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Media - Listen to us because we will tell you what you need to know


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Jonathan Turley takes down aspects of the media with facts and data.    The media says don't do your own research, you will be wrong.   Listen to us and don't research.    This is really a very interesting article by Turley. 

The case is the laptop of Hunter Biden.   Is it Russian Disinformation or Real?   Some are still saying it is misinformation when even the DOJ has said it is real.  


After years of suppressing the story and casting doubts over its authenticity, many in the media in the last year have belatedly and reluctantly acknowledged that the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Some of us reached that conclusion years ago due to the self-authenticating emails confirmed by third parties. However, the denials and doubts have continued, including most recently by Rep. Dan Goldman (D., N.Y.) in hearings. The Justice Department has now again confirmed the authenticity and added details on why these denials are unsupported.

This week, the Justice Department confirmed that the laptop was authenticated through forensic examination and a search warrant on Hunter’s Apple iCloud. Hunter’s electronic devices were backed up on the Cloud and “the results of the search were largely duplicative of information investigators had already obtained from Apple.”

That is only the latest such confirmation, but some have continued to desperately cast doubts the laptop, which Hunter himself said might be the product of Russian intelligence. Once again, the last dogs in this fruitless fight are the most partisan among us.  Rep. Goldman, for example, recently lambasted witnesses who referenced the laptop and challenged the credibility of a journalist who cited the laptop.

Goldman attacked Journalist Michael Shellenberger and declared “You have no idea, you know hard drives can be manipulated. Hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia. There is actual evidence of it, but the point is it’s not the same thing.”

Goldman has never revealed the “actual evidence” showing that the laptop is fake or why the Justice Department and FBI are making the same false claim in court if such evidence exists.

The same week that the Biden Administration again confirmed the authenticity of the laptop, one of the loudest laptop deniers wrote a telling column on why the public should avoid researching such questions on their own.

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump has repeatedly pushed false stories from Lafayette Park to Russian collusion to the laptop. Even after many in the media admitted that the laptop was authentic, Bump was still declaring that it was a “conspiracy theory.” Recently, in response to a column on these false claims, the Post remarkably declared that Bump’s original claims on Lafayette Park, the Hunter Biden laptop, and Russian collusion were true and they stand by them.

This week, Bump warned citizens that they needed to continue to get their news from the media and not try to learn the truth on their own. In a column titled “Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong,” Bump states without an sense of self-awareness that citizens will often “embrace dubious information supporting their belief than information that corroborates the allegations” — precisely what critics have accused Bump of doing for years on the laptop and other false stories.

 Bump’s column is a must read for understanding the sense of entitlement of columnists in today’s age of “advocacy journalism.” It is consistent with what Bump said in an interview last year before he walked out after being confronted about false stories. 

In a podcast interview with Noam Dworman, Bump became exasperated and said “I’m gonna lose my mind” when Dworman offered facts contradicting his view. Ironically, when Dworman noted that half of the country does not believe his positions, Bump shot back “I know, because half the country doesn’t actually dig into the issues.”

However, Bump does not believe that they should actually dig into the issues but accept his view.

He chastised Dworman and the public “because you don’t listen to the press. I’m sitting here and I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen … you refuse to listen to what I’m saying to you. You asked me on to present evidence. I keep telling you.”

Indeed, Bump and others kept telling people that the laptop was a “conspiracy theory” and possible Russian disinformation. Now, he is reminding people not to do their own research as the Post expressly declared that the prior false claims in his columns were actually true.

This is why, at the start of our Republic, alternative media sprang up with pamphleteers like Thomas Paine. Citizens rejected the state-supporting media and searched for their own sources. Today citizen journalists can be found on the Internet in blogs and other sites that carry opposing views or accounts.

The media is already moving to be sure that the public is limited in what they are allowed to see or hear. After Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow explained to viewers that the network had decided that they should not hear Trump’s victory speech because he would only tell them “untrue things.

As noted by Bump, citizens are much safer to just accept what they are given and avoid the temptation to do their own research.  Censorship is now actually proclaimed as a form of virtue signaling, assuring viewers that they will not have to hear certain opposing views or figures.

There is little tolerance for those who insist on seeking out such news. After all, as the Post’s Bump explained, “I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen.”



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10 minutes ago, mspart said:

Jonathan Turley takes down aspects of the media with facts and data.    The media says don't do your own research, you will be wrong.   Listen to us and don't research.    This is really a very interesting article by Turley. 

The case is the laptop of Hunter Biden.   Is it Russian Disinformation or Real?   Some are still saying it is misinformation when even the DOJ has said it is real.  


After years of suppressing the story and casting doubts over its authenticity, many in the media in the last year have belatedly and reluctantly acknowledged that the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Some of us reached that conclusion years ago due to the self-authenticating emails confirmed by third parties. However, the denials and doubts have continued, including most recently by Rep. Dan Goldman (D., N.Y.) in hearings. The Justice Department has now again confirmed the authenticity and added details on why these denials are unsupported.

This week, the Justice Department confirmed that the laptop was authenticated through forensic examination and a search warrant on Hunter’s Apple iCloud. Hunter’s electronic devices were backed up on the Cloud and “the results of the search were largely duplicative of information investigators had already obtained from Apple.”

That is only the latest such confirmation, but some have continued to desperately cast doubts the laptop, which Hunter himself said might be the product of Russian intelligence. Once again, the last dogs in this fruitless fight are the most partisan among us.  Rep. Goldman, for example, recently lambasted witnesses who referenced the laptop and challenged the credibility of a journalist who cited the laptop.

Goldman attacked Journalist Michael Shellenberger and declared “You have no idea, you know hard drives can be manipulated. Hard drives can be manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or Russia. There is actual evidence of it, but the point is it’s not the same thing.”

Goldman has never revealed the “actual evidence” showing that the laptop is fake or why the Justice Department and FBI are making the same false claim in court if such evidence exists.

The same week that the Biden Administration again confirmed the authenticity of the laptop, one of the loudest laptop deniers wrote a telling column on why the public should avoid researching such questions on their own.

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump has repeatedly pushed false stories from Lafayette Park to Russian collusion to the laptop. Even after many in the media admitted that the laptop was authentic, Bump was still declaring that it was a “conspiracy theory.” Recently, in response to a column on these false claims, the Post remarkably declared that Bump’s original claims on Lafayette Park, the Hunter Biden laptop, and Russian collusion were true and they stand by them.

This week, Bump warned citizens that they needed to continue to get their news from the media and not try to learn the truth on their own. In a column titled “Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong,” Bump states without an sense of self-awareness that citizens will often “embrace dubious information supporting their belief than information that corroborates the allegations” — precisely what critics have accused Bump of doing for years on the laptop and other false stories.

 Bump’s column is a must read for understanding the sense of entitlement of columnists in today’s age of “advocacy journalism.” It is consistent with what Bump said in an interview last year before he walked out after being confronted about false stories. 

In a podcast interview with Noam Dworman, Bump became exasperated and said “I’m gonna lose my mind” when Dworman offered facts contradicting his view. Ironically, when Dworman noted that half of the country does not believe his positions, Bump shot back “I know, because half the country doesn’t actually dig into the issues.”

However, Bump does not believe that they should actually dig into the issues but accept his view.

He chastised Dworman and the public “because you don’t listen to the press. I’m sitting here and I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen … you refuse to listen to what I’m saying to you. You asked me on to present evidence. I keep telling you.”

Indeed, Bump and others kept telling people that the laptop was a “conspiracy theory” and possible Russian disinformation. Now, he is reminding people not to do their own research as the Post expressly declared that the prior false claims in his columns were actually true.

This is why, at the start of our Republic, alternative media sprang up with pamphleteers like Thomas Paine. Citizens rejected the state-supporting media and searched for their own sources. Today citizen journalists can be found on the Internet in blogs and other sites that carry opposing views or accounts.

The media is already moving to be sure that the public is limited in what they are allowed to see or hear. After Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow explained to viewers that the network had decided that they should not hear Trump’s victory speech because he would only tell them “untrue things.

As noted by Bump, citizens are much safer to just accept what they are given and avoid the temptation to do their own research.  Censorship is now actually proclaimed as a form of virtue signaling, assuring viewers that they will not have to hear certain opposing views or figures.

There is little tolerance for those who insist on seeking out such news. After all, as the Post’s Bump explained, “I’m telling you, you’re wrong about these things, and you don’t listen.”



I read this article yesterday and have seen the Maddow clip.  Of course, it was at the end of a few minutes of clips of her and other media members proclaiming matters that were later revealed to be untrue. 

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What interests me most is that everyone has a complete and total lack of distrust with the media, but ride the coattails with everything the media says that fits their warm and fuzzies.   People cite on here all the time media entities that have been proven to be liars, but if their ‘story’ fits their agenda, act as if it’s concrete proof. 

So my question is…..which is it? Is all MSM just solely out to persuade our opinions, or just the ones that say something that goes with our opinions? 

It’s an equal occurrence from both right and left…

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Here's another by Turley regarding the latest  border incident where there was a drowning and the feds claimed TX official blocked their access to save the drowning people.   Total fabrication. 


We previously discussed the false story pushed by the Biden Administration and the media of border agents whipping migrants at the Texas border. It appears that the Administration may have successfully promulgated another false account along the Rio Grande in the claim that Texas prevented Homeland Security from responding to a woman and two children drowning in the river — leading to their deaths.

The Biden Administration went all in on the false claim as a cudgel to use against Texas for trying to secure the Southern border with its own personnel to stop the unprecedented surge of illegal migrants.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security said that Border Patrol agents were made aware of a mother and two children struggling in the river by the Mexican government but were unable to enter the area from the U.S. side due to Texas National Guard troops:  “On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.”

The White House also released a statement that “In responding to a distress call from the Mexican government, Border Patrol agents were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area.”

Once again, the media eagerly spread the false story without much apparent interest in checking if it was true. People were outraged when NBC and other outlets reported “a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday night in Eagle Pass, Texas, after U.S. border agents were prevented from responding, federal officials said Saturday.”

It was not the media but the Justice Department that would inadvertently disclose the true facts. The three migrants had drowned an hour before the government was notified.

According to a Justice Department filing with the Supreme Court, there were three drownings an hour before the Border Patrol was called after the fact that the drownings had occurred. The account supports Texas officials who said that they responded to the calls but could find nothing. The reason is that Mexican authorities had already rescued two individuals in distress and the bodies of the woman and the children were also recovered earlier.

The incident was reminiscent of what occurred earlier with the accused border agents.

The media went into a frenzy despite a videotape showing that the story was clearly false.

A photographer captured the scene, which showed agents using bridle reins to guide their skittish horses. The entire videotape clearly shows the agents using the reins on their mounts, not on the migrants. Not only did the photographer quickly deny seeing any officers whip migrants, the videotape clearly refuted that allegation. However, for many in politics and the media it did not matter because it played into a racial-justice claim of the “whipping (of) Haitian asylum seekers.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned “the inappropriate use of what appear to be whips by Border Patrol officers on horseback to intimidate migrants.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) decried “images of inhumane treatment of Haitian migrants by Border Patrol — including the use of whips.” Vice President Kamala Harris emoted on “The View” about how the brutality “invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the Indigenous people of our country, it has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.” Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) described the incident as “worse than what we witnessed in slavery” and “white supremacist behavior.”

President Biden rushed to express his own revulsion and rage, too: “It was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.”

At the time, some of us objected that the president had, once again, declared the guilt of accused persons without evidence or investigation. The possible innocence of these officers simply did not matter to the president or to many in the press.

The pattern seems to have repeated itself: the false claim of the Administration, the massive media coverage spreading that account, and then the barely reported corrections showing it was untrue.

Any underlines are from Turley, I added nothing to the above.   Here are two clear cases where the Feds said one thing, the media mimicked, and it was 180 degrees from the truth.   But no one cares about the truth in the media anymore, not in the federal government.  

Herein is good reasoning why the people do not trust the government nor the media.   This should give pause to any supporter of the status quo.   Do you support the government openly and brazenly lying to the American people for purely political purposes?    Do you support the media blindly going along and doing no research themselves.   There's that research word again.   This is where we are though.   Very sad state of affairs. 


Edited by mspart
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4 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

What interests me most is that everyone has a complete and total lack of distrust with the media, but ride the coattails with everything the media says that fits their warm and fuzzies.   People cite on here all the time media entities that have been proven to be liars, but if their ‘story’ fits their agenda, act as if it’s concrete proof. 

So my question is…..which is it? Is all MSM just solely out to persuade our opinions, or just the ones that say something that goes with our opinions? 

It’s an equal occurrence from both right and left…

Since 80% of the media is one sided to the left I’d say it all for the sheeples 

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3 hours ago, mspart said:

Here's another by Turley regarding the latest  border incident where there was a drowning and the feds claimed TX official blocked their access to save the drowning people.   Total fabrication. 


We previously discussed the false story pushed by the Biden Administration and the media of border agents whipping migrants at the Texas border. It appears that the Administration may have successfully promulgated another false account along the Rio Grande in the claim that Texas prevented Homeland Security from responding to a woman and two children drowning in the river — leading to their deaths.

The Biden Administration went all in on the false claim as a cudgel to use against Texas for trying to secure the Southern border with its own personnel to stop the unprecedented surge of illegal migrants.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security said that Border Patrol agents were made aware of a mother and two children struggling in the river by the Mexican government but were unable to enter the area from the U.S. side due to Texas National Guard troops:  “On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.”

The White House also released a statement that “In responding to a distress call from the Mexican government, Border Patrol agents were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area.”

Once again, the media eagerly spread the false story without much apparent interest in checking if it was true. People were outraged when NBC and other outlets reported “a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday night in Eagle Pass, Texas, after U.S. border agents were prevented from responding, federal officials said Saturday.”

It was not the media but the Justice Department that would inadvertently disclose the true facts. The three migrants had drowned an hour before the government was notified.

According to a Justice Department filing with the Supreme Court, there were three drownings an hour before the Border Patrol was called after the fact that the drownings had occurred. The account supports Texas officials who said that they responded to the calls but could find nothing. The reason is that Mexican authorities had already rescued two individuals in distress and the bodies of the woman and the children were also recovered earlier.

The incident was reminiscent of what occurred earlier with the accused border agents.

The media went into a frenzy despite a videotape showing that the story was clearly false.

A photographer captured the scene, which showed agents using bridle reins to guide their skittish horses. The entire videotape clearly shows the agents using the reins on their mounts, not on the migrants. Not only did the photographer quickly deny seeing any officers whip migrants, the videotape clearly refuted that allegation. However, for many in politics and the media it did not matter because it played into a racial-justice claim of the “whipping (of) Haitian asylum seekers.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned “the inappropriate use of what appear to be whips by Border Patrol officers on horseback to intimidate migrants.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) decried “images of inhumane treatment of Haitian migrants by Border Patrol — including the use of whips.” Vice President Kamala Harris emoted on “The View” about how the brutality “invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the Indigenous people of our country, it has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.” Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) described the incident as “worse than what we witnessed in slavery” and “white supremacist behavior.”

President Biden rushed to express his own revulsion and rage, too: “It was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.”

At the time, some of us objected that the president had, once again, declared the guilt of accused persons without evidence or investigation. The possible innocence of these officers simply did not matter to the president or to many in the press.

The pattern seems to have repeated itself: the false claim of the Administration, the massive media coverage spreading that account, and then the barely reported corrections showing it was untrue.

Any underlines are from Turley, I added nothing to the above.   Here are two clear cases where the Feds said one thing, the media mimicked, and it was 180 degrees from the truth.   But no one cares about the truth in the media anymore, not in the federal government.  

Herein is good reasoning why the people do not trust the government nor the media.   This should give pause to any supporter of the status quo.   Do you support the government openly and brazenly lying to the American people for purely political purposes?    Do you support the media blindly going along and doing no research themselves.   There's that research word again.   This is where we are though.   Very sad state of affairs. 


In the interest of topic at hand, are you willing to find and provide fabricated stories from both the right and the left?

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Doing one's own research is excellent as long as you check the source for credibility and ideally find multiple unique sources rather than cherry-picking or stopping at the first sign that your bias is supported.

X is a critical enabler for accessing sources from all sides.  

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What I have found is the truth lies in-between all of the different media sources.  I like to read information from various MSM sources and then use the google machine to dig deeper.  Putting the bits and pieces together to make my opinion on a subject.  What is crazy is how the media uses "analysts" to write their news stories.  These "analysts" take things people say out of context and "interpret" it to fit a certain meaning/narrative.  There are so many times I read a quote or watch a clip of what someone says and then read how the article leads the reader to indicate what was said to mean something completely different...so ridiculous. Yet, a lot of people fall for it...including some on here.  Or even better, the headline readers who don't even read the article and then come on here and spew crap as if they are the all-knowing, smartestest people on earth.

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56 minutes ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

Hint - Do NOT get your news from xwitter.

More garbage than factual and subject to extreme changes.

It’s a great resource for citizen and suppressed journalism.  Video evidence you can only find there.  Well reasoned arguments you can only find there.  Just like the news nowadays, you still have to research the source and separate fact from opinion.

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7 minutes ago, jross said:

It’s a great resource for citizen and suppressed journalism.  Video evidence you can only find there.  Well reasoned arguments you can only find there.  Just like the news nowadays, you still have to research the source and separate fact from opinion.

As per my previous post, some information is factual. Unfortunately, much more is garbage. And the changes are impossible to predict. 

Get your news from the local news folks. They have an accountability factor that the internet simply does not.

Anybody that tells you that you have to "research" your news is pointing you in the wrong direction.

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1 hour ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

Hint - Do NOT get your news from xwitter.

More garbage than factual and subject to extreme changes.

I have never been on X, never plan to have an account.  However I do wonder if I should take advice regarding Xitter and where to get info from an unknown poster on the Non Wrestling Topics thread on a Wrestling Forum.  😉

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BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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1 minute ago, ionel said:

I have never been on X, never plan to have an account.  However I do wonder if I should take advice regarding Xitter and where to get info from an unknown poster on the Non Wrestling Topics thread on a Wrestling Forum.  😉

Nobody should take an anonymous posters' advice at their word. Any more or less than any other media source.

Use critical thinking to decide, that's on you. [Link to wiki here]

If you don't have critical thinking skills... well, that is the exactly the thing that you need to figure out. You can move in the direction of learning or, like some do, you can just watch the TV and follow whatever Your News tells you to think.

What's happening right now very simple to see and follow.

What's difficult is trying to figure out how to stop it.

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3 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

Nobody should take an anonymous posters' advice at their word. Any more or less than any other media source.

Use critical thinking to decide, that's on you. [Link to wiki here]

If you don't have critical thinking skills... well, that is the exactly the thing that you need to figure out. You can move in the direction of learning or, like some do, you can just watch the TV and follow whatever Your News tells you to think.

What's happening right now very simple to see and follow.

What's difficult is trying to figure out how to stop it.

You see a connection between critical thinking and wiki?

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On 1/20/2024 at 9:52 PM, GreatWhiteNorth said:

As per my previous post, some information is factual. Unfortunately, much more is garbage. And the changes are impossible to predict. 

Get your news from the local news folks. They have an accountability factor that the internet simply does not.

Anybody that tells you that you have to "research" your news is pointing you in the wrong direction.

Uh oh, it's me telling myself.

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