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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Therein lies the rub. Only one person needs to think Starocci is worth it for him to get paid. And no one thinks you and I are worth a damn.
  2. That market value thing was always an unenforceable, silly addition to the rule. Certainly the NCAA is in no position to determine, and has no expertise in determining, an athlete's market value for anything. And because it was a bunch of unenforceable hand-waving from the jump, there has been no attempt at enforcement. Lord knows the NCAA is terrified of enforcing that element because they know it puts them right back in the courtroom where they are 0 fer the past couple of years. Also note that there is no prohibition on coaches getting paid more than their market value.
  3. I would assume so. Not sure how you can live on $35k. Interesting that almost every non-revenue sport has the lowest paid asst at exactly $35,568. I guess we know what the starting salary is at anOSU
  4. I went out and found my answer. https://apps.hr.osu.edu/salaries/Home/Salaries?JobTitle=Assistant Coach&Funding=0&Year=0&IsValid=True
  5. He implied it when he said the ass wiping thing.
  6. So who's private jet were they flying on?
  7. Your assumption is not necessarily correct. He may have the largest NIL and have rejected an even larger offer elsewhere.
  8. Yeah, but An OSU would be similar, as would Michigan or Iowa, I think.
  9. What does an assistant make at a top B1G program?
  10. Where does anyone's loyalty lie when they move on with their lives and get a job? Usually still with the university where they went to school. Rather than asking poorly worded, elliptical questions with obvious answers that are not the ones you want, why don't you just make a declarative statement?
  11. You can't handle tough internetting.
  12. That is for transferring OUT of Cornell, not in.
  13. Does Jake Varner return to the PSU staff with Kennedy gone?
  14. Daton Fix says hold my beer. No really, I am serious, hold my beer. And if DT asks, it is your beer.
  15. Say you were a freshman in 2021, then your five year window starts in 2022 and ends in 2026. To make it to 2026 you need some sort of redshirt between 2022 and 2025. But there is more than one redshirt type available. And there are exceptions and waivers that can extend the five year window. Let's take a look at what is in store for you. Military Exception Religious Mission Exception Recognized Foreign Aid Services of the U.S. Government Exception Conscientious Objector Exception Academic Study Abroad Exception Internship or Cooperative Educational Work Experience Program Exception Pregnancy Exception Regular Redshirt Olympic Redshirt Medical Year Waiver Erroneous Academic Advice Waiver Natural Disaster Waiver Extreme Financial Difficulty Waiver Circumstance of Extraordinary or Extreme Hardship Waiver So if everything, and I mean absolutely everything, has gone wrong (floods, lost jobs, injuries, bad advice, pregnancy), and right (Olympic redshirt, pregnancy) in your life and you have a sense of duty (military, religious mission, foreign aid, pregnancy) and adventure (religious mission, study abroad, internship, pregnancy), it is possible to be around a long, long time.
  16. The other open question is, what is Steveson's academic status? Did he graduate undergrad? Or will he need to worry about academic standing/progress ala the oldest 2 Ferraris last year?
  17. Yeah, me too. That is why I looked up the rules the other day. Of course, this is a case where my username has never been more accurate.
  18. Interesting. Fix was given a provisional suspension while he appealed. After entering a consent agreement with USADA the start date of the provisional suspension became the start date of the formal suspension. So, the question is did Brooks receive a provisional suspension? Of course, that is on top of the original question, did any of this even happen, or is it an overactive , irresponsible imagination at work?
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