is in that history that we can look back and see that today, we were history. Oh wait, he's on to something else. Oh yes, getting Trump off the ballot is the most democratic thing that can be done in this country because Trump wants to rip my access to the White House away from me. When has there been a powerful black woman whose ancestors owned slaves had this kind of opportunity? We must protect our democracy by keeping Trump off the ballot. That's a good thing. What - The SCOTUS said what? Oh, that's just wrong. They will be found to be on the wrong side of the history that we are developing right now. People in the future will look back at the people in the past and wonder how we got it so wrong in the present. If I have said it once I've said it, that the future is our present for those who are in the past. We are so fortunate to be living in our present future so that our past people can look forward to something really good in the future of our present. He he he he. Oh he got Trump with a good one there calling him a convicted criminal. Oh Trump has been convicted many times and our DOJ is going after him with everything they have both in the present and in the future because we all know that the future will be the present of our children...... mspart
  3. Hoping beyond hope, I am hoping for a listing of the good and the bad without a bunch of commentary. But commentary will be inevitable like when someone says he did that and someone else comes in and says no, it was this way. Well, I'll start. Cons 1. He came in on inauguration day and EO'd that no more drilling would be expected. 2. He came in on inauguration day and EO'd the Trump EOs on immigration that has now ballooned illegal immigration into the US to record amounts 3. He came in and got two spending bills passed that were completely out of scope and caused the country to go into a massive inflationary period. One of which was ironically called the Inflation Reduction Act. mspart
  4. I may. But no guarantees. He will blather on about this and that. He will ask for money so he can bribe votes. It will be generally the same nonsense it always is. Except Johnson won't tear up the speech in front of the whole country. mspart
  5. And that folks is the state of the Democrat party. One way in which Biden has made us a less secure country. Priority number one for the federal government is to enforce sovereignty and that is done by controlling who comes into the country. There is no control currently. Biden got rid of the control on his first day EO. He cares about our country? Not by what he has allowed to happen to our country. All of the sudden because NYC and Chicago are complaining is this something that needs to happen now and he blames Rs for this. This is his fiasco pure and simple. And the legislation allows 1.8 million to come in and be declared legal. That's how much he cares about this country. He has put himself in the position of having to do something about the damage he has foisted upon the country. What leader who cares about the country does that? Trump didn't. mspart
  6. Really? What indication do you have that Trump will sell us out. In the 4 years he was President when did he sell us out? mspart
  7. It's pretty easy, just head to the open border. Lots of that stuff there. And it is more potent with THC than ever before. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6312155/ The Problem with the Current High Potency THC Marijuana from the Perspective of an Addiction Psychiatrist mspart
  8. They will load up Joe and uppers and hope they last. Again, my prediction is that he will physically fail and it will be apparent to all. He will shortly after suspend his campaign for becoming President for a second term or quit outright. That's why all the states are now trying to get D primary voters to vote uncommitted or write in. mspart
  9. Under Biden we are in Banana Republic territory with his DOJ going after his #1 rival with as much ferocity as they can muster. Plus he has other jurisdictions doing the same. This is what happens when you get ideology in the justice and court systems. Under Biden we have weathered the highest inflation in a generation and he still does not recognize it and continues to state it is all better. But the prices have not come down and most people (as can be seen in the polls) are not feeling like anything is getting better. In fact they think things are getting worse. There is a cause and effect here. Biden is the cause and the discontent is the effect. mspart
  10. Biden is a laughingstock. Where have you been? We have no respect around the world because he falls asleep in mtgs and makes no sense when he is awake. He doesn't know where he is half the time and wonders out loud that he will get in trouble if he says anything. That is laughingstock material. Trump is combative for sure, but he knows it. He feeds off of it. I don't like that, but his policies were good. Better than Biden's. Biden signed EOs on inauguration day that undid many of Trumps policies and we are where we are. And you are actually pleased at where we are? Of course you are. mspart
  11. I think the fact that the Pan Ams are not a slam dunk anymore should require something more. I like the idea of the US National Champion for the weights involved will be the Pan AM OG qualifier representative. If someone has aspirations to be at the Olympic Games, they should aspire to be the rep that gets that weight qualified. I really like this idea a lot. mspart
  12. Maybe. I just don't find it attractive. mspart
  13. He won't. He has too much class to do that. That was completely classless of Pelosi. A sign of the ultimate disrespect she has for him. Talk about sowing division and being nasty. Pelosi is a poster child. mspart
  14. My prediction is his speech tonight will be a failure because he will fail before it is over. And everyone will see what kind of shape this guy (who can run circles around anyone else in the white house which should tell you about those couch potatoes) is in and he will leave the race shortly after. mspart
  15. I haven't watched it, have you? As a result, I have no opinion about it. I assume you watched all of it as you seem to have a very strong opinion of it. mspart
  16. Comments above in red. As I have said, I support DeSantis as the R candidate and I hope that that somehow still happens. Hope against hope. Trump is a plague in how he presents himself but generally had positive policies that had the country going in the right direction, which is one reason he is leading in the polls. The other is the banana republic judicial tactics that are being used against him is obvious to anyone that it is a coordinated attack from the left to eliminate bad orange man. That also has galvanized support for him. I would like another candidate for sure. But I wouldn't vote for anyone that thinks the last 3 years has been taking our nation in a positive direction. mspart
  17. My prediction - Biden won't survive the State of the Union Speech tonight. I think this is planned, perhaps not by him. But he will have to speak for 20 minutes and be fine or speak for an hour and completely show the nation how "well" he really is. If the latter, I think he drops out of the race shortly afterward. mspart
  18. We have until 25 Mar to find out if he's in or not. mspart
  19. Yes, that might be a good thing to do. That woudl bring out the OTT qualifiers that might otherwise not bother with the US Nationals. mspart
  20. I guess ringer is relative. Without NCAA folks in the Pan Ams Qualifier, we should have qualified the two weights. Hence they are ringers that upset the apple cart. Clumsy perhaps, but will there be serious competition at the last chance qualifier? mspart
  21. Does anyone here think this is the prettiest woman to ever exist? mspart
  22. I cannot say anything about the Pro. I think most are true. The last he has pushed with his condemning half of the republic (MAGA) for having a different agenda from his and saying half the republic is anti-democracy. The Con however I take exception with. He did not inherit a mess of problems. He created most of the problems he "inherited" by EO'ing out of existence previous policies. I agree he's 80 years old. I disagree that he isn't forceful enough. That implies that he could be forceful enough. He is 80 and a victim of dementia which comes to most people and is not on a set schedule. It has happened to him before his time perhaps but he is incapable of being forceful enough because the lacks the mental clarity to do so. When he sits there and says he better not say anything or he'll get in trouble, that is not a sign he is not forceful enough. It is incompetence. mspart
  23. So in the world of USA MFS wrestling, 57 and 65 still have yet to qualify and that will be done at the last chance qualifer a few weeks after the Oly Trials. What are the chances here for us? I have heard that the competition will be tougher than Pan Am qualifier but I find that tough to understand. We had some NCAA ringers there at the Pan Ams and it was actually tougher than the Pan Am Championships the week before. Who else could be there to disrupt us from making it to the Olys in these weights? I'm not arguing that there is good competition, that's why I'm asking. mspart
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