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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. again, no substance. just a waste of space. at no point in time did you offer what it is about the en vogue progressive crime policies that are helpful. i've said multiple times that i don't mind disagreements. but you add nothing to the conversation. you're like a child. schtick is tiresome.
  2. i didn't know he did that. that's why i asked.
  3. Ban, you're the same person that whines incessantly that you've been banned for doing nothing. it's funny how you applaud the indictments which at best are partisan and at worst are a which hunt. very hypocritical of your beetle brain.
  4. I didn't trivalize anything. What i know about the incident was he claimed it didn't happen. I'm not entirely sure how he demonized the parents. Honestly. what other things has he gotten wrong? again, i'm not a huge fan, and don't follow him closely, but to say he hasn't gotten things right earlier than most is just a flat out lie and, i suspect, an overreaction to the people that don't respect the sandy hook thing. which, in and of itself, i don't quite understand. what about people that say 9/11 was an inside job? do they get sued? honest question: what did Alex Jones do re: Sandy Hook, that other journalists that have gotten stories wrong didn't?
  5. zero substance. articulate something or just don't post anything at all. very clear you have no rebuttal.
  6. why? what did he do that was so terrible? the Sandy Hook thing? what else has he done that is so abysmal. (this isn't a rhetorical question, i'm genuinely unaware and interested).
  7. idk what to tell you people, it's demonstrably true that Alex Jones was ahead of the curve / right on many many things before the public. how many of his 'wild conspiracy theories' turned out to be spot on? you don't have to like him (i don't watch him); but the above is fact.
  8. why? what do you see in them that are helpful? (i can't believe i have to ask this) there's nothing redeeming about them. please don't say they 'are alleviating prison overcrowding' b/c that's so utterly stupid. the result is more crime on the street, business closing, less services and quality of life for joe citizen. honestly, are you that obtuse or just being blindly loyal to your side? what is good about more crime? lol
  9. can we just, simply, agree on / admit this: the progressive (and more recently instituted) crime policies were asinine in concept and proven to be unhelpful in practice? can we just agree on that?
  10. lol. why states? oh b/c the data will be twisted to show what you want it to show. the cities are all run by democratic mayors that are continually pushing progressive policies to not enforce laws, punish or prosecute. which is the genesis of this very topic.
  11. that's a shitty fucking answer. if he's corrupt he's corrupt. god knows (maybe liberals don't) that he's incompetent. corrupt + incompentent seems great.
  12. Tucker's the GOAT. ffs, Alex Jones was more in tune than any of you want to admit. such a strange time where liberals want to suck off everything the GOV'T tells them. truly bizarre. if you don't question everything, ya got a screw loose. mask and booster sheep
  13. Rasta, sincere question, brother. you don't think there's any substance to this? that can't be true. there's a mountain of (i admit, circumstantial) evidence. i mean, he's crooked as fuck. it's clear. so what am I / You missing? i'm kinda lost on your position. surely you know all the details. or is it that you just don't think anyone will go thru w/ it?
  14. i had zero intuition Ban would be totally off on this topic.
  15. why is it a 'nothing burger' ?
  16. i worked dairy farms for a number of years.
  17. the tweet says the Gov't made him dump it, not the co-op.
  18. Canada is a dumpster fire or horrible policies. let's take some time out from railing about our government and shit on the peeps up north.
  19. i can't stand this administration. full scum.
  20. https://rokfin.com/article/14157/NJ-Freak-Ludingtons-Decision-Is-In
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