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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I know hospitals financially benefitted from a patient if they listed, that it was Covid whether it was Covid or not. Whether they were treating them or they passed away from another illness..
  2. Remarkably China only had 5,272 deaths. That might be a little bit off. I was wondering if we could send a bill to President Xi Jinping for 14 trillion dollars. Thats just for starters.
  3. Our enemies whole heartly want Joe Biden to be reelected. They are doing everything they can legally and illegally to make sure it that it happens.
  4. No. That is what Hur said about the trial that Biden would have to go through if Hur would have decided to prosecute him. It probably would last several months. Yes, Hur said a serious trial with serious felony charges. But Hur felt Joe was too feeble and too old to withstand a serious. trial.
  5. Why would The Make America Great Again (conservative, hardworking, patriotic) voters be crying. Thats just stupid. President Trump has raised 200 million see the conviction. His polling in the swing state is going up. I would think any democrat with half a brain would be crying. I'm sure Joe's reelection campaign is having a meltdown right about now.
  6. Maybe he creates his own luck through corruption.
  7. I really believe someone should take a poll of our enemies. Ask them which candidate that they would prefer to be in the White House. I believe it would be unanimous that they want Joe Biden.
  8. Some people might call it over confidence. I coached and wrestled for 25 years. You never underestimate your competition. Never!!!!! But I like that you are overconfident, and I hope Joe and his advisors are overconfident.
  9. Does anyone believe Joe could have made through 35 days of sitting in an ice-cold courthouse? With a very conservative judge and jury with a gag order on him? I think Hur was right. Joe is way too feeble and old to withstand a serious trial on serious felony charges. What say you.
  10. I really hope all the democrats feel the way you do. I really hope the liberal media feels that way also.
  11. If New York would go for Trump the election is over. No need to even tabulate the rest of the votes.
  12. The Biden campaign is probably pooping their pants right now. They are wondering how this is backfiring so badly.
  13. Sometimes political groups overplay their hand. Is this one of those times. It looks like this will be a really close election, coming down to about 7 swing states. We shall see.
  14. Snyder is a great wrestler, but I think his prime was when he was in college wrestling a tough heavyweight schedule. In addition to his freestyle wrestling. He just seemed to be a little sharper and more physical.
  15. I still think it would have been some great wrestling and I would have paid 100.00 to watch it on PPV.
  16. I would have loved to see a round robin, best of 3 matches between Sadulaev, Sanderson and Snyder in their prime. That would be 4 matches for each wrestler. At 206 pounds. I believe Sadulaev wins it. The matches would be very competitive. Snyder and Sanderson would be a toss up.
  17. It was reported that the 34 counts were 34 identical but separate transactions. Was that true?
  18. If you will look at the time stamp they hadn't even given the results of the verdict. I was shocked because they were reporting that the jurors were going home at 4:30. So, the different news outlets were talking about them coming back tomorrow. Then all the sudden they said we have a verdict.
  19. Alabama knocked off the no.3 seed Tennesse in their super-regional.
  20. I'm going with the 2 underdogs. Alabama a 14th seed and Duke the 10th seed.
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