You're right: OSU would have been better off if he had retired a while ago. But I disagree with almost all of your justifications.
Re he hung around for the paycheck: Sure, and so does everyone else. But, $$$ huntin' doesnt hurt a coach's chance for success. On the contrary, it's why they do the best they can. They want to win to get a bigger paycheck, no?
Re coaching staff: Yeah, Perry isn't at his fighting weight, and so he isn't the best training partner. But, this isn't a coaching staff problem. This is an RTC problem. Traditionally, ass't coaches did fill the role. Today, it seems that the best operation has the lieutenants doing admin and organizational stuff.
Re name recognition: Those six world titles are ancient history. But other than Sanderson, who are you comparing him to? Tom Ryan? Zeke Jones? Dresser? Koll? I guess there are some younger guys coaching, but their names aren't Dake, Taylor, Askren, or Burroughs.
Re champs: It's been a diaster. I'm with you here.
Re he's nice guy: Is he?