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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. That is a pretty nice write up of Trump, wouldn’t stand up to a lot of challenge. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Trump win next November.
  2. History will disagree in the strongest possible terms.
  3. For Republicans, Trump is the alpha and omega. Mitt Romney is a legitimate conservative, if that is what you are asking for.
  4. Same reason someone else deflates footballs. Cheating is part of the fun of the competition. Tell me you didn't pull headgear when the ref wasn't looking and I'll call you a liar!!
  5. You can't discuss an issue and ignore the crux of the issue, which - ironically - was the crux of your post!
  6. Of all the disingenuous posts in all the land this one takes the cake. No mention of the authoritarian himself, who is the party. No mention of his efforts to undermine everything he lacks control of or that which reins him in. Not the consolidation of his power - the undermining of all his internal rivals(RINOs). Not the purposeful sowing of mistrust in the legal system which is holding him accountable. Not the undermining of the press which criticizes him. Not democracy itself which rejected him. Not even renewable energy which prevented him from developing the particular way he wanted.
  7. It must be significant. The article says they are still building half of it. Equivalent of charging about 250k cell phones!
  8. Honestly, the only thing funnier than this is Jim.Jordan expecting someone else to honor a congressional subpoena.
  9. l'd like to see what triggered Chad. Guy may have had shade coming, since this is an internet video with little discernible context.
  10. Looks like the democratic socialists area step ahead. https://www.electrive.com/2021/03/02/worlds-largest-electric-ferry-yet-goes-into-service-in-norway/
  11. They are all going to eventually agree with this. This operation will result in Hamas' death and they will declare victory. That will give rise to others just like them or worse. History is clear on that.
  12. What i missing with the horses and donkeys?
  13. I can out MAGA you. Those and every other example you can regurgitate are false flag operations to ruin the good name of mail-in balloting. They do it in Democrat primaries to advance weaker candidates.
  14. Nothing you claim as truth is ever actually true. You are the most gullible, malleable person ever. You'll believe anything. You are a literal tool. Pollution? Oil? C'mon - read up on 'Deep water Horizon' or 'Niger Delta' or 'Exxon Valdez' some time for a tip of the pollution iceberg. Yikes. Oil spills are everywhere. That is not even discussing the consumption of it, which is much worse. EVs have a smaller overall carbon footprint even when powered by fossil fuels. Exploitation of people happens every day in every industry. Oil and mining of all kinds included. Coal mines exploit people in the same way as cobalt mines, only on a grander scale. Again, infrastructures don't change overnight. That includes energy and batteries.
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