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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. You say "disturbingly pornographic," I say "provocatively Rubenesque."
  2. Brutal? Nah, Blasphemy! Boyd was a model Cowboy. Sit the kid who didn't want to be there.
  3. You're right: OSU would have been better off if he had retired a while ago. But I disagree with almost all of your justifications. Re he hung around for the paycheck: Sure, and so does everyone else. But, $$$ huntin' doesnt hurt a coach's chance for success. On the contrary, it's why they do the best they can. They want to win to get a bigger paycheck, no? Re coaching staff: Yeah, Perry isn't at his fighting weight, and so he isn't the best training partner. But, this isn't a coaching staff problem. This is an RTC problem. Traditionally, ass't coaches did fill the role. Today, it seems that the best operation has the lieutenants doing admin and organizational stuff. Re name recognition: Those six world titles are ancient history. But other than Sanderson, who are you comparing him to? Tom Ryan? Zeke Jones? Dresser? Koll? I guess there are some younger guys coaching, but their names aren't Dake, Taylor, Askren, or Burroughs. Re champs: It's been a diaster. I'm with you here. Re he's nice guy: Is he?
  4. I was coaching a Greco team in a dual at Line Mt(?) (It should be noted that we didn't have a Greco team, I.e. we were just there for the Freestyle tournament and figured what the hell). My kid got snapped down into like short offense position. The other guy had a front headlock. My guy goes belly down so as got to get head-pinched or gator-rolled off the mat. Then the mother-f#@$er with the front head-lock does a front flip/head spring with the front head-lock! He bends my guy in half backwards and breaks his back. The whole gym heard the pop, and about 5 of my guys start crying in rage. I had to stop fights left and right and get my kids to the parking lot while the trainers then the paramedics took care of Tyler. He was in the hospital overnight but was ultimately "ok." BTW sorry If you heard this one before. I told it on the other site
  5. That's what I'm worried about
  6. Is anyone else getting a weird Star Wars themed ad on this site?
  7. And that match had some peculiar scoring and/or flukey situations.
  8. Gotcha. Let's agree to agree.
  9. I'm sorry. I tried, but I can't resist following up: he is singing a song about macho-men disfiguring themselves to signal that they are macho to a decidedly non-macho post-punk-electro-Kraftwerk-Gary Nyman track. It's absurd. But "terrible"? It might not be funny (eye of the beholder, and the like), but didn't it achieve the purpose, I.e. to be ridiculously stupid? Edit: isn't it just beneath contempt?
  10. Seriously. And he seems to have aged 20 years in the past 5. My wife and I have watch all the duals for the past decade~ and at the start of this season she was like "What happened to that guy? He's lookin rough."
  11. ... And Douglas.
  12. Iowa didn't need to recruit the other colleges. They were playing by a different set of rules than everyone else. There's a reason Seay got it trouble: the AD gave him a very specific task and he complied . . . and it worked. But, I guess the NCAA and Iowa didn't like the other folks stacking the deck.
  13. I just want to stick up for some humanities programs: Reading Hegel, Heidegger, and Habermas in the original German ain't easy. Hell, reading Hayek in his totured/torturing English is worse.
  14. Guy did it during is time at Xtiansburg.
  15. I think the point is that WKN would never leave a full drink around.
  16. Can you explain "sequencing" so I can get the joke?
  17. I was recently rewatching his finals, and he would tilt with what looked like a hug, like he just gently wraps his arms around the dude -- no lock -- and leans over. Crazy.
  18. Mark my words: the current crop of youngsters who grew up with an existential fear of climate disaster, plague, and economic collapse and/or with a thorough distrust of the political mechanisms that spread this fear will not be motivated by fun, games, dodgeball, and play wrestling. The surly is coming.
  19. Really? I did not know this rule of bougie decorum.
  20. Despite the evangelism, the PSU guys seem pleasant. They smile and even laugh when they win. Even Bo Nikal who makes his living hurting other people at least went through the motions. Is there no room for surly dudes anymore?
  21. Really? I did not know this. Could you tell us more? Like, were all parties ok with this?
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