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Everything posted by mspart

  1. That may be an issue. But diesel engine generate electricity so as long as the batteries are protected from the water, i think it would be ok. But they would need to think about that for sure. mspart
  2. They are working on this in Seattle. They want to do Electric Ferries for crossing Puget Sound. msaprt
  3. British Columbia has such a great free medical system that they can't handle all their cancer patients and are sending them to Bellingham WA to get treatment. It is such a great system that they are using the US as their example of how to get it done. https://komonews.com/news/local/british-columbia-canada-vancouver-bc-bellingham-whatcom-county-cancer-care-health-public-government-funds-vulnerable-payments-cascade-center-joseph-peace-diagnosis-minister-universal-system mspart
  4. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4296053-biden-allies-look-to-mitigate-fallout-over-latest-dismal-poll/ Biden allies look to mitigate fallout over latest dismal poll by Brett Samuels and Alex Gangitano - 11/06/23 4:12 PM ET ... The poll found Biden trailing Trump, the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, in five out of six battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania — while leading Trump in Wisconsin. Biden carried all six states in 2020, and they will likely determine the winner of the 2024 election.
  5. Well, based on the fears expressed here, I say we shouldn't allow schools to teach Reading, Writing, or Arithmetic. We don't want those types teaching it you know. Actually we are there if you look at the test scores. But kids are taught to know about CO2, gender ideology, and antisemitism if we look at the colleges around the country. And after all, those are the most important things to know right? mspart
  6. Are they proposing to move the other Palestinians on the West Bank? Remember, there are Palestinians in the Knesset. So I don't think ethnic cleansing is the goal. Getting bad guys out of Gaza is. Leaving them in the west bank. That is not ethnic cleansing in the way you want to make it out to be. Of course you don't think they are bad guys but I refer you to Husker's response to you. And I refer you to the 1400 people they raped, burned, tortured and killed, not as an act of self defense, but as an act of barbaric war that they now do not want. Well, they got it because that is what they initiated. What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. mspart
  7. Tough to go shopping when your appendix bursts. Now for other things sure. mspart
  8. This may be true but they will have to make an exception for food delivery and other trucks. They are just not practical as EV unless the solid state battery provides function as promised. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_battery That's understandable now isn't it? mspart
  9. Or perhaps mail in balloting is not secure, as apparently was shown to the judge. And who's to know. Primaries are usually low voter turnout. So stuffed ballots could be in the name of those that didn't vote. When signatures are not checked or there is no ID, who's to know if the ballot is legit or not? mspart
  10. Maybe the question should have been will Yianni make the Olympic Team for 2024? Then people can say their peace on that. Or maybe the question could be who will be our 65KG rep on the Olympic MFS team? Who wants to take on these questions? For myself, I don't see Yianni making the team. He would have to do some major improvement which can be done and a person of his caliber is certainly capable of it. But as has been noted, 65 is super tough. mspart
  11. I didn't remember that so googled it and found that Iran responded with a futile missile attack on Iraqi/US positions that caused no harm to US servicemen. Was there more than this? You said multiple times. It seems that there was no war with Iran that I recall so tensions did not apparently escalate. mspart
  12. After Trump had their chief dude Qasem Soleimani killed? mspart
  13. I think Israel has been very clear that this is an operation to cleanse Gaza of Hamas, all of Hamas. It is Hamas that will negotiate terms. Unless they are eradicated. That's the way I understand it. You are correct, the PA is not involved. To be quite clear, the Palestinians in Gaza have suffered because Hamas has taken all aid and given it to themselves first in the form of its munitions, its investments, and its tunnels. There is precious little left for the Gazans after that. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/palestine-gazans-hamas-food.html As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/13/israel-gaza-hamas-war-west-bank/ Israel orders 1 million Gazans to evacuate; ... “We need to separate them,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told reporters. “Those that want to save their life, please go south.” Hamas dismissed the warnings as “psychological war” and told citizens to stay. mspart
  14. I saw the pictures of the refugee camp and have to wonder why a refugee camp was in the middle of the city. There are broken buildings all around that camp. When I think of a refugee camp, I think of an area outside of cities along borders etc. I'm not saying that it wasn't truly a refugee camp, but it is an odd place to put one. mspart
  15. And what did Iran do while he was president? What has Iran done while Biden has been president? mspart
  16. I have to say I'm not a fan of 3 points. I think a better way to differentiate scoring would be to adjust the escape rule. 0 points for being let go, 1 point for an actual escape. mspart
  17. So Day 1 is pretty good. 4 weights - 4 finalists. Nice. mspart
  18. I am not a Trump supporter GWN. You and I don't know he's a criminal before, during, and after he left office. He is not being criminally prosecuted for anything he did before. He is being criminally charged for things he did toward the end of his time and for things after. So there is that. But I think those charges, for the most part, are politically motivated. The Jan 6 stuff is definitely political as they had the info back then but chose to prosecute now during the campaign. All of the lawsuits and prosecutions have waited until this campaign time. That seems just a little more than suspicious to me. That said, I wish he wasn't running for President. I don't support him. He is toxic to himself and everyone around him. He generally had good policies but submarined them with his antics. I am more of a DeSantis guy, but he is really not telegenic enough to get the traction he deserves in my opinion. But I think he would make a great President. I just see a political hit job on Trump and call that out, not because I support him, but because it is wrong when so many others have done worse and nothing happens to them because they are on the other side. mspart
  19. For a free country to survive, there are duties and responsibilities we all share. When we decide we want to be free of those duties and responsibilities, that is when the freedom of the country is diminished and the plight of those unfortunates caught in the middle is not good. You could say the same about taxes. If someone decided they didn't want to be yoked by that, it does little harm. But when it is typical of the citizenry, then it does great harm to the whole and the country is weakened. A free country does not mean you can do whatever you want. There are penalties for going outside the law. These laws are there to enforce the duties and responsibilities we all have so that the freedom remains. Freedom is not free, it is kept by vigilance to social norms. Families operate similarly as there are duties and responsibilities on the part of the adults. When one or both (normal family arrangement) decide they no longer want to be ruled by duties and responsibilities that they agreed to, the minor children suffer as a result. It is pretty inevitable. When you have a small number of broken families, the result is minor to society as a whole. When it becomes a normal thing, society as a whole suffers. But even if one child suffers, it is worth it to prevent that if possible right? mspart
  20. I want to go to those winter games. Italy is awesome. mspart
  21. That's pretty much 100% of the case. Although there are a few smart ones. One that is not is our own Patty Murray. mspart
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