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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. I have already said we are a gullible lot. Anyone who still believes election lies is a clown.
  2. It is easy to understand Trump's concerted, no evidence required campaign to undermine democracy is effective.
  3. There was no fraud in Maricopa county. Biden was shorted 360 votes somehow, but I suppose it all came out in the wash. Which government are you talking about? The AZ state legislature? That is the most relevant government and we both know they desperately tried to do a helluva lot more than admit it.
  4. You didn't cite your source or jross. Your omission is not a comprehension issue on my part. What people think or what percentage of them think it does not make anything true. It does indicate the level corruption our society suffers from a selfish, baseless and imaginary narrative created by the right.
  5. That does not in any way describe a stolen or rigged election. The only rigged elections in 2020 were the many gerrymandered districts at all levels. You make it sound like you are quoting an official of the Democratic party which is not the case at all.
  6. This entire post is a hot mess. Poorly interpreted bullshit polls of peoples opinions, none of which are even cited. No facts at all. Sadly you apparently believe if enough unknown schmucks think something is true, that makes it fact. Almost as unsurprising as it is unreal.
  7. Those of us with an open mind waited patiently for the right's army of lawyers and virtually infinite treasury to get evidence in court. It never happened. Not one shred of evidence. It is beyond pathetic to fight this on social media rather than use the legal remedies provided for precisely this purpose. It is a sad indictment of our society that millions and millions are so gullible and eager to serve the purposes of a single individual.
  8. Also worth noting Fatah Is not capable of enforcing any Palestinian law - election or otherwise - in Gaza and Netanyahu wants it that way.
  9. His post is overly enthusiastic. A “hold my beer and watch this” vibe. His tweet is dismissive and critical of what exactly? The weird part is it is a response to a dare rather than a response to a comment in a conversation. It is gratuitous.
  10. The beauty of the conspiracy theory is it lives untethered to reality. It can go in any direction it needs to for survival.
  11. What makes the tweet antisemitic is that it accuses all Jews of pushing hate, not some. The fact that it is an enthusiastic response to someone daring Hitler sympathizers to come out of the closet is bizarre in its own right.
  12. Eric's comment is unequivocal antisemitism. Musk agreed with it. The fact that Eric created that reply to a comment about Hitler sympathizers makes him a low life. You are adding imaginary context to make them seem palatable.
  13. @jross - you are actually defending this guy? In your own words, what do think Musk meant to communicate when he responded “You have said the actual truth.”
  14. The side that attempted to use force in order to seize control of the government.
  15. In my own words he agrees that Jewish communities push hate.
  16. In that instance, they're not wrong.
  17. Ad placement, if you are talking to me.
  18. Inevitable. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/ibm-suspends-ads-on-x-after-ads-appeared-next-to-pro-nazi-content-unacceptable-situation/ar-AA1k3rbv
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