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Everything posted by Plasmodium

  1. O'Brien is a clown. Mullin is the type of guy that campaigns on Christian values.
  2. Hunter Biden has accusers at the absolute highest levels of government. They have investigated him for years and years. The fruit of their investigations is revenge porn and salacious accusations. Pathetically, MAGAville remains on the edge of their seats eagerly awaiting the next accusation. Frankly, he is nothing more than a tool to keep the gullible motivated.
  3. Absolutely he is. Doesn't change the fact Mullin is the one with the solemn duties and responsibilities.
  4. Senator Mullin is doubling down that he wants to fight O'Brien. Apparently on principal rather than anger. Probably prayed on it. Deplorable!!!
  5. I don't think it is a crime for a priest or psychiatrist to keep the knowledge of someone's behavior secret. Do you know that it is? TBH, I don't think Cardinals and Bishops have been prosecuted when they were aware of abuse and took only internal action.
  6. I think the de-facto two party setup we have works against us. It emphasizes the differences and minimizes the similarities.
  7. If there are direct consequences for not reporting(e.g. liable) then it is a requirement, eh? I think there have been court cases attempting to compel priests and psychiatrists to provide information to law enforcement and they fail for religious privacy reasons. At least they do on TV. Interesting discussion because it is awkward and unsettling to support an obstacle to the prevention of child abuse.
  8. Not a fan of government required reporting for any reason. As far as churches go, Catholicism doesn't allow for such things so it is a moot point from their perspective.
  9. But they don't pay for it, including fuel and electricity.
  10. The Israelis are in the driver seat of any negotiation. Obviously Netanyahu is opposed to a two state solution, so they seem committed to indefinite low level hostilities, which will fundamentally include terrorism. Their long term plan must be slowly absorbing the West Bank with seizures followed by settlements while Gaza morphs into a forgotten wasteland. Hard to stomach watching and thinking about it. Soon we will be forced into rethinking the nature of our support for Israel.
  11. I remember McCauley getting absolutely schooled by backups at the Cowboy Open.
  12. Holy smokes! The influence Trump has had on the behavior and competence of the 'distinguished' members of Congress is astounding. Just in the last month- Shoving, threatening to fight witnesses, shamelessly whining about being shoved, calling members of your own caucus a little bitch, failing to produce acceptable leadership, wasting months of work to decide the obvious, calling another member a smurf and way more. Turkish proverb: When the clown moves into the palace, the clown doesn't become a prince the palace becomes a circus.
  13. Also, hard to believe PSU reduces itself to negative recruiting at this point.
  14. They fielded a nearly complete lineup, missing only hwt. Didn't see any matches, but they duelled VMI, Navy and Pitt. Suffered blowouts but it looked like they completed hard and won a few individual matches.
  15. I have a tough time seeing a national politician who could cross party lines. Which people are you referring to? Trump is divisive by design and has purposefully alienated most 'ordinary' people. Biden beat Trump by a wide margin. I could be a smart ass and say the people found their better leader but we both know that is not true.
  16. Interesting list. Nobody is hit every point since there is mutual exclusion amongst them. Even I hit some of them
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