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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. Idk there's a reductio ad absurdum problem here.
  2. I'm going with the Rialto.
  3. Yeah, on a controversial call. If I were the ref, he woulda been awarded the 2. But what did Vito say . . . I had more numbers.
  4. 66 lbs finals Mavlet Batirov vs. Adam Batirov https://www.flowrestling.org/video/5291472-66-lbs-finals-mavlet-batirov-vs-adam-batirov
  5. I had to wrestle my step- brother in a ranking match / interested dual. Yada yada 4 months later, my step dad was gone.
  6. Greg Stiltner was tall. Go to 1.23.00
  7. This is the 2nd/3rd time in the past couple weeks that __________ have been called punches. I fall for it every time. I see -- x "punches" y -- and I click the link. Ejections / suspensions / bans are warranted in every case, but I don't see punches.
  8. I'm not looking down thread first, so here goes: Epperly McKee Sheets?
  9. So this God is beholden to a set of ethical principles. I assume that the way to skirt the contradiction is to say that he created the ethics. If so, couldn't he through the same creative power make a new set?
  10. How can a "perfect," I.e. "complete," thing get more perfect? What you are suggesting reminds me of Blake's gnosticism: the demiurge just keeps spitting out more gods, breaking itself over and over again. Perhaps this is why some folks see Christianity as polytheistic.
  11. Then by definition this God isn't omnipotent
  12. Though not so good at the graphic design.
  13. Re breaking: I have always thought that mental collapses in later rounds of Grand Slam tennis were the most compelling to watch. The kind of doubts that take hold in 30 sec in a wrestling match, slowly creep in over an hour long set played. Slowly, you see "COMEON!!" become "Reset" become "Let me get the next one please" become "AREYOUKIDDINGME!" become "uncle" become "I hate myself and want to die." Add to the stress the fact that in tennis you don't know when you will finally get put out of your misery if you keep trying. Years of work for your therapist after dropping a match when you were up 2 sets to none.
  14. Had a sadistic coach who was in a group of 3 with me and this other freshman first semester: one man got stay in on top for 15 minutes (?) of 30~60 sec goes. That jackass got in on top, threw legs and just chked the shit out of both of us for the whole time. We both broke. F*@# that guy. What were we supposed to do? Fight him?
  15. What about the double break: Alton vs Grajales?
  16. Re Dr. Death: all you could see were his hands and feet.
  17. Sure, but not like buy-a-condo-in-Tribeca-money. In any event, I was just thinking that the NIL money would be temporary. I hadn't consider that the networking would help him after he left his shoes on the mat. Shows why my bank account us what it is.
  18. I don't know his story beyond saving Stanford wrestling headlines. Impressive, but I imagine folks don't go to Stanford with an eye toward making a life as a professional wrestler (e g. World Team member or college coach). I would assume he had other life goals. So yada opportunity cost yada, his decision to chase this dream is ... something.
  19. I agree, but I have skin in the game. One thing that is true about Killian is that he battled injuries for three years AND this is significant bc 1) he did it without much fanfare which 2) makes him like most DI kids. Kid was/is an everyman, blue collar hero: most of us busted our ass, wrestled hurt, rolled with the punches. But he just gritted it out for those of us without the skill, slickness, intelligence, grit, and dope coiffure that he had.
  20. Word, but do we weigh Cormier's post-NCAA MMA accolades the same as Taylor's World titles?
  21. I guess he forgot to tell his brother about it re 1996 ott vs Cross
  22. Never. Honest mistakes are the life blood of fora.
  23. Gotta go with Smith's calendar year + 1 month from July 86's Goodwill Games to 87 Worlds. Starts with a win over Isaev, torches Sanchez with a chest wrap in the NCAA final, throws Alexeev on his head with a Metzger* in a dual, and ends with another win over Isaev. *when John Smith is so much better than you that he goes upper body, you're in some serious trouble.
  24. This is either incorrect or a joke so heavily meta that I lost my way after the first few phase changes.
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