My feelings are fine. I would think as a moderator you might want to choose your words more wisely. Calling people foolish names seems unbecoming of a person in your position.
I find your language on here appalling. Just because someone has a different viewpoint then you on a certain subject on this forum does not make them a racist, homophone or an inbred hillbilly.
How does one of the best trained security services (in the world), with the best technology get out witted by an inexperienced 20 year old kid. He gets a clear shot from 130 yards. I guess today the head of the Secret Service ( Cheatle ) will finally tell us. Finally. What a Catastrophic failure.
OK. Honestly do you really feel comfortable with Kamala in the White House as President? It's kind of an important job. Do you really think she can take on Putin, Hamas, China and Iran? Are you really comfortable with mostly open borders?
Maybe one of these days you can explain to me why the Chief of the Capital Police was denied the extra security he requested multiple times. This days in advance of Jan. 6th. Have the Extra security there the day before the protest. Why did the Mayor and the Generals deny the security requested. If you have a large crowd protesting you might want to listen to the individual that has some common sense. That is what people in charge of security are supposed to do. If the Mayor and the Army would have provided the security requested there would not have been a Jan. 6th. The crowd would have been controlled. Never give up security for OPTICS. That was really irresponsible on their part.
Never underestimate the power of the liberal media to destroy. Never underestimate the Democrats desire to retain power. They would destroy Mother Teresa if she ran on the Republican ticket.
Be honest. Do really think deep-down that Kamala is qualified to take on the most powerful role in the world as President of the United States? My thought on messy is the Democrats eating each other as you have to very different thoughts on who should be the nominee for President. Some want Kamala others want a choice with other democrats. This going to get really messy.
You would have thought Joe Biden would have remembered Ruth Bader Ginsberg when she refused to stepdown giving President Obama a good chance of getting a progressive Supreme Court Justice on the Court.