Im gonna go ahead and hijack this Ferrari thread. Apologies.
Re Smith and Reinoso: There is some debate about whether Smith held something back in the Olympic pool match bc he knew that the Cuban would have to pin him to advance. Watching the match, that seems possible. JS keeps getting stuck in the same position (like a Merkle) but doesn't seem that worried about trying something different. However, those interviews leading up to Barcelona make it hard to believe that he would ever concede a match, esp to Reinoso:
“It’s the same way with that Cuban. Even today I think about this guy beating me. I think about it every time I see him, everywhere I go at world events. I look across at him and he can say he beat me. It just . . . just gives me stomachaches when I think about it. I mean, this guy got beat by a guy from Sri Lanka at the World Championships. Sri Lanka? Where’s Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka. And he beat me. A guy from Sri Lanka can’t even beat high school wrestlers from the USA. It just takes a little bit of you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over things like that.