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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2023 in all areas

  1. You obviously didn't read the link because the author of the blog is the senior author of the peer-reviewed paper in question. But you do you. And other reputable people have recognized the sleight of hand employed to claim the virus causes more myocarditis than the vaccine with relevance to young men--which is the only meaningful cohort when talking about vaccine-induced myocarditis. And again, credentialed people are questioning claims related to differences in mortality between the vaccinated and unvaccinated: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2306683. It can be highly misleading to attribute causality to highly confounded data (any data used to claim differences between vaccinated/unvaccinated outside of a clinical trial potentially fall into this category) which is why randomized, double-blind clinical trials are the gold standard. And while the mRNA vaccine clinical trials were not powered to look at survival benefits, pooled analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna trials show no evidence of such a benefit: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4072489. Any benefit observed in reducing Covid mortality were offset, coincidentally, by an increase in cardiovascular deaths in the vaccine group. As far as I am aware, we do not know whether Bronny James did or did not have myocarditis. We know he suffered from cardiac arrest. Myocarditis can increase the risk of cardiac arrest, regardless of whether it's fulminant. In the absence of information, people will speculate. Maybe the USC team is on the Len Bias diet? I really could not care less because it has no bearing whatsoever on the fact young people (or anyone for that matter) should not have been forced to take this particular vaccine. Sad, but not surprising, that MAGAs have a better grasp on the ethics and logic of this than the people that like to look down upon them.
    5 points
  2. I’ve had people argue against scientific evidence because it wasn’t the “official science”. I pressed them on what they meant, and they said, “the science that the government says is correct.” Such people should be deemed incompetent to vote.
    4 points
  3. These are bullshit stats, just an FYI. Issues surrounding myocarditis from vaccination are for men under 40 receiving the mRNA vaccine and it typically occurs after the second (or booster? LOL) shot. Men of this age are at no risk from virus-induced myocarditis or any other long-term sequelae. Any study claiming that virus-induced myocarditis is greater than vaccine-induced is grouping all ages and sexes together in a way to diminish the obvious signal that occurs with young men. There are lies, damn lies and Covid statistics and it seems like you didn't take the time to look into the information you are citing. Here is a layman's explanation with a link to the original study: https://sensiblemed.substack.com/p/our-new-analysis-of-myocarditis-after Mandating a vaccine to a cohort where there is a known (albeit small?) risk while the benefit is unknown, and likely small, is unethical. And the death rate is 8x higher? Come on, even the MAGAs can see through this obviously false statistic. Any report claiming that the death-rate is 8x higher is using hopelessly confounded data. The two groups being compared are obviously not equivalent and these types of studies are dismissed out of hand by honest, serious people. There is no evidence of a reduction in all-cause mortality when you pool the data for mRNA vaccine clinical studies, but there is for the viral-based vaccines. So did Bronny's heart issues stem from vaccination? Who knows? It would be difficult to know without an invasive work-up. But I can tell you one thing, if I were an administrator at USC responsible for their Covid vaccination policy, I wouldn't want to be taking a call from LeBron right about now...
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Men’s Freestyle 86 kg: Dylan Fishback WIN - 11-0 over Domantas Pauliuscenko, LTU WIN - 7-6 over Cezary Sadwoski, POL LOSS - 5-1 to Sebastian Jezierzanski, POL 86 kg: Braden Thompson LOSS - 7-2 to Daviti Koguashvili, GEO LOSS - 4-2 to Tamaz Nikoleishvili, GEO 92 kg: Nick Stemmet LOSS - 10-0 to Mike Macchiavello, USA WIN - 10-4 over Rogut Filip, POL LOSS - 10-0 to #7 Osman Nurmagomedov, AZE Bronze medal opponent - #18 Balazs Juhasz, HUN 92 kg: Mike Macchiavello WIN - 10-0 over Nick Stemmet, USA LOSS - 8-2 to #7 Osman Nurmagomedov, AZE WIN - 10-0 over Rogut Filip, POL Bronze medal opponent - Dod Nazar, UKR 97 kg: Morgan Smith WIN - 4-1 over Ricardo Baez, ARG LOSS - 10-0 to Radoslaw Baran, POL WIN - 5-0 over Saba Gamtenadze, GEO Bronze medal opponent - Erik Thiele, GER 125 kg: Nick Gwiazdowski WIN - 8-0 over Islam Adizov, BUL WIN - 6-1 over Robert Baran, POL Finals opponent - #5 Giorgi Meshvildishvili, AZE 57, 61, 65, 70, 74, 79 Wrestle tomorrow. Women’s Freestyle 50 kg: Jaslynn Gallegos - 2-2, 5th Place WIN - FALL over Juliana Velez, AUS LOSS - FALL to Madison Parks, CAN WIN - FALL over Gabija Dilyte, LTU LOSS - 12-5 to Emanuela Liuzzi, ITA 53 kg: Marissa Gallegos - 1-2, DNP WIN - 10-0 over Olivia Andrich, GER LOSS - 8-1 to Katarzyna Krawczyk, POL LOSS - Injury defaulted to Samantha Stewart, CAN 57 kg: Alex Hedrick - 3-2, 5th Place WIN - 2-1 over Ramona Galambos, HUN WIN - 3-2 over Amanda Martinez, USA LOSS - 4-3 to Patrycja Gil, POL WIN - 3-3 over Sandra Paruszewski, POL LOSS - 6-4 to Magdalena Glodek, POL 57 kg: Amanda Martinez -1-2, DNP WIN - 3-2 over Nilufar Raimova, KAZ LOSS - 3-2 to Alex Hedrick, USA LOSS - FALL (2-0) to Anna Michalcova, CZE 65 kg: Maya Letona - BRONZE WIN - 10-0 over Gerda Barth, GER LOSS - 7-0 to Yulia Leskovets, UKR WIN - Iva Geric, CRO 68 kg: Marilyn Garcia - 0-2, DNP LOSS - 12-1 to Mim Hristova, BUL LOSS - 12-4 to Georgieva Hristova, BUL 76 kg: Yelena Makoyed WIN - 8-2 over Cynthia Vescan, FRA WIN - FALL (2-0) over Francy Raedelt, GER Finals opponent - Genesis Reasco, ECU
    3 points
  6. The same confounding concepts in vaccinated vs. boosted are found in the unvaccinated vs. vaccinated and are very likely to be more dramatic in the latter comparison-the healthy vaccinee bias. The authors' response to the NEJM critique clearly explains one of many possibilities for why this may be. This concept is pervasive in vaccine research and is an important reason why the 8x claim should be met with immediate skepticism. The second article is simply adding up all of the deaths from a handful of clinical trials, not sure what you expect peer-review to change. In general, the idea that peer-review is what stands between legitimacy and fraud is quaint, especially for politically-charged science.
    2 points
  7. can you read? i mean seriously. the nobel prize winner in the tweet in this thread says opposite. and there are a million other studies that concur. most get suppressed bc the entire ClIMaTe crISis thing has msm and the universities behind their agenda. CNN the other day tweeted that it was the warmest year in 12000 years and the same day a academic outlet posted contrary data. the whole thing is a scam, and it's worse (via media) in europe. it's an unfathomable percentage of their content. but hey, lap it up if you want. call it what you want. maybe i'm using 'antiscience' incorrectly, but the point remains. it's not the real facts. nor were most narratives on covid and the vax.
    2 points
  8. Started wrestling in the 10th grade. I was 16 when i started my senior year. I wrestled in Ohio. Missed going to state by one match. Placed 4th in my district .Only 4 qualified. The 3 that went to state finished 1st,3rd and 5th. Went on to college .Qualified for Nationals twice . A few years later at the AAU Nationals in the open division wrestled NCAA champion Keith Stearns in the finals and lost 4 to 2 in overtime. Toughest guy I ever wrestled was Joe Tice in the finals of the Las Vegas CKLV tournament.
    2 points
  9. That would sever much of the funding to the rest of the world’s NGBs. If it’s not an Olympic sport, then they won’t get funded by their government and Olympic committees. I get the position, but it’s sport suicide on a global level.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. “Follow the science. But, wait, not that science!”
    2 points
  12. Ribeyes on the Pit boss tonight
    2 points
  13. Chermen Valiev, not Radik, haha. Radik looks as if he wants to start fighting in MMA This event marketing was a little ambiguous. At first there was a 16-man tournament in every weight category, and the winners of 74 and 97 would face Valiev/Zhabrailov in the main event on Saturday; now neither Valiev and Zhabrailov will wrestle on Saturday to determine the world team, but we will find out on August 10th. Now Sidakov lost, somehow, to Bizhoev... I won't make excuses, though I think Bizhoev was lucky. Gatsalov apparently said there will be a rematch between Sidakov-Bizhoev, Bizhoev-Valiev and now Sidakov-Valiev. I still think Sidakov is the best at 74kg (internationally, too) and this loss will make him better, but it sucks if you're Chermen Valiev.
    2 points
  14. let's put it all here. this one isn't 'censorship' but it does show the reaction to anything considered outside the prevailing agenda
    1 point
  15. Does Fauci know about this. If not we need him now. Dr. Fauci to the rescue.( With the William Tell Overture playing in the background)
    1 point
  16. I wonder how much the meteorologists were paid 120,000 years ago?
    1 point
  17. The US budgeted $45B this year to “fight global climate change”. Meanwhile, nine million people starve to death globally each year. That’s $5k per person who dies from starvation that our federal government spends on doing something that may or may not help something that may or may not be happening. That’s not saying we shouldn’t care about the planet. There are just more immediate concerns that need to be addressed and more efficient ways of spending our money. Solving world hunger would be a good place to start, and the bonus is, lifting people out of poverty is the only proven way to help the environment. Bjorn Lomborg has a lot of good stuff on this.
    1 point
  18. For a minute there I thought you were Luke Fickel . I believe he only won 3 titles though.. My nephew did go 1st,1st,2nd, 1st in div 1 in Ohio. He wrestled for Walsh Jesuit.
    1 point
  19. Over half of Threads users have already stopped using it. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/over-half-people-signed-threads-100727028.html
    1 point
  20. Agave Jerk Salmon on the boss this evening. YaMon
    1 point
  21. Did they explain antigravity in antiscience class?
    1 point
  22. You think Wrestling is tough? I had 54 wives. (& only 5 divorces)
    1 point
  23. Trump is not a people, he’s a President, and that means he’s authorized to do a lot of things that secretaries of state , vice presidents, and senators are not. Biden won’t be indicted because he’s a sitting president, but if Trump can be imprisoned, Biden can be impeached.
    1 point
  24. Who could beat Steveson if he half-asses it? Zare and Geno for sure, Akgul if he has another good weekend, ya know, like when he won worlds last year. Gotta be all in at that elitist of the world’s elite level that most of us will never begin to grasp. Parris slowing down Steveson at Final X was a HUGE improvement but don’t correlate that to W’s at the top level. Until he proves it we won’t know and until he goes to a tourney with the studs then he won’t get the chance to prove it. It’s a conundrum for sure. But we all believe in his ability.
    1 point
  25. I couldn’t agree more on the two tier justice system. There are plenty of cases of people stealing classified military plans. Very few indicted with evidence as strong as….the accused’s own words and videos. Yet, they weren't allowed to remain free after charges, and continuously threaten the DOJ. Arrested on the spot. ….”yeah but”…. Blah blah blah. MAGA!
    1 point
  26. It’s evidence of the two tiered justice system that goes on steroids when Trump is involved.
    1 point
  27. Do you think he might be related to Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory?
    1 point
  28. LOL...great question! And once again I see he can't respond to the actual topic when given facts.
    1 point
  29. So are you calling yourself a moron insect or are you calling bigbrog a moron insect?
    1 point
  30. Salt Garlic Pepper I hadn’t had skirt by itself until recently, always as/in some kind of dish. Lovin it just sliced up. It’s like if ribeye and brisket had a baby.
    1 point
  31. God, I love ice cream.
    1 point
  32. It’s a celebration kinda Friday, and we’re going with skirt steak. Smoked with SGP for about an hour and a half at 200, then seared over a flame with butter and rosemary.
    1 point
  33. nothing says i dont care what you think, more than ongoing, extensive and repeated daily claims explaining your disdain in great detail and that you dont care what other people think
    1 point
  34. This is what we've been electing for decades. I always feel its best when they get distracted and thus don't pass more stupid legislation.
    1 point
  35. This has been interesting reading. Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots) was an issue for sure with Covid vaccines. Was especially a problem for the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines. Myocarditis (enlarged heart) was a real thing for Covid Vaccines for people aged 12-39. Found this info from a simple google search. I remember these issues as the pandemic was happening. But there were a lot of assurances that the risk was low. mspart
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Like I said, I don’t hate you and I’m not going to resort to name calling. I can tell you with confidence that the only filter that will work for an aerosolized virus will require a pump for you to breathe through. Surgeons wear masks to protect the patients, not themselves. Go read some more.
    1 point
  38. Everyone knows what Santa does on that one special day of the year. But have you ever wondered what his life is like the other 364 days? Well, let me enlighten you. Santa’s got a bit of a weight issue. I mean, the guy spends his entire night squeezing down chimneys, carrying a giant sack of presents. I bet his exercise routine is like, “Do 50 squats, eat 50 cookies, repeat.” And let’s talk about his fashion sense. Red and white? Really? It’s like he’s the ultimate brand ambassador for Coca-Cola. But let’s not forget the list of naughty and nice kids. I can just picture Santa sitting there, scratching his head, trying to remember if little Tommy was the one who stuck gum in his sister’s hair or if it was Jimmy. And what happens if he mixes up the lists? Imagine waking up to a lump of coal because Santa had a temporary lapse in memory. Awkward! And what about those flying reindeer? It’s like Santa found the world’s most talented animals and said, “You know what? Let’s form a supergroup.” And Rudolph, the star of the show, gets all the attention with his shiny nose. I bet the other reindeer are jealous and plotting some sort of reindeer revenge. So, next time you’re sitting by the fireplace, eagerly waiting for Santa’s arrival, take a moment to appreciate his bizarre life. After all, behind that big, jolly belly and white beard, there’s a man who’s got the world’s most ridiculous job. And if he can bring joy to millions while managing an army of flying reindeer, well, he deserves a round of applause and maybe a cookie or two.
    1 point
  39. I always thought there should be a setting when logged in that could be modified for your favorites. Like a default screen for logged in users, and then a default view for the public (such as the NCAAs or regionals for the drive by results seekers)
    1 point
  40. Man... we all missed out on that.
    1 point
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