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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Who is ‘they’? Is they the people ranting on social media?? Because the governors from the states affected are telling the complete opposite story of what you are. Unfortunately it’s a story we’ve seen play out every time one of these things happen recently.
  2. The question was not were any more resources available, the question was were there more resources that would be sent.
  3. Yes, because Biden’s words weren’t ‘there are no (or no more which you shifted to) resources’. Those were the words Sean Hannity used for his caption on the video he posted, of Biden not saying “there are no more resources”. He, and other people do this, because he knows the blind followers will follow blindly and repeat it on social media. I have seen this play out directly and first hand. But in this case, what was actually said was: Question: Are there any more resources the federal government would be sending? Biden’s answer: No, all of the significant resources had been prepared and were ready to go before they had asked for it. But again, who wants to dig a little for the truth when the lies we are told are so warm and fuzzy.
  4. You can listen to the governors of the states affected, who came out to specifically contradict the lies of your nutswing. Or….you can continue to run with the lies of your nutswing because it gives you something to feel all warm and fuzzy about, even in the face of human tragedy. It’s up to you. That’s what makes this country so great. PS- I’ve made very clear around here I don’t and never have supported Biden, no matter how much you keep wanting to pound that sand. I can understand that some people have a hard time not equating ‘doesn’t support’, with a desire to villify. Maybe you can understand not everyone is built the same way, and differences is another thing that makes this country so great!!!?? Maybe…
  5. September-October is always the high alert time of year for us. Particularly those storms that get into the gulf as those water temps are so warm this time of year. My biggest concern for this month is a storm that is able to develop enough that it forms an eyewall before entering the gulf. If that happens, it's going to be very bad news for wherever it goes.
  6. Repeating a lie doesn’t make it any less a lie. And parroting a pathetic talking point lie in the face of human tragedy doesn’t make it any less pathetic.
  7. Truly pathetic how this historically tragic event is being used for election gain and gotcha moments.
  8. No rest for the weary. Here’s a model run for this Thursday, from one that has been pretty accurate this season. If holds, eyewall already in place before it even gets into the gulf. That’s bad news for wherever it goes.
  9. The question is, does it really change anything?
  10. I wonder if Ukraine feels their plan to convince Russia to invade them and destroy their country so they could launder money is working? Ballsy strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for them.
  11. I believe it was the great Fletcher Reede, esq. who said…….. ”STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLES!”
  12. Stay safe. This thing is effecting pretty much everything east of the Mississippi. Friends in northern Indiana have high wind advisories for today. This is what she looked like from the space station BEFORE she hit cat 4
  13. I was thinking, as the community was prepping for this storm, about all this talk about how no one can afford groceries, bare essentials. I walked through the grocery store Wednesday getting some last minute snacks, and I took observation of the shopping carts. A whole lot of full shopping carts. And the very telling thing is they weren’t stuffed with water, toilet paper, canned goods, etc. All those things were readily available on the shelves, and most of the carts were filled with things like beer, wine, little Debbie’s….and a whole lot of non essentials. Brings to light those on TV and on Twitter screaming at us about what a horrible country we live in.
  14. Turning out we got real lucky in my little section of the world. Some real carnage all around me, some historical situations. Town directly to my north saw its worst flooding ever. Islands to the south, west, and north all under water. Tornadoes to the east. Apparently even the east side of my city under water. All I ended up with is one section of fence blown out. We’ll be getting hands dirty around here for a little bit.
  15. Thank you. Seeming to turn out we got pretty lucky right where I’m at. Kept falling in those little gaps you see in the circulation. Whole lot of flooding and tornadoes pretty close to me but we made out good in my neighborhood. Frankly, I’ll take it, haven’t been on the good side of luck when it comes to natural forces in a bit!
  16. Center is a couple hours passed, but as you can see have a day or more of gusts and lots of rain ahead. Should make landfall in a couple hours just southeast of Florida State, going to cause a whole lot of problems, and on into Georgia. It’s going to wreak some havoc well past Atlanta, and broadened out. She is a doozy. It stayed far enough west it wasn’t too bad in my neighborhood but some areas around town got serious flooding and a couple tornadoes. Tornadoes still a watch through tomorrow night. Chillin with the pups and a glass of wine
  17. So far holding steady. Sideways trees across the canal to reference the level of wind. Next couple hours will be the most business for my area.
  18. I don’t have the units tied down but I just went out and weighted them down with cynder blocks, and the whole surface is surrounded to about waist high with concrete (docking and stacks of blocks). Should be okay. 11:00 run had another little bump to the east so we’re going to have some higher winds than expected yesterday. Downtown Fort Myers and fort Myers beach are getting some serious flooding.
  19. So far this morning we are just in between bands, which is a good storm for 30-60 minutes, then clears up...rinse and repeat. Peak weather for me will be between 2-5pm. There have been a couple tornadoes in the area this morning and expecting some more. Decided yesterday to leave the bbq area in place, may end up regretting that decision....
  20. Thanks, I appreciate it. Calling for even bigger and cat 4 now with the latest runs, but still tracking enough west should just still be a good TS for me. People in the panhandle to the bend are going to need some prayers, they're saying possibly up to 18 feet storm surge.
  21. According to Trump today, Ukraine isn't even a country anymore, doesn't exist, and its all Ukraine's fault....so good news, shouldn't have to go to WW3
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