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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. Which wrestler on your team do you hate the most? OSU - Chris Perry . . . Put your goddamn foot on the starting line.
  2. You know that this line was not originally in John? I didn't until recently. Apparently, the adultery story was added by scribes translating the source into Latin. about hundred years after the first appearances of the gospel.
  3. It would be cool if Aaron Brooks could tell us how Matthew and Luke grew out of Mark, how this impacted his understanding of what Jesus said on the cross, and what role this understanding plays in his decision to beat people up on the mat. No cap. I sincrerely want their faith to be more than a collection of cliches.
  4. How theologically literate are these guys? Can they discuss Anslem's onotological proof? Augustine's just war? Gnosticism? Jesus's connection to Jewish apocalypticism? Do they read Greek and Hebrew?
  5. Maybe they all just look gassed bc of the stuff that is endorsed by OkSt. I'm sure it just the chicken little in me, but the Cowboys have recently (since Collica-era) looked both sucked out and smaller than their opponents (chris perry -- who was absolutely monstrous-- and Joe Smith -- who looked cuddley -- being the exceptions that prove the rule).
  6. Certainly, but how would we deal with tu quoque responses? Would it be ok if a coach vocally/publically supported those athletes who followed the prophet Nas and his dictum "Life's a bitch and then you die"? You know, we are all aleays already dead? This faith also emphasizes just how insignificant wrestling is in the grand scheme of things
  7. Duhh. My bad. What about guys that weren't champs at the lower weight?
  8. Still hates his team.
  9. "Look like my ... " There's a million punchlines here, but you flubbed it. Great set up though.
  10. Anybody care to make a list of finalists who moved up and won? I'm sure I'm just fixated on those who haven't and so I am drawing a blank.
  11. Yup. Proves that I know absolutely nothing about pro wrestling.
  12. The WWE thing hasn't worked out for Gable. Judging by the fan reaction to his debut, he doesn't have whatever it is that makes folks watch it. To the untrained eye, it looks like he can't effortlessly make an ass of himself.
  13. I must have missed something. Why are you slagging Bono?
  14. Gable outweighs him by 20 lbs.
  15. I might have subconsciously posted this bc I wanted to tell a story about my friend who died about this time 20~ years ago. 5'4", 142 lb, recruited out of Bolles, FL, most laid back (aka stoned) guy ever. One fall weekend night in school we were doing stupid undergrad things, walking with a couple of wrestlers and this 7' basketball player (Chase something). It was a largish, supremely odd looking group, and we took up the sidewalk. Who do we see walking up by? Tiki Barbour (sp?). The fb player made indications that we ought to move off the sidewalk. My friend was having none of it. So, he grabbed Tiki Barbour by the belt and the back of the shirt and threw him in the street. We kept walking and just laughed and laughed. Rest in Weed, MW.
  16. I disagree if your worry is going to jail. Hot heads = cops = lawyers = broke. Measured guys might be more dangerous, but I'm never gonna find out bc I'm not an asshole who gets it street fights.
  17. Word. Short fuses are dangerous in the sense that folks who hang around with them are more likely to need lawyers at some point. Doesn't necessarily mean they can fight (though I suspect your first candidate might). Re Hidlay: yeah.
  18. Spencer is too little. I guess I'm shallow. But I remember the local paper (student newspaper ?) story when Brands took over at VATech. The reporter made the point (repeatedly) that Brands was a small man. The implication was that a little guy lacks a certain presence, gravitas and can't be taken seriously, esp when he gets fired up.
  19. There are a lot of tough dudes walking around DI, some more scary than others. Limiting ourselves to the last decade or so and excluding guys who turned MMA and actually proved their mettle, who would it be best to avoid in a street fight. I'm really interested in unlikely candidates and stories. Best entry gets a prize of zero dollars.
  20. 4 medals and 2 golds would have been a pipe dream in the Gatsalov, Batirov, Saitiev, et al era.
  21. What's the ruling about the situation where the bottom man tries to crawl forward in an attempt to scrape the top man's gut grip apart? Seems like was day-one par tarre instruction. Do you have to do it on the sly?
  22. UBI is on the horizon. I hope I live that long.
  23. "Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich starker" . . . maybe. Or, each successive trauma makes it increasingly difficult to bounce back. Consider how physical injuries breed more injuries. Seems possible that the same could be true of psychological or spiritual or institutional travail.
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