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Everything posted by mspart

  1. If they legislated and governed appropriately, you are correct. mspart
  2. This is the way I see it. Ds - They want to spend big so they can get reelected to spend more. Rs - They want the debt to be reduced but when they look around, they see that they have to spend more to get reelected. It is really the electorate that has been driving the free lunch thing and the elected officials oblige. When they don't, they get voted out. mspart
  3. Well, my wife's Aunts jelly was not hot. My wife overdid it with the habaneros, which you could smell through the house. The house smelled dangerous, really. I tried it and it was good, but I'm not much of a jelly guy. mspart
  4. Yep, you missed it Plasi. And it was soooooo good!! mspart
  5. Generally this may be true. As long as there is no speaker, there is no legislating going on. No legislating is a good thing. I generally think this way. But not being able to come together on a speaker is not a good thing. What is the big deal about speaker? Just vote them in and get on with it. Would this drive me to vote D? No, it would not. mspart
  6. He never said!! mspart
  7. That's the issue. There is no simple decency anymore. It has to be argued about forever. mspart
  8. I was in 20th century history in HS, the teacher was a hard nose but I did well in his class. We were looking at the Soviet bread basket, a huge area where all the food is grown. He showed a 16mm movie that detailed some of this and it was in color. I raised my hand and said that I didn't believe this was the Soviet Union because I thought it was in black and white. He gave me a pretty mean look as I was smiling at my joke. He actually was one of the best teachers I had in HS, but his manner was very intimidating. He told us that in war you don't want to get shot in the butt. It doesn't stop bleeding and you have to be on your gut while in recovery. I'm guessing he spoke from experience. Not sure. mspart
  9. It looks like JJ needs to give up. He ain't going to get there it appears. mspart
  10. Why is it that all those Nordic sports are dominated by northern Europeans? mspart
  11. Yeah, Hitler did just this way back in 1936 in Berlin to show the superiority of the Arian race. Jesse Owens ruined his week. mspart
  12. If legislative record were the marker, Jim wouldn't be in the running. Apparently that is not a thing. Has Hakeem Jeffries passed lots of legislation he authored? Is he qualified by his legislation writing prowess? I don't know, but he was up for the vote today. mspart
  13. It was even better than it looks!! mspart
  14. Answer to all is them thar ejumacators know whatz byist fer yer chilren. mspart
  15. He's paying for dinner for all of them chumps. He'll get them with free food!! mspart
  16. My dad would say, "it ain't worth doing if you don't do it right." Boy is that true. mspart
  17. My grandfather, who I never knew because he died 20 years before I was born, said once, my father reported, that "One boy is about as much use as 1/2 a man. Two boys are as much use as zero men." My dad grew up on a farm. mspart
  18. For you Dr. i, mspart
  19. I've heard those!! mspart
  20. Perhaps Hamas should have thought of that before they executed innocent people in the kibutzes. mspart
  21. I thought this was a genius level question. Of course no one could provide a response. I'll give it a go. Thermodynamics is an advanced course of study for college level students. It is wholly inappropriate to put this in an Elementary school library because it would do no student there any good at all. As an aside, I knew a lot of college students that struggled with it as well. It's not that it is bad for elementary school children, it just isn't applicable to their level of knowledge. On the other hand, Playboy and the like are not found in elementary school libraries. Why? Because it is beyond the experience level of those children and will harm them psychologically. Heck it harms adults psychologically. So then why is anyone pushing for books that tell in text the same or worse as has been demonstrated? It is not a matter of banning, it is a matter of appropriateness for school age children. The government should not be in the business of peddling smut in the name of tolerance and equity. If you disagree, I will expect you to be advocating for elementary school children to have access to online porn and hard copies of Playboy, Penthouse, etc. A ridiculous premise to be sure. The books that are being "banned" are read aloud at school board meetings and they have to be stopped because of it's graphic and vile nature. Yet, this content is appropriate for elementary school libraries? Get a clue and use common sense. mspart mspart
  22. It is on record Hamas is below hospitals and in tunnels. Where have you been? https://mwi.westpoint.edu/underground-nightmare-hamas-tunnels-and-the-wicked-problem-facing-the-idf/ mspart
  23. My name is mspart - MS Engineering!! Call me Master mspart!! Essentially there was more intramural flag football, ultimate frisbee, wrestling, innertube water polo to play and officiate to have to go to work. So I got the Masters while having fun my last year. It was a great year, both the playing and the research. mspart
  24. My dad was the World's greatest Engineer. Perhaps you've heard of him. mspart
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