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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. "Hey your best guys can't play because they support the evil invasion." "You can't fire me! I quit!" "That's fine. We already said no to the guys that mattered anyways, bro..." "BOYCOOOOOOOTTT!"
  2. I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
  3. Being as you said 'AND' I will take that bet. You are ignoring the money behind Michigan (as well as the Olympic/World aspirations) on top of his having family at Rutgers. It is more likely one of those sneaks in to the Top 4 than the four you listed being the Top 4.
  4. 61 KG, 70 KG, 79 KG, and 92 KG have yet to be wrestled this year in any form.
  5. I expected to read the comments and see a lot of political trash. I didn't. It is mostly folks either complaining about WWE being fake or questioning Tyra Mae Steele as her name.
  6. Awww went to repost that and couldn't find it.
  7. This entire concept is asinine. Trying to not acknowledge or to acknowledge that the best will not be there due to political reasons is asinine.
  8. I am always about a good time. I hope you and yours all kept all your digits. That said, if you start out trying to foolishly sling mud, there will be those willing to sling it back. Perhaps consider that the next time you baselessly try to go after someone via the protection of a screen.
  9. Take the L, bud. You're fooling nobody.
  10. Reminds me of when Eastern Michigan closed shop... they had a 20W-0L true frosh in Tanner Smith... didn't have too many suitors, though. Was a big fan of his and was sad when we didn't get to see his career close out (due to Covid, I believe?).
  11. The more actual fights he gets under his belt, the deadlier he will be. My worry is that his life of cutting weight might have eaten his chin. He is(was) a big 65 KG guy. I wonder if the DC route where he goes 155lbs might be better for him? https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/fighters/375823-jordan-oliver That said, he is listed as 5'6" and that is manlet territory.
  12. Checks out... https://www.flowrestling.org/rankings/6031579-class-of-2021-high-school-big-board/38557-senior-big-board
  13. Sorry I hurt you?
  14. Thinking we need to send Alex Rossen his way?
  15. This one is not a good try. This one is rather lame.
  16. You're all over the map, bud. Good try, though.
  17. Tied for third, right? Didn't Gavin perform as well as him?
  18. I agree with all you said, but if the guy doesn't want to cut anymore, let him eat. He's good enough.
  19. Being that he has Olympic aspirations, you would expect him to navigate to a weight that lines up better for that. 133, 149 (fight me, folks), and 174lbs do not lend themselves toward those goals.
  20. "Oklahoma State improved to 10th place under Coleman Scott's first year as AHC." The key phrase in there is 'improved to 10th place' and in no universe is that okay by Oklahoma State standards. At the end of the day (year), the personnel were there to perform considerably better at NCAAs and they flat-lined when it mattered. It doesn't matter what was said, if Scott's assurances that they would be better when it mattered most were also not followed through on. It goes both ways.
  21. To be clear, I don't think anyone comes close to O'Toole, Haines included. Hell, I don't know if Haines gets the nod over Facundo at this point. I know it was a recently ~157lb Haines vs a Facundo that had acclimated to ~163lbs for the MFS season, but Facundo didn't beat him with Parterre. Using the season to bulk in to 174lbs on a Redshirt might be what the doctor ordered for him, as it were.
  22. I think Michigan could make sense of having both. Would need to shuffle some guys around, but college weight trainers can work wonders with that sort of thing. Especially those with the money like Michigan.
  23. Imagine if he came back and won it all at 174lbs, beating O'Toole and Haines in the process.
  24. Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but he might be going there because the reigning world champion is there. If he is there for college reasons, Micic is a graduate of the University of Michigan.
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