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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Or a brother from another mother? Or a brother-in-law from another mother?
  2. Because when Minnow posted it it was a rumor. That is the coin of his realm. That it later was almost accurate does not change the characterization. Some rumors are false, some are true, and some are somewhere in between. But those determinations are always after more information, from real sources, comes out. He gleefully deals in rumors. It is what he does because he is addicted to being first. In order to do that he is very comfortable that truth is usually the first casualty.
  3. He is listed at 6'1", but having stood next to him I would put him just under 6'. Now Aaron Donald was also listed at 6'1", and he did OK.
  4. With respect to the bold, I will quote my favorite person, myself: When you ask if he has left anything out or made anything up, you presume to know the facts. You do not. I just do not feel the need for a hot take.
  5. You are being hypocritical when you say it is not about PSU, but about PSU fans. There is a major difference between the Fix situation and this situation. In the Fix situation we had a statement of facts released by the investigating authority. Here we have a Minnow rumor followed by a fan-boy interview with softball questions. You want to characterize everything as a lie, 100%, you said. But you do not know that to be the case. When Brooks says mistake, you recharacterize it as a lie. There is a major difference between mistakes and lies, but all to often people willingly choose to ignore that difference and go with the more damning characterization in order to promote their narrative. What I am claiming is that I do not know what happened. Furthermore I am claiming that you do not either. I am also claiming that you are unable to admit to yourself that you do not know what happened because of whatever the opposite of PSU colored glasses is. As further evidence that you like to go with the worst possible interpretation of all things PSU, I note that you put "DT leaked this news" in quotation marks as though this is something Brooks said. He did not say this. He implied someone he beat leaked this. You can certainly jump to the conclusion that it was Taylor, but then you expose your hypocrisy by putting your conclusion in quotes to imply that is what Brooks actually said.
  6. You can claim you do not like the hypocrisy of PSU fans, but it is comments like this that expose the lie.
  7. I need to know how you feel about John Stamos.
  8. I think you are over estimating. Only 83% of wrestlers end their careers that way.
  9. Am I that transparent to you? How did you know I like New Order?
  10. Yeah, that matches what I found. But, the change to the grad transfer rule was pretty stealth, so it also would not surprise me if there is a second window.
  11. Tilting at some wind mills here. Usually it is best to wait until a PSU fan actually makes the claim you want to pretend they have already made. No one has said ignorance is a defense. And as a PSU fan I was pretty staunch in my position that the wrestling suspensions were as dumb and hypocritical as it gets.
  12. Zain with a second child on the way too. Very informative interview.
  13. Can you find any reference to the second window for winter sports? I was unable to.
  14. The simple reading is he is out of luck. But I do not know if I am missing any exceptions or exemptions.
  15. Not that I am aware of. It appears that for Fall and Spring sports there are two transfer windows. One is 30 days and the other is 15 days. For winter sports there is a single 45 day transfer window. http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Transfer/DIUG_Windows.pdf
  16. Good point. But can Iowa change their stripes? Gilman once said he left because the HWC was a job program (I know, I know, there are competing theories here).
  17. I previously said in response to someone, that I do not see Alirez going to Oklahoma State as that would not be money well spent. It would not get them to a title in his one year of remaining eligibility. But after listening to Taylor's press conference, I can now see it happening. Taylor emphasized the need to build the RTC right away. His reasoning is that you need to show recruits and possible transfers that there is a path to success beyond college, if they have those aspirations. Of course, anyone who is an NCAA title contender right off the bat has those aspirations. Against that backdrop, bringing Alirez in for a year makes perfect sense if it is a glide path to building the RTC. I think we all agree that Alirez will be a real threat at 65kg for years to come, so viewing him as an RTC building block rather than just a college building block means you probably make the NIL down payment on him this year to secure him for the RTC next year, and beyond.
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