The field needs them to turn into 2015 Missouri.
Based on seeds, MIZZ was expected to win by 10.5. Instead they barely made the podium, 28.5 points behind Ohio State.
Going into the 2015 tournament Edinboro was expected to score about 34 placement and advancement points based on their seeds. They actually scored 60.5 (75.5 with bonus added in).
Their projected finish was 14th based on their seeds. Their actual finish was 3rd.
And they did it with only 6 wrestlers.
My detailed data only goes back to 2010. Was there a more overachieving team prior to 2010?
This is not the reason for a push to consider alternatives to the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
The US dollar's hegemony over all economic activity is. The government that controls the world reserve currency, has great control over the world. No one looks at the US as a bad investment because of our tax or spending policies.
That the US government can control foreign banks is a perfect example. Even though the US has no regulatory authority over these banks themselves, they can effectively control a foreign bank by blocking or threatening to block access to all dollar denominated systems, like wire transfers.
It is all about power and control.
I'm a PSU fan who went to a small liberal arts school in the midwest. Never set foot on PSU's campus until this past fall.
And the there is @VakAttack who has never set foot in Iowa (or at least last time I asked).
All shapes. All sizes.
I am sure Erik "The People's Choice" Hinckley knows the answer.
On BWI they are talking about the trials pre-sale prices (tix went on sale today) reporting tickets for the Olympic Trials at $250 (upper) - $500+ (lower), roughly double to triple prior prices.
For lower section seats they quoted prices of $416 (section 101) and $512 (section 106). These were under $150 two years ago.
There are seven Final X matchups with a defending world medalist. Clearly every medalist is the favorite. But who among the challengers do you think can pull the upset?
57 kg: Thomas Gilman and Zane Richards
65 kg: Yianni Diakomihalis and Nick Lee
70 kg: Zain Retherford and Tyler Berger
74 kg: Kyle Dake and Jason Nolf
79 kg: Jordan Burroughs and Chance Marsteller
86 kg: David Taylor and Aaron Brooks
97kg: Kyle Snyder and J’den Cox