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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. So, you are saying AMP supports and sponsors SJP and these protests. I got that . Who sponsors and supports AMP? That is what I would like to know. Might it be Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation. I'm sure there are a few off shore accounts and some shell companies involved here.
  2. Good morning . I hope you are doing well. I guess you misread my post. I asked a question. The answer could be yes, no or I don't know. I could assume you answer might be no. But I would be jumping to conclusion just like you did.
  3. He donated his entire salary for 4 years to charitable causes. I think that comes out to 1.6 million dollars. I believe that would be a tax deduction.
  4. We should hire this guy to come to America and give lectures at all of our Universities. This would be great. He could also stop by Washington DC and give a lecture to our Senators and Congressman.
  5. I don't think that would work but you never know it's a little too obvious. I mean these people are really, really smart.
  6. That would work. It has no cheese, no sauce and it is gluten free. This just might solve the problem.
  7. I was wondering why it is taking so long to figure it out? I feel if these were conservative groups illegally protesting on college campuses this would take about 1 week.
  8. These protests seem to be well funded protests. Are George Soros foundations tied to this?. Why does the DOJ and the FBI do nothing. You have radical professors on the campuses radicalizing the students. We should withdraw all federal funding to these colleges.
  9. Just saw this on the news. It was hilarious. They took over the Hamilton Hall building and now wants (expects) to be supplied with food and water. Idiots!!!!!
  10. (do you mean) how much?
  11. It looks like there are a lot of different semantics that have been employed over the years.
  12. I will go with a Constitutional Federal Republic. It seems to fit pretty well. A Democracy is a government ruled according to the will of the majority. ( which we are not). Whatever you want to call our country it is in DIRE need of repair.
  13. The Democrats already have a fleet of ballot harvesting combines. I think Corn Pop is one of the operators. Oh wait . I think he might have been eaten by a cannibal.
  14. I did. I also got the optional ballot bin (tank) extensions. It can hold over 5000 ballots.
  15. I just purchased a new John Deere ballot harvesting combine. It can harvest 1200 votes per hour. Which state should I start in first? I might need to get an entire fleet of combines by the look of things.
  16. That could also include power and money.
  17. I have seen videos of the Rayney brothers wrestling greco. How well do they do in freestyle and folkstyle.
  18. Those are the key words. (if it's Important to you). To some of us voting is a privilege and a duty. We take it seriously. If necessary, we will stand for hours but thank goodness we have early voting.
  19. WE have 2 or 3 weeks in North Carolina. The hours go late some evenings to try to accommodate people who work during the day.
  20. WE surely couldn't do that. That would be way to easy. The news media would go crazy. No waiting for a week or two to get all the results in from all the different states. Only 50 thousand votes separated Trump from winning in the last election. Having a week or 2 to tabulate the results is ripe for fraud.
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