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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Current NIL rules forbid performance incentives. But since everything the NCAA touches in court turns up a loser, maybe you do it anyway, then when the NCAA tries to enforce the rule you sue.
  2. A couple of thoughts: You are right that when presented with two, and only two, choices you often have to hold your nose and choose the "less bad" one. The first two in your list (college resume fabrication, plagiarized speech) are yawners for me. I am not sure what you are getting at about the 1994 crime bill. But if it the mass incarceration issue, at the time it was supported by the Congressional Black Caucus (2/3rds of members voted for passage). While in hindsight it had flaws, it was supported in its day. (https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-the-1994-crime-bill-cause-mass-incarceration/) Biden's history of racist remarks certainly does bother me. When I voted for Biden in 2020 it was a vote against Trump, rather than a vote for Biden. I felt strongly enough about this that I voted against what I believed to be my economic interests. While I like a tax cut as much as the next guy, and worry about the Democrat's penchant for expanding the government through taxation and entitlement payments, I was willing to take a hit in the wallet to vote against Trump. That I have never been wealthier than at the end of Biden's first term is pretty shocking to me. I know inflation is a hot button topic for everyone, and it is for me. But this is not either a Trump or a Biden induced problem. The money supply grew astronomically under Trump, and then it grew by a similar amount under Biden initially. Against that reality, inflation was inevitable. Rather than putting it on a single politician, it is down to an exogenous shock. Shutting down the economy due to COVID is the proximate cause. Who do you blame for that? Democrats for pressuring for it, or Trump for agreeing to it? Yes. Finally, my third rail is January 6. I cannot, will not, vote for someone who attempted to cause an insurrection.
  3. Trump and his supporters in a Phoenix mega church in front of these beautiful children.
  4. Say what you mean, mean what you say. When coaches start acting like they were trained at a clickbait factor, I am out. Well not really. But I will make fun of them. Every time.
  5. Does Trump no longer use Twitter? I know there was a period before the merger closed where it could have been problematic for him to use Twitter while raising money for Truth Social.
  6. The Iowa board (GIA) has been saying the same thing for the past few days. Bono did one of those cryptic/could-mean-anything/totally-non-specific/look-how-cute-and-coy-I-am tweets that I absolutely hate. So there is that.
  7. It isn't like they convicted an innocent man here. Nothing fake about it. A guilty man got convicted.
  8. Nope, neither. But I do believe in the "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" philosophy.
  9. Why doesn't Biden talk about the important issues instead of wasting his time in Normandy and risking getting his hair wet?
  10. Yeah, there is that. And I like his defensive coaching. "Think of him as chewing gum. By the end of the game I want to know what flavor he is." But his offensive plan stunk.
  11. She also hits from everywhere. Her effective make percentage from beyond 25 feet is 50.1%. And Norman Dale was a bad coach. He punched a kid, demanded 4 passes for no discernible reason, hired a drunk, told the ref that the same drunk was an assistant coach when he went on the court thereby earning a tech when all he had to do was keep his mouth shut, had to be told by his team to get the ball to the beat player in the state at halftime of the championship game, and had to be forced to go to that same best player in the state for the final shot in the same game by the same team. They won in spite of Norman Dale and because of Jimmy Chitwood.
  12. Don't worry. He cares about ypu because you are special and different. Not like them.
  13. The WNBA was created in 1997. The case against Clark is that she is shooting poorly (37.3% overall, 32.7% from 3) and has been a turnover machine (leads the league with 67 turnovers). Meanwhile, Taurasi was third in MVP voting her rookie year, Parker was the MVP her rookie year, and Brianna Stewart was second in DPOY voting. The only claim you can make for Clark is based on popularity. But if you put her in, given her stats, she would get frozen out by the other players, and for good reason. I do not think it would be a particularly enjoyable experience for her.
  14. I always thought of this as an example of when taunting goes right. My wife is the quiet type who does not like to draw attention. I am...well, let's just say opposites attract. At my first job we had a monthly poker game for small stakes. When I told my wife that when I got up in the game the rest of the table was going to hear about it, she thought that was a bad idea because I might lose. I thought it was a good idea to get my licks in when I was winning, also because I might lose. Kyle Todrank is my people. He knew he was going to go down in flames, so when he scored a fluke takedown, he had to let everyone know about it.
  15. there is a guy on Happy Valley Insider who has done exactly that for all the PSU wrestlers for years.
  16. This just in: Man predicts bad thing he said will be viewed as bad thing. Gets credit for his prediction.
  17. Thanks for posting. I would be interested in which college teams use their software. The results at the NCAA tournament were slightly different. There was a drop in pin falls, possibly due to the rise in tech falls.
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