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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. So the questions I have are: 1. Were the mats mopped before each session just as they have been in prior years? Were the UV lights in addition to what was previously done, or did they replace any aspect of the cleaning protocol? Were the mats mopped between warmups and the start of the round? 2. Has there been an increase in skin infections this year reported overall among all participants or have we noticed this one very serious and high profile case? I am skeptical that the UV Mops are effective, but if it is in fact true that they were only added to everything that has always been done and did not replace any aspect of the protocol, then the best action may just be to expand the current protocol by including mat intermissions in the round to wash them with bleach. Maybe after every 10 matches per mat (a typical dual length). It could also potentially help to increase monitoring of open cuts among athletes during skin checks. Or to require clean singlets be worn before each match.
  2. I don't think so...You could run a very easy experiment testing UV vs bleach, and I guarantee you a 2 second UV Mop exposure wouldn't win. I think they trusted the $$$.
  3. When I wrestled, the NCAA required headgear be worn in practice. Is that no longer the case? I agree that it should be required...don't let 18-year-olds make a decision that can scar them for their entire lives. I do like adding the pushout rule though. For the offensive wrestler must work for a fall-I agree.
  4. I wrote a fairly long post on the previous forum about how stupid it is to replace bleach cleaning solutions with UV light exposure (this was when that guy got his eyes zapped-hope he is doing ok), but it really comes down to time of exposure that pathogens experience. If you had the entire mat zapped with high intensity UV light for an extended period of time, that would probably be equally as effective in killing any pathogens as bleach. That's not how these idiotic "UV Mops" work though, and there is no chance that the 2-second exposure times of the "UV Mop" is sufficient to disinfect a mat. When you clean a mat with bleach, which is the cleaning standard solution, you have the entire mat covered in bleach as it dries. In the process of the water evaporating, the bleach concentrates, which increases the effectiveness of the sanitation process. The NCAA should have known this-it was obvious to anybody who has any basic understanding of UV vs Bleach cleaning solutions. I think not only was this a mistake by the NCAA, it was an egregious action. They experimented with the lives of their athletes and in my opinion, likely acted negligently (how closely did they review the "studies" suggesting this UV mop works at all?). I hope everyone currently suffering ends up ok, but the NCAA should be liable financially (assuming they didn't mop the mats before the round started). This is not one of the accepted risks that go with participating in the sport.
  5. Gable was never charged.....AJ is not competing next year and likely never will again at the NCAA level. AJ posted a video of himself taking a gun out the trunk of his car and then aimlessly shooting it into the night. He also almost killed multiple people by driving recklessly. He should have been kicked off of the team the second that video was posted, and definitely after the car accident. Even if he is acquitted due to the reasonable doubt standard, any D1 coach that allows him onto a college campus is being foolish. And I am making that statement merely off of the judge finding enough evidence to send this case to trial and the fact that there is a video of him shooting guns blindly into the night. And yes, PSU was wrong to allow Andrew Long onto their team. It is by far the worst decision Cael has made as a coach, and in retrospect I hope there isn't a single fan who thinks that NCAA title was worth the damage done to the PSU community. Some things are more important than wrestling. Everyone deserves a second chance, but that second chance does not need to be at the NCAA level. Andrew Long's second (or third) chances should never have put students (and their families) at risk, and if AJ is ever given a second chance, it needs to be through something like MMA.
  6. The thing that stands out in this pic are the cowboy hats. Do OSU fans show up dressed as their mascot? Also, there’s a guy 6 rows behind and a couple seats to the right of Trump who didn’t get the memo on how to do the wave (or got a very outdated memo).
  7. 4 of the 5 4xers (Pat Smith, Dake, Yianni, and Stieber) wrestled in state at their marquee university. Cael was the only 4xer to really have a wide-open recruiting situation (Utah to ISU). Cornell has been getting a lot of the top NY talent since Nickerson, and they continue to do so. I don't view this as a recruiting thing, and more that Cornell has some great coaches and there has been incredible talent out of NY. Also...Pretty sure Cael is about to get a 4xer.
  8. Wait, but why can't they just let their athletes wrestle the Israelis? I'm pretty sure China doesn't refuse to compete against Taiwan.
  9. But your point about Griffith only being there for one year could be even more reason to bring him in. It's not like it would be a career-ender for Facundo, and one year working with Griffith could help him perform during his Junior/Senior seasons. He could get matches in across different weights throughout the season to give some of the other guys rest.
  10. If we are talking the HS state tournament in Oklahoma, sure, you'd be right. But most attending NCAAs went to the colleges that are competing or some other college. If you look at the voting patterns/demographics of college graduates, most are liberal and less religious than the population as a whole. In terms of hard working, the tickets aren't cheap, so I think you are correct about that.
  11. The recruits who go to PSU know that if they don't perform, they will get recruited over. Just look at Beard and Nevills. There's no shame in being on the bench or a depth guy for a year and then either stepping things up junior year or transferring out.
  12. Why not knock Facundo out of the lineup?
  13. I'm not sure he will be received too fondly if he's introduced. He's not a fan of the college-educated. I remember Donald Rumsfeld being met with resounding boos when he was given an award at MSG a number of years ago.
  14. Training staff wouldn’t have sent him on the mat with torn ACLs. Look at the way they handled Suriano-they put his health first and refused to let him compete despite his wishes.
  15. But shouldn’t the training staff be prioritizing long term health? Look at Burroughs-he had a knee injury, took an entire season off to recover, and came back even better. Lee tried to compete even last year. And same for his true freshman year after the knee injury the March before.
  16. What I don’t get is why he has repeatedly competed through torn knee ligaments rather than take an extended period to rehab. It seems like his injuries have been mismanaged for the sake of getting him on the mat in ncaa competition. If he’s not 100%, why not take more time following last year’s surgery?
  17. The glasses destruction is going viral. It’s not quite at the Mongolian stripping protest level, but it’s the closest thing we’ve had in a while. Was the loss painful for his family? I’m sure, but that was an objectively funny reaction. You can’t stop memes, and it’s a good one.
  18. He’s 24. He’s still too young for humor? The last forum called Mocco the great pumpkin when his dreams were crushed. Smiles and cries-we need to embrace both.
  19. Anybody know a good optometrist in Tulsa?
  20. When Elon Musk banned any mentions of other social media platforms, it immediately reminded me of Themat.com and "He who must not be named."
  21. Have they let this guy into the U.S. since? I could see why they don't want to after statements like that. "No, that's German for The to America, The"
  22. From ChatGPT: Based on the information provided, it appears that the Penn State wrestling team may be in trouble for this year's NCAA competition. The team has holes at 125 and 157, and one of their wrestlers, Dean, is either injured or has regressed. It is not clear what can be done to address these issues, but it is possible that the team's performance at the NCAA competition could be affected.
  23. Here is the response from chatGPT: " In wrestling, a counter attack is a technique where a wrestler counters their opponent's move by quickly switching from defense to offense. For example, if an opponent tries to take down a wrestler, the wrestler can counter by using their own momentum against them and taking them down instead. A reattack is a technique where a wrestler tries to regain the offensive position after being put on the defensive. For example, if a wrestler is taken down by their opponent, they may try to use a technique like a switch or a bridge to quickly get back to their feet and take the offensive position again. The main difference between a counter attack and a reattack is that a counter attack is used to prevent an opponent's move from being successful, while a reattack is used to regain the offensive position after an opponent has gained an advantage. Both techniques require quick thinking and good timing to execute successfully."
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