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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Israel decapitates, rapes, mows down youth? I'm not a believer, please show documentation of this. mspart
  2. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-palestine-hamas-attack-hostages-gaza-strip-b2426936.html Decapitating people is 1st degree murder. They raped and murdered women. They killed children in front of their parents. They indiscriminately mowed down youth at a dance party. They paraded bodies around Gaza to cheers. Again, what did they expect as a response? This was a monstrous attack by cold blooded killers. They should expect a somewhat similar response. The billions (and possibly trillion) of dollars of aid to the Palestinians has gone where? To make the people's lives better? To improve infrastructure? Apparently not. mspart
  3. Getting rid of wrestling (even though it was considered) is like getting rid of the decathlon and other track events. These are original events in the original Olympics. Move those to the side in favor of flag football or some other stupid sport? Don't misunderstand, I love flag football because I can play it with much bigger people. Of course I'm too old for it now but I used to play all the time. My team won our college intramurals. But an Olympic sport? Come on man! mspart
  4. Funny that he is even a topic of conversation still. mspart
  5. Lewis did it to show that Freestyle had become a sport that didn't need conditioning as I remember it. He did well his first match. His second match he did not do as well from a conditioning standpoint but still won. One of those two opponents was really mad they lost to the old man. Then he ran into Moza Fay and lost pretty badly. I think his conditioning was not up to the level he needed. So although he did well, he did not do well enough and this dissuaded him from entering OTTs as a past Olympian. But it was really fun to watch those matches. I think he underestimated the amount of effort in FS matches at that time. mspart
  6. But not answer the question that was asked. It is still out there for you. mspart
  7. I disagree, but what is your answer to resolve this? You claim to understand all of this, but what is your answer to it? mspart
  8. The thing Plasi is not saying is that these higher education level textbooks are not appropriate. Is Playboy, Penthouse, or general explicit sexual material allowed in school libraries? Especially elementary libraries? These books that have explicit sexual content is no different. They are not appropriate for the age group that the library is for. Not a word against "banning" Playboy etc. But taking a book that has explicit sexual material out of an elementary library or not letting it in at all is reason for crying banning of books. It is a situation that doesn't make any sense at all on the part of those advocating for these books. mspart
  9. There you go justifying it again. It doesn't matter. Murder is murder and is inexcusable. You agree. So there is no "how did we get here". There is only they did this cowardly act. There is no justification for it. mspart
  10. I understand 1st degree murder and call it out as such. Killing 260 youth does nothing to advance their so called claims. And they are so called as long as they do this kind of cowardly murdering. mspart
  11. Perhaps you did not say it was a good thing, but you did everything else to justify it. Their action killed 260 youth in cold blooded murder. But doing that is justified after what they have been through. UB - This kind of action is NEVER justified. mspart
  12. So now you are using the correct usage of "ban" with regards to books as you special ordered those. Not too complicated to do. Now explain why they are not found in elementary school libraries which is used by the heathens as an indication that these books are banned. mspart
  13. So Plasi, you did not respond about why Calculus, Organic Chemistry, and Thermodynamics books are banned from elementary school libraries. I think your input on that would be very instructive. mspart
  14. Uncle, Nothing you have said changes anything regarding these brave Palestinians targeting and killing 260 youth that were at a dance party. You can't make that sound like something noble. It was cowardice and 1st degree murder to do that. We will be agreeing to disagree here I'm sure. mspart
  15. Not banned. https://www.amazon.com/Kite-Runner-Khaled-Hosseini/dp/159463193X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JZAUJWJN5EGB&keywords=kite+runner&qid=1696872712&sprefix=kite+runner%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1 mspart
  16. These was an act of barbarism and cowardice in gunning down 260 students at a party and the other actions they took against civilians. This action should be condemned in the harshest way. Question: What did Hamas think was going to happen when they did this? That Israel would go, "oops my bad"? In 2005, Israel handed the Gaza Strip over to the Palestinians and rockets have poured over from there ever since. Shortly after getting sole possession of the Gaza land, they voted for Hamas to run things. And Hamas has always been about peace right? Gaza should not be surprised at the Israeli reaction and current siege. They essentially requested it, probably hoping it would bring in the rest of the middle east into the fight. mspart
  17. What!!! Calculus, Organic Chemistry, and Thermodynamics books are banned for 3rd graders? This can't be. We must fight this tooth and nail!! They must have access to these books. mspart
  18. Yes Rulon has "tried" to make the WTT the last few years. But he has not been able to get down to weight. Perhaps it works this year, but it is another year gone by and he is that much older. He might be successful and that would really be something. And if he was succesful, that would be huge news and might bring more interest in international wrestling. He last wrestled in 2004 Olympics and won bronze on less than 10 toes. I would give him a slight chance to make the US team. I would not give him much of a chance on the international scene. But it would be a good story that I have applauded in the past and been disappointed each time. But then I remember standout Andre Metzger's "comeback" in Greco and he was not very successful losing quickly. Randy Lewis had a similar result in a OTT qualifer. I think Rulon can win a match, maybe two, in OTTs but that might be it. He has an automatic pass to the OTTs I think as a former Olympian. mspart
  19. Well, not weird if what Semafor says is true. I've heard this elsewhere that RFK Jr is more of a vote stealer from Trump than for Biden. So it makes sense that Trump would start this process. But this other source I've heard says he should not bash RFK, but praise him and be nice to him showing his supporters that he is a nice guy with similar anti-establishment thoughts. Become closer allied with RFK rather than oppose him. Well, I'm not sure what should be done, just interesting the different viewpoints on it. mspart
  20. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4242026-trump-seeks-pause-in-new-york-fraud-trial/ A New York appeals court declined to temporarily pause former President Trump’s civil fraud trial but did halt the cancellation of Trump’s business licenses until after an appeals court hears his case. ... Defense attorneys argue in the Friday filing that Engoron had “no rationale or legal authority” to dissolve Trump’s businesses or order additional directives. “Supreme Court’s sprawling and punitive relief is both unprecedented in a civil action in this State and indefensible under the law or any reasonable view of the facts,” Trump’s legal team wrote. I have felt this same way. A civil trial usually involves suing for money. A criminal trial is for breaking the law. Before the civil trial even started, the judge, Engoron, rescinded Trump's ability to do business in NY. Certainly this action was not taken as a result of the trial, and the result of the trial would not lead to this. I'm no lawyer as Vak will attest to and perhaps he can give some clarity to this. But for a judge to impose penalties before the trial even starts seems like putting the cart before the horse. Penalties happen after a case is heard. And are these penalties that would result from a civil trial? I have a hard time thinking that is true. So I am not surprised that the appeals court vacated the penalties imposed until a full appeals court can look into this. This just seems rather suspicious that the judge is out to get Trump as much as the DA is and just couldn't wait to do something. But I think his penalties will get finally overturned by the appeals court if they do what is correct here. Please anyone, provide examples of a judge imposing similar penalties on a defendant before the case even starts? Ready, set, go! mspart
  21. This happened to me when I was on a jury. Guy knifed a girl. Girl did not show up to testify. Mistrial so the guy got off. My take: Based on the evidence presented to the point of the mistrial, I would have said innocent. But I tell you this guy was the meanest looking person I have ever seen in my life. He was guilty of something. The fact that she didn't show up to testify tells me his buddies got to her. Bad dude for sure. Anyway, I was an alternate so I didn't really have to do much and when it was a mistrial, we were all let go. But again, based on the testimony that had been presented by the defense, I would have voted not guilty. It was an unusual case in that the defense went first because the prosecution's star witness was a no show. Defense rested and the star witness was still a no show. Mistrial. mspart
  22. Are you related to Rocket Raccoon? To answer your question - Perhaps TrackWrestling or FloArena? I have not seen that stuff on themat.com forever. There are some historians on the forum here that might be more help. mspart
  23. Sounds like this will be confusing for awhile until USAW comes out with a statement. A challenge? Best 2 of 3? If more than one challenger, a round robin tourney? Best 2 of 3? Too many questions. mspart
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