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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Rather than posting an article without comment and then claim you did not endorse what was in the article, try forming an original thought and then post that.
  2. Just when I think you can't get any more obtuse, you top yourself.
  3. Hard for me to say. But who knows what aspirations he holds to be behind the mic? He certainly has done that often. Maybe he aspires to open a business. There are an infinite number of ways to make money.
  4. You must have been looking in the mirror when you typed your response: From the article you clearly did not read: Were documents found at Mar-a-Lago already preserved? The general counsel noted having multiple discussions with officials from the White House Office of Records Management about their "concerns" over Trump's retention of the documents, as reported by Real Clear Investigations. The Archives' insistence on Trump handing over the records seems partly due to NARA's mission to "properly" preserve "a complete set of Presidential records," as stated on February 7, 2022. However, if the government already had access to the documents via the Obama-era program, then the documents would presumably be preserved already.
  5. Willie seemed to think neither JB or Cox had any interest in college coaching. And while he might not always be right, he always seems to be well informed.
  6. I do not think this case hinges on whether the documents were originals or copies. It hinges on the information contained in the documents.
  7. That would be funny, but boy I hope he has matured beyond that. On the other hand, I do like to be entertained, so...
  8. I think Cael Sanderson relies heavily on all of his assistant coaches. He seems to give them a lot of autonomy. In addition to Cunnigham, I think a lot of the lighter weight guys rely heavily on Cody Sanderson. You see Cody Sanderson in the corner more often than Cael Sanderson. I spoke to Sanderson once in passing at an NCAA tournament and said something like, "I am real impressed with what your coaching". He replied along the lines of, "it is just knowing when to get out of other people's way." He was immediately out the door after that so I never got a chance to ask a follow up.
  9. M2 now stands for money magic, or magic money. I always get it confused.
  10. Did OSU get the money? Or did their white knight make a deal directly with Amine? And what would the Amine to Alirez exchange rate be? Can you get 4, or 5, Amines for the price of one Alirez?
  11. There is one correct answer. Congratulations for finding it.
  12. That is hilariously tone deaf given the amount of but but but....Biden that goes on in every thread you are involved in.
  13. An immediate test of Taylor's ability to infuse his "just score points" philosophy into the hardest of clays.
  14. Amine can win the 32/33 match and then wrestle the whole backside without sniffing a bonus point.
  15. To the creative type all books are coloring books.
  16. I am not 100% sure what to make of this so I thought I would just throw it out there for discussion. There has been a lot of talk (understatement alert) on this board about the decreasing number of bouts wrestlers wrestle these days. Some see water fowl wherever they look, while others see wisdom. After all this is a sport with a near guarantee of injury. I decided to take a look at bouts wrestled throughout the years for NCAA champions. Champions only, because we mostly worry about seeing the best wrestle more often. And it was a heavy lift finding historical totals. I also selectively chose years (roughly every 5 years, but not always) because there are nearly 900 champions at this point. Think of this as my own form of load management. The Data My Observations The early years were so vey different. Travel was expensive and slow, making it very inefficient. So it just did not happen. Many teams did not bother attending the NCAAs in the years it was not near by. So usage rates were very low. Prior to WW2 NCAA champions typically wrestled fewer than 10 bouts. With 3, or maybe 4, coming at the tournament, "regular" seasons were virtually non-existent. It is also possible that they existed in greater numbers, but there just is no record of them. Who is to say? In the post war era, there was a steady increase in the number of bouts through the late 1960's. But things really took off in the mid-70's. This also corresponds with the peak period for team counts. Hmmmm. The moment continued until bout totals peaked in the late 90's before beginning the steady decline we have all felt and bemoaned. 1980 was a weird and wonderful outlier of a year. Cal State Bakersfield wrestlers must not have attended a single class. The Roadrunners had two champs that year, Joe Gonzales and John Azevedo, who wrestled 55 and 53 bouts, respectively. All wins, by the way. With Howard Harris of Oregon State also putting it on the line 46 times (all wins), the west coast was THE hotbed of wrestling. 154 up, 154 down. Have we found a natural equilibrium (fewer teams means fewer opponents)? Or do we slide further from here (where for art thou holiday tournament?)? What is the right balance between usage and giving the people what they want?
  17. How often do you have to get your outrage machine serviced? It seems to run 24/7/52.
  18. I get it. You are a cowboy fan. Have to back your guys. But if they want to keep tweeting like this they should start riding sidesaddle.
  19. Hate this kind of tweet. Say the words. Or don't tweet. Don't give me this coy, shy, cutsey shit.
  20. Correct. While that is what the rule says, a federal judge in Tennessee issued a temporary restraining order barring the NCAA from enforcing that element of the rule.
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