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Everything posted by Pinnacle

  1. Noto just made a nice comeback from 0-3 vs Barnett to 5-4 for Noto.
  2. Matches I want to see Phillippi vs Nagao Abas vs Murin Humphreys vs Coleman In the "Were adjustments made" department Paniro vs Van Ness Hamiti vs Kennedy Dean vs Allred Elam vs Warner
  3. I think Iowa is a slight dog in 3 matches tonight, but PSU is also a slight dog in 3 matches and Bartlett will have his hands full as a slight favorite at 141 vs Clay Carlson. If PSU loses at 165 then that weight is out. I think tonight's round slightly favors the Hawkeyes.
  4. This is the guy I thought he could be when he first came onto the college landscape at Midlands.
  5. Kerkvliet just got a 30 second fall. That gives PSU 8 first round bonus points.
  6. Tanner Sloan looking good against Gavin Hoffman.
  7. Dean looks like he weighs 184 vs his 197 opponent. Still tough on top.
  8. Starocci by fall
  9. Foca gets the fall, but Ramirez about to lose to Fish.
  10. Foca had Valencia turned for like 12 seconds and got a whole bunch of 2 counts instead of 4.
  11. Facundo beaten repeatedly with a whizzer.
  12. In 30 days Cobe Seibrecht went from "most exciting" to "the next Jacob Warner".
  13. Penn State slush fund has more capital than Silicon Valley Bank.
  14. Did Paniro just lose?
  15. Note to Shane Van Ness. Don't come out like you are on Nyquil. Just wrestle like your hair is on fire as in period 3.
  16. Did not know that. Thank you.
  17. Announcer guy just called Michael McGee "Mikhail McGee". Like's he's a Russian or something.
  18. Nadeo is finally healthy, but McGowan is tough. The match I want to see aside from Barr v. Welsh is at 139. Ryder Block vs Kasak.
  19. In the immortal words of Seton Hall Pirate "Only Dan Monthly Can Prevent Penn State From Winning the 2023 NCAA Championship".
  20. Gomez and Ridge are two different styles. Too bad Gomez is hurt because I think he would give Yianni a real tough match if he was injury free. Ridge is more like Sasso in my mind which is to say he is like Yianni just not as good as Yianni.
  21. Having seen Hidlay vs. Brooks before my confidence is high that Hidlay will become a human Peleton in this match, giving the boundary a complete workout as he stays as far from Brooks as possible while trying to lull him into reaching too far just one time.
  22. Maybe Glory can beat Spencer Lee if Princeton engineered some sort of magic potion to get him up to 160lbs by match time.
  23. I am probably wrong but I like making one pick that is at least a reach to give me some rooting interest. O'Toole did school Hamiti that match. I think Hamiti looks a lot better lately and O'Toole not as invincible. Keegan will probably school my pick here, but YOLO.
  24. I feel like this match is your basic stone cold lock to happen and I can't wait. I'm going to call this one for Dean Hamiti. I will probably be dead wrong but Hamiti is flying high and really confident. O'Toole has been knocked down a peg by Carr. Calling Hamiti in a high scoring 1 point match.
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