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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. A lot people around here take umbrage with being called ma'am!!!
  2. You can’t change something as vast as the automotive industry over night. So, no in their current incarnation EVs are not for everyone. Or practical for everyone. Every one of your points are either wrong or unchanged by EVs vs fossil fuels. Pollution? Exploitation of people? Raping the land? Infrastructure building? These are not in any way unique to the EV industry or caused by EVs. Climate change denial is not worth a comment.
  3. The destructive language is on social media where people of all ages are pissing all over each other.
  4. That was unsettling, NGL. Still - What is the difference between telling someone how to vote on the floor vs bribing and coercing them how to vote behind closed doors? We don’t need to know how the sausage is made?
  5. We won’t see a change. There is a ‘til death do you part agreement with the 80 and 90 year olds.
  6. Correct! That is an insult. The word you are looking for is 'Pole' or perhaps 'Polish'.
  7. QOS drives profits? You don't believe that. I have never once felt like I had control over a medical transaction. You take what you get. You can shop a doctor around, but not a medical facility. It is law that drives QOS in the medical industry.
  8. Id rather be an oltimist and trust better leadership would cycle through than accept the continuing presence of the ones who brought us to this point.
  9. President? This isn't making it out of the Senate and everyone, particularly Johnson, knows it. The Senate will probably remove the IRS part, add in Ukraine and send it back. Removing IRS funding would probably cost the country money, so it is damn sure not about budgets.
  10. Right, they aren’t going nuclear. They haven’t built a new nuclear plant in 30 years and have no plan to do so. More importantly, they aren’t abandoning the renewable resources that the “left ***duck duck goose**tards” crave.
  11. It makes me feel she has had 36 years to make her ideas happen and she ran out of fresh ones decades ago. It makes me feel she is the poster child for term limits. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that the incumbent re-election rate is so high, which makes me think we need campaign finance reform.
  12. She has been in congress 36 years. And she isn't even a boomer.
  13. Absolutely. My assessment is she has no business being in Congress.
  14. Yes. We assess the person third in line to POTUS - that 99.9% of us didn't vote for and in fact was 5th choice - on the record he created. That will result in conclusions of all kinds, BTW.
  15. Interesting biased situations you gratuitously and arbitrarily generate.
  16. He has a long trail of social media posts, websites, associations, statements and publications. More than enough to assess his character.
  17. Some people use a specific permutation of LSD.
  18. History definitely plays a role in assessing this internet rumor.
  19. I count 6 transfers. Seems more than the average bear to me.
  20. Perhaps his uncle Bernard lives vicariously
  21. This fbi spying rumor sounds like a MAGA amalgamation of QAnon and ivermectin.
  22. No one was killed in the attacks on two military bases with about 20 ballistic missiles but it resulted in over 100 injuries and about 60 Purple Hearts. Not exactly futile and it is the only time the USA has ever been attacked with ballistic missiles. They also shot down a drone in the Persian gulf resulting in some brash threats of escalation from Trump and many rocket attacks occurred (and continue to occur) from Iranian proxies. You can decide whether that is closer to conflict or not, but there were certainly times when tensions were higher under Trump. Pretty sure I know where your narrative will take you.
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